Summer! This is the season God has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Warm temps, gentle breezes, early morning quiet, bird watching, garden surprises, naps in the hammock, colorful sunsets, family gatherings, roasted veggies on the grill, deck dinners, picnic lunches, walks with a friend, sandy shores, lapping waves, music on the river, floating down the Mississippi and MORE. These are a few of my favorite things. What about you?
As glorious as this is, I am grateful for the next season to come! I look forward to the change, but not quite yet. I find it interesting that our Creator divided the seasons with such wisdom. By mid- August, I will be ready for cooler temps, falling leaves and evenings around a bonfire.
I love to consider how utterly amazing this world we inhabit really is. Who but God could have created the wondrous cycle of the seasons? What wisdom and imagination to create such a cycle! In every season, may we take the time to be … still … know … and give thanks. May we embrace each season of life, each change, and each opportunity for growth.
Most of us would say we do not like change, but it is a fact of life. And if we are willing to embrace change, growth and new adventures await us! The blessings of change will maybe even surprise us. The only thing that never changes is God’s constant and unfailing love for us … this kind of Love is eternal!
Genesis 8:22 As long as the earth endures, seed time & harvest,
cold & heat, day & night will never cease.