Piatidnevka and Rabochaia Illiustratsiia Vsego Mira

These short-lived photo journals were published only during 1929-1930 in 33 and 27 issues, respectively. Produced on newsprint, these journals are ephemeral in nature. Offered here are near complete runs of these titles.

Piatidnevka. Five-Day Week.

Near complete run of 27 of 33 published issues. 

1930 ##2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,


Piatidnevka takes its title after the Soviet Union's five-day week movement implemented from August 1929 though late 1930. This movement eliminated weekends and most holidays for a five-day cycle that included an assigned day off. This system was changed in November 1930 for a six-day week and in 1940, the calendar returned to a seven-day week. (see, Robert Bird and Christina Kiaer, Revolution Every Day: A Calendar, Smart Museum of Art, 2017, Feb. 5 essay) Styled as a socio-political workers' illustrated journal. Rabochaia Moskva. Moscow. 8-16 pp. per issue. 18 ½ x 13”. $7,750 for the group.
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Rabochaia Illiustratsiia Vsego Mira (RI). Workers' Illustrated Newspaper.  

Near complete run of 23 of 27 published issues. 

1929 ##1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,

23,24 (21 of 24 issues) 

1930 ## 1,3 (2 of 3 issues)

RI was the “Russian edition” of AIZ (see, David King and Ernst Volland, John Heartfield: Laughter is a Devastating Weapon, Tate, 2015, p. 64) with the masthead of similar font but entirely different in content. This journal was profusely photo-illustrated covering topical cultural and political matters. Rabochaia Moskva. Moscow. 8 pp. per issue. 18 ½ x 13”. $8,500 for the group.
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