Pondering the Process of Making a Christmas Card ...

Often life is referred to as a journey. On this side of heaven we never quite arrive. We continue to move along without seeing what is ahead, one step at a time. As people of faith, we are called to trust God with the process.

Webster defines ‘process’ as a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. Each and every year as artist and owner of Credo, I am challenged to create new Christmas designs that convey the message of Christmas in a fresh new way. We have been working towards this goal for months.

I have been reflecting back on what it takes to bring new Christmas designs to market. I am grateful for the many hands that are involved in the process! Each step, from conception of an idea to finished product, is equally important. And each person involved brings a different set of skill sets to the table. I hope you enjoy learning about the “making of a Christmas card”.

Step 1 – Prayer

Step 2 – To ‘think Christmas’ I listen to old carols, read passages in the Bible foretelling the birth of a Messiah and Savior in the book of Isaiah. I reread the story of Christ’s birth that unfolds in gospels of Matthew and Luke. Journaling then helps me to listen and focus. Often a word or image comes to mind…and then the process begins!

Step 3 – Next, I spend time at the drawing board ‘making thoughts visible’ with my paint and pens. When something finally emerges I spend time reworking, refining and simplifying. I never know exactly what will develop … it is a process!

Step 4 – I discuss ideas with Paula and Kathy; then time is spent crafting just the right words for the inside message. My goal is to pen a thought-provoking message using less than 10 words. Simplify, simplify!

Step 5 – When artwork is complete, the watercolor images and inside messages are scanned by Jeff. Each design is assigned a number, filed and placed on a jump drive for the printer along with detailed instructions.

Step 6 – Brian, the printer in charge of our print project then communicates instructions to Jane, who skillfully follows our instructions and creates each card design, with front image, inside message and back copy. She sets up a press sheet like a puzzle, with 10 different designs and 9 bookmark designs.

Step 7 – Color proofs are created at the printer for our careful review. We mark proofs with any necessary changes and Brian keeps the project moving forward.

Step 8 – After proofs are signed and approved, a skilled and highly technical pressman prepares the large Heidelberg press to do the job. This press was invented in Germany in 1914 and can recreate the watercolor images in great detail. We are so grateful for the expertise of this pressman; a skill often passed down to the next generation.

Step 9 – Once cards have been printed and dried thoroughly, they are sent to a department that cuts, folds, boxes, and labels each boxed design. Once this is complete, a driver loads the truck and delivers a tower of boxes to our office. The towers are inspected and placed in their proper order on the shelves.

Step 10 – In the meantime, Paula manages all the details that make it possible for you to order! She downloads images for Credo’s website and creates new pages for each and every item. Once this is completed, she publishes and makes it all live. She also adds all the details to Quickbooks so that we can process your orders.

Step 11 – The new cards now go to packagers who count cards, envelopes and sleeve them. In our over 30 years of business, we have had 2 faithful packagers, Marilyn and Judy! Now that they are no longer able, we have an intergenerational team of mother, daughter and granddaughter that are keeping up with the packaging of cards and bookmarks with tea.

Step 12- Before new designs are on our shelves and ready to ship, Kathy, our marketing genius, is busy planning how to best communicate with our customers. She wordsmiths and creates colorful and inspiring emails, Facebook & Instagram posts that announce sales, deals and what’s new. Paula then follows up with calls & emails to assist our wholesale customers.

Step 13 – Paula processes orders and prepares them for pick up by USPS and UPS. We are grateful for these workers who make sure your package arrives on time and safely at your doorstep.

Step 14 – And most importantly … YOU take the time and effort to send the Christmas message to family and friends in your corner of the world. And THAT makes the process well worth it! God bless you!

With gratitude and thanks,
Marva Sheriff, Artist/ Owner, CREDO DESIGNS

We can make our plans, but God determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9

PS: To view my past ponderings, click here.
[Credo Designs LTD] • [763-315-0377] • [www.credostore.com]