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June 2018 - Issue 10
In This Issue:
ACF announces $2.2M in grants this quarterfeatured
More than $1.6 million was awarded from donor-advised, scholarship, designated and agency endowment funds, while nearly $600,000 will benefit local arts and culture programs as part of the community foundation's quarterly competitive grant cycle.

See the full list of arts and culture grants
Thomas G. Knoll will receive the Bert A. Polsky Humanitarian Award on Tuesday, Oct. 16, for his selfless dedication to humanitarian causes in Akron. In addition to co-founding the well-known law firm Stark & Knoll, Tom also co-founded two local nonprofits ---      Big Brothers Big Sisters of Summit, Medina and Stark Counties and First Tee of Greater Akron ---      and was instrumental in the creation of Leadership Akron's N.E.X.T. program. He was selected by a group of former Polsky Award recipients.

Upcoming Event
ACF's 63rd Annual Meeting
Join us on Tuesday, July 10, for our annual meeting at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn. We'll  share highlights from the past year, as well as information about exciting initiatives coming in the new year. We'll also enjoy a live performance from the Summit Choral Society. Hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar will be available. The event is free, but registration is required by Friday, June 29.
Lions, tigers & bears ---     oh, my! Akron Zoo among new fundholdersnewfunds
The Akron Zoological Park Endowment Fund is one of seven new funds joining the community foundation's family of more than 600 charitable funds. The endowment will support the Akron Zoo's conservation and education programs. Other funds will  teach young musicians the joys of playing an instrument and help our local safety forces build positive relationships in the community.
Get Our Magazinedonorguide
The Signal - Issue 4 - Spring 2018
Check out our new issue of The Signal for the latest news from Akron Community Foundation, including:
  • How Ed Schrank turned his philanthropy into a family affair
  • Tips for charitable giving under the new tax law from national tax-planning expert Conrad Teitell
  • This year's scholarship recipients

By Conrad Teitell, LL.B., LL.M.

Even if you're not subject to the estate tax (less than one-tenth of 1 percent of people are), there are ways to get tax benefits right now for assets that don't go to charity until the end of life. Charitable life income plans pay you and/or another beneficiary life income with an eventual gift to charity. 

Additional Resources
Akron Community Foundation
345 W. Cedar St.
Akron, OH 44307
Office Hours:
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
Monday through Friday
Phone: 330-376-8522
Fax: 330-376-0202
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