Tom Botzman – A Familiar Face
After thirty-two years of service as a college professor, vice president for business, and president for nine years at two universities, I decided to retire from full-time work in 2022. It was a privilege to be a part of educating students for so many years. (Read Tom's bio here.)
Today, I am honored to have been asked to continue to serve higher education, businesses, nonprofits, and especially students in my home region through the Stark Education Partnership (SEP). Stark County is fortunate to have a range of secondary and post-secondary institutions that are ready to serve the needs of our current and future students. My goal is to help students map their future, and use their educational GPS system to navigate technical careers, community college, a four-year degree, or advanced education as their personal way forward.
Preparation for the Real World
SEP’s vision is to build generations of successful individuals who fulfill their potential and grow roots in Stark County. They create pathways to local opportunities by strengthening connections between education and workforce. This fits well with my view that learning is a lifelong endeavor that should connect classroom theory to real-world policy and practice. That is, students learn many things through academic curriculum and co-curricular activities. For example, students participating in Stark Tank (both high school and college levels) obtain entrepreneurship and management skills by developing their own innovative business ideas and engaging with successful local business professionals. Ultimately, when students graduate, they must be ready to continue growing as they serve their communities, employers, and others.
Clearly, with how fast the workforce and its needs are changing, it will be increasingly important for colleges and universities to plan and implement curriculum and co-curriculum focused on skills, critical thinking, synthesis, and flexible responsive learners who are ready for a range of evolving and changing jobs.
Making Connections
As SEP’s Post Secondary Strategist, my role is to work collaboratively and collegially with higher
education presidents, faculty, and staff to identify majors, programs, and certificates that serve the needs of both students and the business community. After our initial February 7th meeting, this group of leaders (and I) will continue to join together frequently to discuss best practices and promising programs, identify with business leader's emerging workforce needs, and promote awareness of local career pathways by fostering collaborations between employers and educators. Further, we will support educator effectiveness by sharing new methods that work.
SEP, and our partners, actively seek internships, apprenticeships, and exposure to career opportunities. Using the most recent advances in measuring student aptitude, capacity, and interest in careers, SEP link the students to local firms and non-profits with a need to grow and develop a competitive and skilled future for our region.
Industry sectors, such as healthcare, manufacturing, technology, and hospitality, are growing rapidly and look to a bright future. By working together, we can accelerate our ability to keep our students in Stark County after high school or college. I look forward to collaborating with you for the success of all in Stark County.