Pondering the Time of Waiting …

Who enjoys waiting? Who can escape the process? Waiting is part of the cycle of life. And after all these years, I ask myself “why is it still so hard to wait?” I am impatient! I want things NOW. I enjoy instant gratification. I don’t enjoy delays, detours and unknown outcomes!

Waiting requires patience, strength and the willingness to surrender. Yet another reminder that I am not in control! The Word teaches that as people of HOPE, waiting builds character. And who wants to sign up for a character-building class? Not me! And yet, when the waiting period is over, such relief and gratitude fills the heart. How much more I appreciate what I have been given. 

After a long, brutal winter season in Minnesota that seems to have no ending, how much more spectacular will Spring be when it finally arrives? The greening of the earth, the budding of the trees, the colors that paint our gardens will be welcomed with outstretched arms of praise to the Creator! Each year the thrill and wonder of it all makes all the waiting worth it. It has been wonderfully created for our delight!

I’m eagerly awaiting the delicate blue flowers that peek through the wooded area in my yard … it WILL happen … in God’s perfect timing. And then I will know the wait is finally over! May God give you an extra measure of strength, patience and hope for whatever you are waiting for … God is faithful.

In peaceful anticipation,

Marva Sheriff, Artist/Owner
PS: You can view my past ponderings here.