Sure enough a few blocks later he was going for his coffee at Starbucks and into the same parking lot-
4 cars away from where Trisha had left her car.
The parking lot serves many businesses with at least 100 spaces
I jumped out of our car and waited for the man to get out of his truck
He (about 40 years old) looked shocked
as I
approached him and said:
"I noticed the sign on your truck, I am a Prius driver and wanted to ask you about your sign doesn't make a young age I drove a 2+2 GT at this time in
my life I drive a much more conservative car...a Prius!
BUT why the sign, and why Prius ???"
I tried to show honest questioning- not anger or disgust..relying on the insight from Scripture "a soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger" Proverbs 15:1
He smiled and said ...
"Prius drivers think they are better than anyone else, they cut in front of other drivers and seem arrogant..."
Again trying to show neither anger or disgust...I said,
"When I drove my Mustang and was an atheist I may
have done the same thing."
(Actually, no way re the sign...however as I remember I did blow it often in different I could not throw the first stone!)
I said,
"I would like to give you a wristband to
you of our represents my transition from an atheist to a believer..."
I then gave my one minute testimony...broken home 4 times, atheist, Pysch major, read the Bible for 2 weeks, discovered I was a sinner and needed a Savior...claimed Jesus Christ as my Savior...NOW growing in grace.
Last I said,
"We come to this parking lot often so I/we
hope to see you again"
We shook hands and departed.