December 7, 2020
Hi There,

At the end of each year, I plan for the next in 4 phases.

  1. Review the current year
  2. Plan for the next year
  3. Map out the plan
  4. Take consistent action on the plan and tweak as needed

This is a process I go through with many of my private clients. We set aside a half-day for #2 and 3 with #1 having been done beforehand.

Following this process has resulted in steady revenue (and profit!) increases for years, including 2020 -- two of my private clients have had their best years yet. Miss one of the steps however and it doesn't work.

This year, I'm hosting a virtual workshop with Get It Done Right and Escalate Community Members and invite you to join us.

Here's what's included:

  • Planning for 2021 Pre-work (receive upon sign-up)
  • 4-hour live virtual workshop on December 17th from 1-5pm Eastern
  • Random prize drawings throughout the workshop
  • Handouts for use during the workshop and beyond
  • Recordings of the virtual workshop to take yourself through whenever you wish
  • Follow-up Q&A group call in early January

And, for the first 5 people to register, a 30-minute private 1:1 call with me anytime before January 31, 2021.

Questions? Hit reply and let me know. I'm here to help. :-)

Stay safe, healthy and well this weekend and always!

To creating positive and intentional impact,
Sandra Martini
Profitability & Growth Strategist & Advisor
Fix This Next Certified Advisor
Author, Know the Numbers of Your Business and Overcome Overwhelm: Attract Clients, Add Leverage & Increase Profits
About Sandra

Award-winning Profitability & Growth Advisor and Fix This Next Certified Advisor Sandra Martini, creator of the Escalator Marketing™ methodology, delivers timely action-oriented insights that you don’t get elsewhere, highlighting real-world best practices for managing growth and change while increasing profits.

Through her speaking, writing and programs, founders and CEOs of small-to-mid-sized businesses have learned how to increase profits by optimizing their businesses in a way which works for them and their clients for over 15 years.

Sandy’s clients include a national satellite tv company, two cancer treatment centers, a university, authors and hundreds of small to mid-sized businesses. What do her clients say they like most about her?
That she isn’t all theory – Sandy speaks from direct experience and practices what she preaches.

Sandy is best known for her Extreme Client Care™ and ability to make the complex simple, doable and profitable. Outside of the business, Sandy is an avid walker often found on Myrtle Beach or the Conway Riverwalk with her newly-adopted BudBud or reading about business, food as medicine or the latest "Agent Pendergast" novel.

Her book, Attracting Clients Who Pay, Stay and Refer: The Art of Extreme Client Care, will be available in Q1 2021.

Connect with Sandy on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.