Pioneer Evangelism in Brazil
Barbara is leading an illustration of how to multiply disciples and churches .

Wade is preaching at First Baptist, Juiz de Fora, about the Grace of God. The Pastor of the FBC, Aloizio Penido, was one of Wade's best Brazilian and one of the first to be trained In PE Strategy in 1985.

Pr. Aloizio continues to apply PE principles by doing Bible studies in the homes of non-believers and has grown his church to be one of the largest in the state.
Wade and Barbara taught 5 PE conferences in
3 different states of Brazil.
PE Conference in Salvador, Bahia
Cruzade at Itapira, Minas Gerais; Brazil
Zuzbeda and Farouk
Very Powerful Testimony

Two Muslims gave their lives to Christ: Zubeda, and her son, Farouk, 36 years old.

Zubeda welcomed the Good News team into her home. They shared the Good News studies with her and prayed with her. It was not until the fourth visit that Zubeda shared her story. Her husband planned to sacrifice her and had already tried to do so many times.

Her husband wanted to sacrifice her for riches. In order to defend herself she sought help from witch doctors.

Her husband had several other women in his life. Zubeda suspects that her husband had already sacrificed two of them. Zubeda had tried to run away from her home many times but she was threatened by demons if she ran away. So, for years she continued visiting witch doctors to guard herself, for protection. 

Zubeda said that she had never thought of Jesus. Through studying the life of Jesus in the Good News studies, she learned that Jesus is all powerful.  That Jesus is more powerful than all other powers in the world.

Zubeda made Jesus Lord of her life. On the next visit the Good News team learned that Zubeda had already shared about Jesus with her son, Farouk. He too made Christ Lord of his life. 

Farouk also told the team that his father wanted many times to kill his mother. He confirmed that they had sought protection by visiting shrines and witch doctors. But they had found no peace. They both had bad dreams every night and were not able to sleep.

Zubeda shared with the team that since she gave her life to Christ she no longer has bad dreams, that she now has peace, and that things no longer move around in her home.

Zubeda said that it is because of Jesus that her husband, who has many demons, has never gone back to the house. She proclaims that her home is surrounded by the blood of Jesus. She and her son are praying for her husband’s salvation. Both Zubeda and Farouk are so very happy and say they have never had this kind of life. Praise the Lord!!
Please pray for their protection.
Prayer Schedule

29 Weems Creek Baptist Church, Annapolis, Maryland. Dr David Orr, Pastor 

06-08 Spiritual Awakening Conference; Marshall, Texas:
Dr Cecil Taylor: Pastor

14-15 PE Training for State Missionaries in Bahia, Brazil
16-17 PE Training For State Missionaries in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Facebook video report
April 16-21: we had 248,100 people to view our Evangelistic Video Message from around the world. 

A total of 216 people wrote saying that they gave their lives to Christ after watching.

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For Akins - Vídeo - M-2-1000. Thank You!  
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Suite H, Jackson, TN 38305
Jackson, TN 38305-3697
Phone: (731) 668-1893
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