Spring officially arrives for those of us in the northern hemisphere on March 19th. Although March is typically one of our snowier months, don't count on the snow to replace the high value of dedicated Winter Watering of your young trees and shrubs when temperatures go above 40. And pay special attention to your Maples this time of year, more information on these beauties can be found here.
While we patiently wait for warmer and longer days, we are busy preparing for another great season at the nursery. We are planting, planting, and of course planting! We are also lining up several DIY workshops and renewing popular annual events. Be sure to check the event page on our website often this season so you don't miss out!
March 1-9 Hours:
Monday-Friday 9-4 Saturday 10-4
March 11-30 Hours:
Monday-Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-4