Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, September 1, 2024

In Our Prayers 

Erin Archer, Donna Belch, Mary Bir, Linda Bixler, Clara Bowling, Ruth Bracht, Isaac Calkins, David Carter, Matthew Carter, Cathy Clifford-Nicholson, Teresa Clingaman, John Cocciolone, Deb Conklin, Kris Conner, Ann Corral, David Cornwell, Brad Crowder, Michele Dollarhite, Lynda and Mike Eckard, Ed Gomez, Susan Green, Dan Hannie, Cheryl Harkenrider, Joseph Harkenrider, Charlene Holly, Bob Huff, Kyle Huff, Dwight James, Tony Kell, Sarah LaRoque, Brian Laurenz, Joan Lipscomb, Sandy Lockwood, Skyler Lockwood, Marc and Rachel Lovelace, Connie Mabe, Kelly Massey, Jane Meredith, Jim Michels, Lori Michels, Peter Michels, Jim Nelson, Sally Packard, Ethan Palmer, Carol Patterson, Rainee Purdue, Jacqueline Sanders, Max Schilb, Barbara Senn, John Shannon, Maureen Shea, Travis Sheets, Jim Sidell, Claire Sims, Johanna Smith, Diane Somers, The Spitler Family, Terry Springer, Ricky Talarico, Donald Tulley, Mike Tulley, Carol Tyndall, Stan Volz, Marian Waltz, Dana Wichern, Maryanne Williams, Sandra Woodruff Cully

Sunday Service

Join us for our weekly worship service at 10:00 am in-person, or through our livestream on our YouTube Channel.

If you miss out on our live broadcast, the worship service will be available on our YouTube Channel and listed by date on the Sermon Archive.

Join us for online worship!

Our in-person worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We continue to record and livestream our services, with the recorded video available by Sunday evening. Masks are optional.

Worship Attendance Form

Joys and Concerns

Sundays at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-in will meet at 1:00 pm this Sunday. Please join this Zoom call for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.

Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 829-3823-4464#, then # when asked for the password

Click here to join Joys & Concerns

Order of Worship


Welcome & Announcements

Centering Moment

Call to Worship: adapted from “May the Door” by Sydney Greenberg

Hymn No. 465 “Teach Me, O Lord,Your Holy Way” | ROCKINGHAM

Invocation & Lord’s Prayer

Passing of the Peace

Response Song: “Deep Within Our Hearts”

Peace Prayer

Pastoral Prayer


Scripture: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Sermon: “Dirty Hands, Clean Hearts”

Communion Hymn No. 336 “Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face” | MORECAMBE

Invitation to Communion


Hymn “The Summons” (insert) 



This Week


September 2

Ian McCormick

Michael Spath

September 4

Phillip Colglazier

Traci Hamilton

Dawn Wiley

September 6

Clyde Dively

Jason Vanover

September 7

Kennon Nicholson

Next Week's Birthdays

September 8

Jayme Chasey

Clark Geerlings

Karen Goss

Bob Nance

September 9

Erin Archer

September 10

Mariah Western

September 11

Barrett Seals

September 14

Natasha Chemey

Linda Escosa


Sunday, September 1

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:15 am Anti-Racism Action Team Meeting

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

Monday, September 2

Labor Day - Staff Holiday

Office Closed

Tuesday, September 3

1:00 pm Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Executive Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 4

5:15 pm Wednesday Night Live

Thursday, September 5

1:00 pm Study Group (online)

1:30 Memorial Gifts Meeting

Sunday, September 8

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Education Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:00 am Plymouth Resource Faire

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

Wednesday, September 4: Wednesday Night Live Programming Begins

After the kickoff event on August 28, regular Wednesday Night Live programming begins on Wednesday, September 4. At 5:15 pm there will be adult choir rehearsal as well as Bible Study with Rev. Timothy, followed by dinner at 6:00 pm. (The new Eat, Pray, Play program begins the following week; see the announcement below.) Handbells will meet at 6:45 pm. All activities are open to anyone in the church, regardless of membership status. Come for activities, or just come for dinner and fellowship! The suggested cost for dinner is $10 per person, though no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. If you plan to come for dinner, please sign up in the Folsom Room in advance so our caterer knows how much food to prepare. Hope to see you there!

Click the button below to join Rev. Timothy's Bible Study via Zoom. The passcode to join is 773232.

WNL Bible Study Zoom

Thursday, September 5: Stones Cry Out Webinar Series Interview with Wendell Griffen

Join ICMEP on Thursday, September 5 at 1:00 pm for an interview with Wendell Griffen. Wendell Griffen is a retired judge; Baptist pastor; Co-Chair of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, a national network of African American religious leaders working for social justice. In 1984, he became the first lawyer of color admitted to the partnership of a major Arkansas law firm. In 1985, Gov. Bill Clinton appointed him to Chair the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission; in 1995, appointed to Arkansas Court of Appeals. Wendell and the Proctor Conference have been very strong in their support of full Palestinian civil, political, and human rights. Register by clicking the button below.

Register for Webinar
Upcoming Events

Sunday, September 8: Plymouth Resource Faire

On September 8, we will have a resource faire after worship in the Folsom Room. There will be tables set up on the different ministries and programs that occur in the life of the church. This faire gives the congregation the opportunity to see what all is going on, find where they might want to plug in, and ask volunteers from that ministry any questions. There is a sign-up sheet in the Folsom Room that we’re asking the various ministries, committees, etc. to fill out to indicate they will be present and need to reserve a table. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, September 8: Adult Chapel Class Resumes

Adult Chapel class kicks off this year with a series in September on Progressive Biblical Interpretation 101. This series, led by Rev. Ofner-Seals, is for anyone who may want the tools to interpret scripture through a move progressive lens. The series will run from Sunday, September 8-29 at 9:00 am and will be available in person and on Zoom. The password for Zoom is 461025. 

Chapel Class Zoom

Wednesday, September 11: Eat, Pray, Play - New Wednesday Night Live Programming

We are introducing new intergenerational programming starting Wednesday, September 11 from 5:15 pm to 6:00 pm. The program will focus on Christian faith practices, and for this first unit we will be focusing on the practice of hospitality. We explore this theme through storytelling, scripture, free play, and prayer, with activities that all ages can participate in. The first unit of Eat, Pray, Play will run from September 11 to October 2. Families and individuals are welcome to come to as few or as many sessions as they are able. Come check it out!

Thursday, September 12: ICMEP Interview with Ali Abunimah

On Thursday, September 12 at 1:00 pm, join Michael Spath via Zoom as he interviews Ali Abunimah, journalist, political analyst, and Director of The Electronic Intifada, the independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world. Click the button below to register.


Tuesday, September 17: Women's Book Study

On Tuesday, September 17 at 12:00 pm, the women's book study group will be discussing The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride.

"This novel offers the reader literary fiction, historical fiction, and mystery. The story is set in Pottstown, Pennsylvania in the 1920s and 1930s and follows the lives of Black and Jewish residents of the Chicken Hill neighborhood. It focuses on the Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, owned by Moshe Ludlow and his wife, Chona, and on the events that affect the people connected to it. Redemption, forgiveness, healing, community, respect, all play their part."

We welcome anyone who self-identifies as a woman to drop in to join us in the Amistad Room at 12:00 pm. In October, we'll be reading The Book Woman's Daughter, by Kim Michele Richardson and in November, A Fever in the Heartland, by Timothy Egan.

Sunday, September 29: Standish Wreath Order Forms Due

Merry Christmas! Wait! It’s only late summer, but orders need to be placed for wreaths now. St. Joe Tree Farm is graciously working with Standish Circle to keep the tradition of selling wreaths for you to order and receive in time for the Christmas holidays. The profits are used to assist those in need in our community. Wreath pickup will be at Plymouth on Sunday, November 24 at the porte-cochere entrance before and after church. 

Orders and payment must be received no later than Sunday, September 29. To complete an order form, either click the button below to print off the form and return it to the Plymouth office or pick up an order form at the front office on Sunday mornings. Order forms will also be available at the Plymouth Resource Faire on Sunday, September 8 at the Standish Colony table. Checks should be made payable to Plymouth Church and include a notation stating "Standish Wreaths" on the memo line. If mailing an order form, please make sure it is in by Wednesday, September 25.

Wreath Order Form

General Announcements

Volunteers Needed for Steward Campaign Mailing

The office is once again looking for a few brave souls to help us with the mountain of bulk mailing that we will need to accomplish this year for the stewardship campaign. We have two mailings that will go out, one on Tuesday, September 24, and the other on Tuesday, October 22. Shifts are broken down into two-hour increments from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm both days. Sign up to volunteer by clicking the button below.

Volunteer Sign Up

Free DVDs and CDs from the Louise Folsom Library

The Louise Folsom Library Committee is cleaning house! There are many interesting CDs and DVDs that need new homes. They are located in the Folsom Room. Please help us recycle these treasures! 

Writers Needed for Advent Devotional Series

Plymouth Church is developing a digital devotional booklet for the 2024 Advent season. We are looking for 20 individuals who would write a short article based on a scriptural passage. Each devotional in this project would include the following: a title, the key verse of the text, the devotion itself (the writer’s reflection), a question for further reflection, and a concluding sentence prayer. The entire article, which includes all the elements listed above, should be no more than 300 words. 

Your unique perspective and personal experience can greatly enrich our Advent Devotional, making it a meaningful resource for our congregation. If you would like to participate in this project or would like more information please see Garrett Pogue, or send an email to Plymouth.Advent@gmail.com. 

Study Connection Volunteers Needed

Volunteers for the 12th year of Study Connection at Plymouth Church are needed! You can be a tutor or a substitute to fill in on the few days when a tutor must be away. Contact Lucy Hess for more information on what is expected of a tutor and sub at lrh22@frontier.com or (260) 484-4430. Study Connection is offered at Plymouth every Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm starting early October to mid-May.

To apply, click the button below to complete the volunteer sign up form. All volunteers must have a background check which is done by the FWCS. Everyone is welcome to be a special friend to an elementary age child. Providing support and encouragement is the main task for each tutor and sub. Being a tutor is a great way to make a difference in a child’s life.

Sign Up Form

Office Volunteers Needed for Weekly Staff Meetings

Do you have some time available on Tuesdays and are looking for something to do? Would you like to aid your favorite Plymouth Receptionist in making sure that everyone is greeted with a kind and smiling face? Do we have the opportunity for you! Plymouth staff are looking for volunteers to cover for the receptionist during the staff meetings every Tuesday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. It’s a quiet time for the church, the most you may have to do is answer a phone or two, maybe complete a small project. 

To sign up as a volunteer, speak with Jake in the office or click the button below.

Sign Up Form

COVID-19 Protocols: Masking Optional

Masks are optional in worship and church programming. If you are feeling under the weather or prefer to wear a mask around others, it is an ongoing option. A high-quality mask provides good protection against infection even if others around you are not wearing one. We will continue to offer livestreamed and recorded worship services for anyone unable to attend services in person.

Open Prayer in the Sanctuary

For a time of personal prayer, the sanctuary will be available Tuesday through Thursday during office hours. Please enter through the Berry Street office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or jss@plymouthfw.org with any questions.

Plymouth Church Linktree

The following links can be found on our Linktree:

  • Plymouth Directory Login
  • Study Connection Volunteer Sign Up
  • Chancel Flower Dedication Sign Up Form
  • Donate
  • Past Chapel Class Series
  • Plymouth Google Calendar
  • Plymouth's Social Media

Plymouth Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Questions? Contact the office at 260-423-9424 or office@plymouthfw.org

Plymouth Church | plymouthfw.org

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