
four women
Photos by Doug Beasley


Urge Congress to Reauthorize VAWA
(Please forward widely!)

 National Task Force for Sexual and Domestic Assault


VAWA is here!


The Violence Against Women Act is due for reauthorization. Our wonderful champions, Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Mike Crapo (R-ID), will introduce a bipartisan bill onWednesday (11/30) to reauthorize and improve VAWA!  The National Task Force has worked closely with them on the bill to ensure that it will not only continue proven effective programs, but that it will make key changes to streamline VAWA and make sure that even more people have access to safety, stability and justice.  This is an important step forward for VAWA and we hope to get even more improvements as the bill moves forward!


What's most important now is to get the Senators on the list below excited about VAWA and to get their support for the bill.  If you live in any of the states listed below, please call your Senator(s)TODAY and ask for them to be original co-sponsors of VAWA.  We need to keep their phones ringing!


Please send any updates or questions to:


Talking points:

  • We know that Senator _________ cares about ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
  • The Violence Against Women Act is critical to our ability to address these crimes in our state.
  • There is evidence showing that VAWA has saved millions of dollars and countless lives.
  • We are asking for you to be an original co-sponsor of the Leahy/Crapo bill that will be introduced on Wednesday.
  • Please contact Anya McMurray or Noah Bookbinder at (202)224-7703 to sign on to the bill.


Sessions, Jeff - (202) 224-4124

Shelby, Richard - (202) 224-5744       



Boozman, John - (202) 224-4843



Murkowski, Lisa - (202) 224-6665       



McCain, John - (202) 224-2235  

Kyl, Jon - (202) 224-4521



Rubio, Marco - (202) 224-3041  



Chambliss, Saxby - (202) 224-3521

Isakson, Johnny - (202) 224-3643



Crapo, Mike - (202) 224-6142 - (thank him!)

Risch, James - (202) 224-2752  



Kirk, Mark - (202) 224-2854



Lugar, Richard - (202) 224-4814

Coats, Daniel - (202) 224-5623



Grassley, Chuck - (202) 224-3744



Vitter, David - (202) 224-4623 



Moran, Jerry - (202) 224-6521

Roberts, Pat - (202) 224-4774  



McConnell, Mitch - (202) 224-2541

Paul, Rand - (202) 224-4343    



Collins, Susan - (202) 224-2523

Snowe, Olympia - (202) 224-5344



Brown, Scott - (202) 224-4543



Cochran, Thad - (202) 224-5054

Wicker, Roger - (202) 224-6253 



Blunt, Roy - (202) 224-5721



Johanns, Mike - (202) 224-4224



Heller, Dean - (202) 224-6244


New Hampshire

Ayotte, Kelly - (202) 224-3324


North Carolina

Burr, Richard - (202) 224-3154


North Dakota

Hoeven, John - (202) 224-2551



Portman, Rob - (202) 224-3353



Coburn, Tom - (202) 224-5754

Inhofe, James - (202) 224-4721



Toomey, Patrick - (202) 224-4254       


South Carolina

DeMint, Jim - (202) 224-6121

Graham, Lindsey - (202) 224-5972


South Dakota

Thune, John - (202) 224-2321   



Alexander, Lamar - (202) 224-4944

Corker, Bob - (202) 224-3344



Cornyn, John - (202) 224-2934

Hutchison, Kay Bailey - (202) 224-5922



Hatch, Orrin - (202) 224-5251

Lee, Mike - (202) 224-5444     



Johnson, Ron - (202) 224-5323



Enzi, Michael - (202) 224-3424

Barrasso, John - (202) 224-6441


Click here to access a one page summary on VAWA Reauthorization.


Please let us know how the call went. Email Rosie Hidalgo, Director of Public Policy, at so that we can follow up with your Senator.


Let's get bipartisan VAWA legislation passed together! 

Thank you! 

National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and   Communities  
The National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities is a network of individuals and organizations committed to improving the health and well-being of Latin@ communities. The National Latin@ Network is led by Casa de Esperanza, a national Latina organization whose mission is to mobilize Latinas and Latin@ communities to end domestic violence. The National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities builds on Casa de Esperanza's experience working in local communities to support families, end domestic violence, and increase meaningful access to services for Latina@s and incorporates a research center, public policy initiative, and training.