Letter from Fr Joseph:
Dear Parishioners and friends of Saint Antoninus Church,
The people of St Antoninus know how to celebrate in the Lord!
This past Sunday - the glorious Solemnity of Christ the King, we had a heavenly celebration of the “Divine Liturgy” (Holy Mass), followed by an outdoor Eucharistic Procession accompanied by a parade of flags from 21 Nations. Two hours later we began our Virtual Harvest Bazaar. Attached are pictures from all three.
I thank God for the faith and generosity of my St Antoninus family. Thus far we have raised about $44,000 in pledges and direct donations. That is amazing! Thank you to all who gave so very sacrificially, of your time, talent and treasure, whether big or seemingly small. May the Lord give fruitfulness to your offering. If you haven’t yet given, please consider making a sacrificial offering.
We continue to press on toward our goal of $100,000 for this year’s Thanksgiving Harvest. Stage I of replacing our dilapidated church heating system is two-fold: an essential electric supply upgrade (200 amps to 600 amps) and installation of one main HVAC unit in the lower church. Pray that we can complete these before the winter cold sets in.
Because this is a mission church, even though the majority of our funds come from our active parishioners, we also need the support of those outside the official boundaries of the parish, the “friends of St A’s”. Therefore, at this time I want to specifically ask you to reach out to others for support. The example I put before you is our Father and Mother of the Day - Lawrence and Joy Anyanwu. They reached out to family & friends, co-workers, doctors, etc., and thus far have been able to raise $7,200 in pledges and direct donations. So I ask you to extend our appeal to all those you are in some way connected to. Call them, or use WhatsApp, email, Facebook, text messaging or even snail mail. Send them the attached pictures and the specific appeal link we will send along with this letter. If you’d like me to send them a personal letter, just let me know. By God’s grace and your efforts, we can even exceed our $100,000 goal.
As we did last year, we will set aside 5% of what we raise to serve those in need financially. If you and family are in need at this time, please contact me.
Thank You Jesus - Lord of the Harvest, and thank you brothers and sisters.
In Jesus thru Mary,
Fr Joseph
P.S. Below is our Video Appeal link . Please pass this to to your family and friends.