May 2018
Conversion to NIBRS Update

The national requirement to convert to NIBRS reporting by 2021 is still in place.  While some states have been, let's say "wavering" in there commitment to this effort, the FBI is still moving forward  despite any rumors to the contrary.  

If you haven't already, contact your state UCR program to confirm its timeline. Here is a list of all state program contacts.

NIBRS Training
If you haven't started training in NIBRS, what are you waiting for?
Our 1-day course is an excellent way to learn how the program works and what you need to do to convert.  We currently have 2 courses scheduled in Florida however, to bring this to your area and get free seats, host the class;  see here for details. 


Transitioning to NIBRS
$79/person (with personalized certificate of completion, reference materials, Q&A)

The FBI has announced that all agencies will be reporting crime data via the NIBRS program by 2021. Learn about what is required to make a successful transition. We have a 4 step model to ensure success from start to finish- planning all the way through to certification.

Illinois FOIA for Law Enforcement
2 hour webinar
$79/person (with personalized certificate of completion, reference materials, Q&A)

A great 2-hour FOIA training for IL law enforcement. Learn the exemptions, fees, procedures and get clarity on what has to be redacted.

Submit your budgeting wish list with our training price list.
See Our Work in Action
What is PRI?

PRI is a highly specialized management consulting firm that provides public safety agencies records management, IT and crime data consulting, training and project management services. With core competencies in public records compliance, UCR/NIBRS, CJIS, RMS/CAD systems and records operations, PRI has proudly served over 1400 agencies since 2008.  
299 Alhambra Circle, Suite 316
Coral Gables, FL. 33134

PRI Logo
Ensure the success of your records management operations with our consulting services:
  • IT systems project management
  • NIBRS conversion
  • Retention schedules/records destruction
  • Document imaging
  • Business process re-engineering
  • Digital records management
Just one of the things we can fix...that file warehouse that nobody knows what to do with.
Love this one..."Sent to storage 6/30/15"

Thanks for telling me. Now, what's in the box?
The State of RMS 2018
(and where it's heading)
Would you recommend yours?
What would you say about your RMS to other agencies looking for a new system?  Would you recommend it? 

In the last couple of years, some new RMS players have emerged, disrupting the traditional monoliths everyone has heard of.  Others have had real troubles, leading to bad press and loss of business. Things are changing in the world of RMS and many agencies are currently shopping around. 

It's been a while since any kind of large-scale survey was conducted of the RMS marketplace providing insight into what systems come recommended by law enforcement, what systems you should steer clear of, and what features are better than others. 

If you use any of the below (or other) systems, we are asking only 7 multiple-choice questions (takes about 2 minutes) in this survey and will publish the results in our next edition of The Records Room.  Note: to get a complete and valid response, we ask that you have your users take this survey as well so please share it with your colleagues or membership (CLEARS, LEIRA, MTLEIRA, etc).

Caliber Cody CrimeCenter
eForce EIS Hexagon InSynch
ITI Kaseware
Mark43 Motorola
Niche Spillman Sun Ridge Superion
Zuercher Other

Thank you!

Our Training Seminars
Body Worn Camera Records: Law, Policy, Practice $385 
A two day program

The management and dissemination of BWC recordings is a rather, albeit unnecessarily, contentious issue. Whether or not the video shall be released according to the law is one matter while the decision to voluntarily release it is another. These issues are often conflated with the preservation of videos as "evidence"- a separate matter altogether from public records law.  In this 2 day course, in-depth practical information including legal requirements and best practices combined with a hands-on policy development exercise will be provided by subject matter experts from law enforcement.

Managing Police Records 
Retention and release of records
In this class you will learn how to determine how long records must be kept, in what format, when they can be destroyed and what the legal requirements are for releasing information to the public.

Building a Model Police Records Unit
A two day program
The only one of its kind, in this two day course learn how to minimize liability, improve performance, empower the records function, build professionalism, and increase customer service. Designed for records managers, clerks and supervisors, this course teaches you how to run the records unit as if it were a business: efficiently, legally and customer focused. Learn practical techniques that will improve the operations of this critical support component.

Evidence & Records: retention and destruction    $195
This course focuses on the proper management of the records related to evidence and property. Learn what the law requires. How long should evidence be kept? What about the records associated with the case? When the court sends a letter saying the evidence can be destroyed, should it be?  

 Crime Stats and NIBRS for the Police Executive $159
NIBRS is coming- learn all about it in this 1 day, extraordinarily informative course about your crime stats. This course is for those who need to understand the changes that are coming and how the numbers work, how to keep them accurate and how they will change.
Training Reviews
"I had the pleasure of attending your webinar yesterday on converting to NIBRS. It was excellent."

"The webinar was very informative and well put together.  It was very easy to take in."
Manatee Sheriff's Office

"I have attended many seminars and training classes over the last 20 years in law enforcement; I have to say with certainty, yours was simply amazing. You are very informed about the topic you teach. VERY informed."
Pleasant Hill PD

"I just recently attended one of your classes in Salina KS, which was one of the best classes I have ever attended by the way.  You spoke about a correction list that you would send to us if we emailed you.  Would you mind forwarding that to me?"
Norman, OK PD

Coming to a seminar near you, some "course material"....
PRI event
PRI training