United Way Day of Caring
Thursday, September 12th
PHLT is looking for volunteers to accomplish two trail improvements at the beautiful Kurmes Nature Preserve in Paradise Township. 

Working with Stewardship Manager Matt Schultz, one group will help construct sections of boardwalk over wet areas; the second will trim back encroaching vegetation. 

Tools are not required but the following tools would be helpful: loppers, pruning saw, electric drill/driver, gloves. Please dress to be outdoors, wear appropriate footwear (hiking boots recommended) and clothes that can get muddy. 

Drinks, snacks and lunch will be provided.  

Interested in this volunteer opportunity? Please register here.
Native Pollinator Seed Collection
Are you interested in learning a new skill, creating a pollinator friendly environment, and learning about local native pollinators?

If so, PHLT has an opportunity for a limited number of volunteers to help us with our upcoming collaboration with Project Wingspan by Pollinator Partnership.

Seed collection work days will be scheduled from mid-September through the beginning of October, depending on seed conditions.

If interested or for more details, email PHLT Stewardship Manager Matt Schultz at mschultz@phlt.org or call 570-424-1514.

Bog Day on Sunday Sept. 15th
The Tannersville Cranberry Bog is a very special place which contains many unique plants and animals.

On Sunday, September 15th from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM, don’t miss out on your opportunity to visit the Tannersville Bog! Each year, the Kettle Creek Environmental Center along with The Nature Conservancy hosts the annual Bog Day event.

Information on the bog preserve history and the Nature Conservancy will be available.

Pre-registration is required for this walk. Please call 570-629-3061 to register!

Join us for upcoming PHLT events!

For more information, to register, and to view additional upcoming events,

Saturday, September 14
5:00-9:00 PM
PHLT Members
Picnic and Full Moon Paddle
Millpond #1

PHLT will be hosting a picnic and full moon paddle to celebrate our amazing members.
An optional potluck, and daylight paddle orientation, will take place before the after-dark paddle beginning at
7:00 PM.
Tuesday, September 17
(rain date: Thursday, September 19)
7:15-9:15 PM
Stargazing with Astronomer Rich Grebb
Brodhead Creek Heritage Center
Cost: $5.00

Join astronomer Rich Grebb for a guided tour of the starry sky! The program will begin with star chart interpretation & hints for finding your way among the stars. An exciting opportunity exists for telescopic views of Jupiter, its moons, and Saturn & its rings!

Wednesday, October 9
10 AM - 12 PM
Signs of Autumn Walk
led by Stewardship Manager
Matt Schultz
Jonas Mountain
Nature Preserve

Join Stewardship Manager Matt Schultz for a brisk hike at Jonas Mountain Nature Preserve. Participants will enjoy the fall colors and look for signs of autumn throughout this beautiful preserve located in the far reaches of Monroe County's West End.
Sunday, October 20
1:00 - 4:30 PM
NPOS Walk #35:
Glen Brook Glen to Glen Trail West Walk
with local naturalist Don Miller

This guided PHLT walk is on a portion of the former Stroudsburg to Saylorsburg railroad bed trail between Godfrey's Ridge and the McMichael's Creek at Glen Brook Golf Course.

Pocono Heritage Land Trust | phlt.org