Planning and Economic Development


February 2024

This monthly update is published by the City of Poulsbo Planning and Economic Development (PED) Department to highlight news and trends in planning and development. For details on these topics and the department, visit our website.
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The Director's Chair

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was the Olhava Master Plan (also known as College Marketplace). This northwestern, 215 acre, portion of our City received master plan approval in 1997 and is still not at full build out. Over the years, this corner of our community has blossomed into a vibrant hub of activity including large scale commercial such as Wal Mart and Home Depot while also providing for higher educational opportunities with the Olympic College and Western Washington University Poulsbo campus, and diverse housing options of newer multifamily at Norland Trails and single family residential across the highway in Stendahl Ridge. 

Above: Aerial view of the Olhava Master Planned area, also known as College Marketplace.

Exciting prospects loom on the horizon as we chart the course for the remaining undeveloped properties. Our Planning and Economic Development Staff, alongside the dedicated members of the planning commission and city council, have their sights set on maximizing the potential of the remaining undeveloped lands. From accommodating the potential expansion of our educational institutions to spearheading the development of the Poulsbo Event and Recreation Center (PERC), we're poised to embrace the future.

Through the month of February, the planning commission has been hard at work with a keen focus on creating housing options in response to growing demand.

Below is a recap of their two meetings.

  • February 13: History of Olhava, briefing on the desires of the development community and staff’s suggestions on moving an ordinance forward;

  • February 27: Review of a draft ordinance to increase building height, modify existing uses, and reduced parking.

Following the meeting on the 27th, the Planning Commission set the public hearing for the review of Olhava Code Amendments for March 26th, 2024

Take the Complete Streets Survey by March 22nd

Help inform Poulsbo’s first-ever Complete Streets Plan by participating in the Online Open House. The Plan will support safe streets for people of all ages and abilities, with a focus on increasing safety, access, and connectivity for people walking, bicycling, using a wheelchair, or other mobility devices. The plan will develop policies, identify best practices, and recommend projects that advance safety and connectivity, help reduce congestion, and enhance Poulsbo's streetscape for all the City's travelers.

Community feedback is a critical element to the plan’s success. Please share your thoughts by using an interactive map for the identification of locations of concern for walking, rolling, biking, accessibility or safety as well as responding to an open-ended question


To learn more about this project and to participate in the survey, please visit the link above before the survey closes on Friday, March 22. Results from the survey will be later posted on the website.   

Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Poulsbo is undertaking a periodic review and update of its comprehensive plan, as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A.130(5). This is an opportunity to revise population and employment growth forecasts with the most up to date data, review existing policies to ensure they make sense for the community, write new policies that reflect the priorities of the community, and confirm that all federal, state, and local requirements are met. 

The next update of the Comprehensive Plan is due December 30, 2024. This update will plan for the next 20 years of population and employment growth through the year 2044.

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities:

Land Use Amendments - City Council Public Hearing

The proposed amendments to the Poulsbo Municipal Code (PMC) are presented in 3 categories – Housekeeping, State Mandates, and Housing Diversity.

  • Housekeeping amendments are part of the Planning and Economic Development Departments on-going effort to make land use regulations more usable for residents, developers, and City staff by correcting errors, eliminating text ambiguities, codifying internal policies, and reflecting changes in state law. The proposed amendments do not involve significant changes to the code.

  • State mandates refer to directives or requirements imposed by the state government on local jurisdictions or municipalities regarding how they plan and regulate land use within their boundaries. Mandates typically come in the form of laws, regulations, or policies that outline specific criteria, standards, and procedures that local governments must follow when making decisions about land development and zoning.

  • Housing diversity refers to the variety of housing options available and encompasses a range of housing types, sizes, styles, and price points to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences within the community. The concept of housing diversity recognizes that individuals and families have varying lifestyle preferences, income levels, and household sizes. By providing a mix of housing options, a community can better meet the needs of its residents and create a more inclusive and dynamic living environment.

The Planning Commission, in its role as the City’s primary land use advisory committee, held workshops on the proposed amendments on December 12, 2023, January 9, 2024, and January 23, 2024. Following a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the code amendments.

The City Council Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm, or soon thereafter. Public hearings are being held as a hybrid virtual/in-person meeting at the web address and call-in number noted below and at Poulsbo City Hall Council Chambers, 200 NE Moe Street, Poulsbo, Washington. This call-in number: 1-253-215-8782 and meeting id: 898 4841 6447 are provided for virtual attendance, in addition to this webinar link: Oral comments can be made in-person. Please state your name and limit your comments to 3 minutes unless additional time is granted by the Council. As a rule, the Council will not respond to citizen comments. Written comments can be emailed to by 2:00 p.m. the day of the meeting, and they will be distributed to the Council before the meeting. Written comments will not be read into the record.

  • Project Documents can be found here

In the Queue

The following projects are currently under review with the PED Department:

  • Hansen Olson Concomitant Release. City Council Public Hearing 3/6.
  • White Internal ADU. Notice of Decision issued.
  • Fire District 18 Boundary Line Adjustment. Notice of Decision issued.
  • General Sewer Plan SEPA. Comments due 3/11.
  • Hollingsworth Home Occupation. Under review.
  • Taqueria Chatita TUP. Under review.
  • Taco Time Design Review. Revisions requested.
  • Harborview Infill. Under review.
  • Viking Early Education Center ACUP. Revisions requested.
  • AKTIV Mixed-Use Building. Revisions requested.
  • Town and Country Remodel Design Review. Revisions requested.
  • 4th Ave Apartments Tree Cutting and Clearing. Revisions requested.
  • Oslo Apartments Tree Cutting and Clearing. Revisions requested.
  • Audrey Estates Preliminary Plat. Under review.
  • Plateau at Liberty Bay PRD. Under review.
  • Stockton Short Plat. Revisions requested.

The Many Roles of PED Staff

Did you know? On top of the larger land use applications, the PED Department staff also responds to public records requests, business license applications, sign permits, tenant improvements, deck permits, grading permits, and code enforcement requests.

For the month of February PED staff reviewed/responded to:

  • 6 New Single Family Homes
  • 39 Business Licenses
  • 8 Public Record Requests
  • 2 Tree Cutting and Clearing Exemptions
  • 1 Zoning Verification Letter

2023 Multi-Family Housing Report

Planning Commission Calendar

See below for agenda items for Planning Commission meetings. Please note that agenda items are subject to change. Check the website for the official agenda.

March 12:

  • Cancelled

March 26:

  • Olhava Code Amendment Public Hearing

Planning Commission meetings are held as a hybrid - virtually via zoom webinars and in-person at the City Hall Council Chambers. Please check the agenda for meeting information.

Planning & Economic Development
200 NE Moe Street | Poulsbo, WA 98370-7347
(360) 394-9748 | fax (360) 697-8269 | plan&