Hoisting the colors!
yes, the jolly roger that celebrates the vittles and grog that is Thanksgiving... as I write this the bird is in the oven, and my prayer is all pirates everywhere are happy and healthy.

As many of you find yourselves on the internet or headed to the stores in the coming days please keep in mind:
Shop Local!!!!
Your local dive store has what every pirate wants, new certs, new shirts, new must haves!
If you go the cyber route:
If you have not done so already, please consider using Amazon Smile and choosing Dive Pirates Foundation as your preferred charity at  smile.amazon.com/ch/20-2464393.
I personally like this as it is no cost to your purchase, but helps a pirate :-)
We all have our favorite sites and many have a donation connection, please take an extra step and help our pirates in training.
Shop the Pirate Store!
Great time to shop the Dive Pirates Store, pick up some logoed gear, always a hit under the tree.

Or give the gift a membership! No supply chain issues, and an auto pirate it is the gift that keeps on giving with a new membership shirt every year.
Watch our social media channels for more ideas for gift giving and more, and please share!
Enjoy the Season Pirates!
*Unable to accept donations from Pennsylvania
P.O. Box 1564
Wellington, CO 80549
Phone: 877-EYE-DIVE