Pondering Summer Days
As a child when the school year came to a close, I was ready to relax, play and have some fun in the sun. It was time for a break! Those were the good ole’ days …

These days, summer ushers in all kinds of activity on top of my usual tasks. Yard clean up, gardening, weeding, day trips, entertaining, visits from the grandkids, etc. Planning a vacation takes so much effort … clearing schedules, finding just the right VRBO for a family of 12 plus 3 dogs, making lists, packing, finding someone to check in on Lola the cat, mow the lawn, water the flowers and on and on. 
I am finding that summertime seems to be just as busy as the Christmas season. What has happened to those lazy days of summer? Have I become addicted to busyness? Maybe so. I am intentionally trying to find ways accept God’s invitation to come & rest. Surely this is the season!

To soak in these summer days and the marvelous creation that surrounds me, I’ve been working at creating a peaceful respite in my backyard. Instead of planning and preparing to go somewhere, I am finding that beginning and ending my day outdoors helps me just “be”. The sun’s rising and setting, the fresh air, the birds’ songs, vibrant greens, colorful flowers and the marvels of creation help me to “still” my heart and mind. When this happens I “know” that God is close at hand. And then I can rest. My burdens become easy and light. I feel like a child again, full of wonder and delight. Free from the worries of the day. PSALM 46:10

Most of us long to connect with our Creator. Why is a simple "pause" such a challenge? This summer, do you have a plan to "be", "still" and "know"? Maybe your time to come & rest looks different from mine. Any suggestions? I'd love to hear what your respite looks like ...

May your summer be a time of rest, relaxation, and reconnection with our Creator, the One who loves you beyond anything you can imagine.
In awe and gratitude,
Marva Sheriff, Artist/Owner CREDO