Focus | Vision | Perspective | Passion
Executives and creative professionals face an often confusing and dynamic set of challenges trying to ensure that their business remains legally compliant. Yet few can afford the highly-qualified and versatile legal staff needed to deal with today's complex and inconstant legal and regulatory environment.
Adler LLC is a law firm focused on Arts, Entertainment, Intellectual Property & Media law, created with a specific mission in mind: to provide businesses with a competitive advantage by leveraging intangible assets and creative content in a way that drives innovation and increases the overall value of the business. Although we are a highly-specialized law firm, we counsel on a broad range of interconnected issues by leveraging synergies created where Intellectual Property Law, Contract Law and Corporate Law overlap.
We approach our relationship with each client as a true partnership and we view our firm as an extension of their capabilities. Our primary value is our specialization on relevant and complex issues that maintain the leading edge for our clients. We invite you to learn more about the services we offer and how we differ.
David Adler