April 16-22, 2018
Bought and Sold
"Bought and Sold"
by Jacob Sheafe, ACC Art Student
Live Action Role Playing to Raise Awareness of Microaggressions
Highland Campus Acting Studio, Room 4.1420.15
Monday, April 16 & 30, 6:30pm-8:00pm

Faculty, students, and staff are invited to participate in a live action role playing event to raise awareness and explore the impact of micro-aggressions. Join this experiential learning exercise where participants play out the emotional strain of experiencing microaggressions in an abstracted way.
Email Charlotte Gullick to RSVP: cgullick@austincc.edu
Registration is not required, just drop by!
Batlab Makerspace Meetup
South Austin Campus Student Life Lounge
Thursday, April 19, 10:00am-2:00pm

The ACC Library BatLab is a pop-up makerspace for all faculty interested in doing hands-on, real-world, multidisciplinary projects in an informal, co-curricular setting at ACC Library locations alongside ACC students.
2nd Annual Fast Track to Success Conference
Leveraging Innovation in Higher Education
Thursday, April 19 - Friday, April 20, 2018

This conference will provide a forum for sharing lessons-learned, strategies, outlooks, data, and elements of Competency-Based Education pedagogy and other innovative models at all levels of instruction and learning in higher education. The theme of the conference is Leveraging Innovation in Higher Ed!
Globalizing Curriculum FLC
Applications Open
Applications Due Friday, April 20

This faculty learning community is a collaborative effort between the University of Texas and Austin Community College that works to support educators in infusing global perspectives in their courses. Faculty who are accepted into this group will have the chance to earn a $1250 stipend over the year of their participation.
Distance Learning AR Town Hall
Save the Date
Friday, April 27, 10:00am-11:30am
Highland Campus Room 2219

Join Dr. Erasmus Addae, Dean of Distance Learning, to discuss the proposed changes to Administrative Rule AR# 4.01.001. A live stream connection will be provided for those who cannot attend in person.

This is a second town hall hosted on this topic this Spring.
Online Workshops for April
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Teaching & Learning Excellence Division | TLED@austincc.edu | tled.austincc.edu | 512.223.7522