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Picture yourself helping a family in need.  Will you be in this picture next summer?
Read about one of the families that we will have the privilege of helping next summer... 
If you ever have the opportunity to host a TeenServe mission trip you may participate in the worksite visits, one of the most humbling experiences of the site selection process.  Please read further to learn about a visit that one of our Plymouth, Ohio site writing teams completed.

"We met the most unbelievable family last night that called about having their house painted.  Their 5 year old grandson, which they adopted at birth, has Down's Syndrome.  He communicates through grunts and sign language.  He just had his final chemo last week after three years of monthly treatments for leukemia.  The grandparents, in their 70s, were such an inspiration to us!  They looked so tired, but had this inner joy.  I mean seriously, how could I ever think I'm having a bad day after meeting them?  The little boy would not let us leave without hugs and kisses."

Who knows!  You might be on the crew that gets to serve this family in the Name of Jesus!

June 22-28, 2014

July 6-12, 2014
TeenServe Promotional Video - Short
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