Pondering a Reboot …
A new year is in front of us! Time to hit the restart button. Are you ready?
But before I can restart I need to refocus, rest, review and then replenish what has been depleted. The last few months of 2023 were a flurry of activity for me, planning, preparing and doing! I must admit that once again I did not keep Christmas simple ... even though it is always my heart's desire. So once again I need to rest and reflect on the season and the year ahead. Simplifying is not as simple as it sounds.
Words of alliteration help me to ponder and reflect. I have been thinking about "re" words such as re-direct, re-align, re-store, re-lease, re-vive, re-lax, etc. As I begin the new year I need a re-boot! I am re-minded that God re-mains the same, always ready to re-direct, re-vive, re-store, re-juvenate and re-pair what is broken in me. He desires to redirect my wanderings, restore what is lacking in me and replenish what is empty.
And so my goal and my prayer for the new year is simple ...
LOVING GOD, help me to
Relax and rely on you as I begin the day,
Receive and respond to Your nudges throughout the day,
Return and rest in Your grace at the end of the day.
May our relying on the goodness and faithfulness of God be as simple as breathing in and out!
Rejoicing in the new year ahead of us,
Marva Sheriff, Artist, CREDO DESIGNS
P.S. Do you have a "re" word to add to this list? I'd love to hear from you!