Happy Fall Friend!
It's definitely fall now. It took the leaves extra time to change but a windy, rainy storm has sped things up. As I write this I am running on generator power as my whole town is out due to that Nor'easter of rain and wind. I hope you made it safely through the storm and are preparing for the fall and holiday season.

October is ADHD awareness month. It is great to see how much new scientific information and myth busting are occurring. Back when I was just learning about ADHD there was not a lot of accurate information out there. I hope you check out CHADD.org for more reliable information.
This month's article is about planning. Planning can be difficult for those with ADHD as it can easily overwhelm and let's face it, it is not very exciting to do either. Hope you find it helpful.

Welcome new subscribers and thanks for reading!
Stay healthy and safe,