Phoenix Navy League Council
The Phoenix Council Newsletter
Winter 2015
In this issue:
Mark Your Calendar...
Caption Bob Turpin in the East Valley Veteran's Day Parade
Naval War College to Visit Arizona in March 2016
Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl
2015 Sailors of the Quarter - USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
Breakfast with the Fultons
Phoenix Council Fly-In to Washington, D.C.
Team Arizona - 75
Supporting Our Veterans - Available Jobs with American Express
Important Membership Information
Quick Links...

Thanks for your support of the Navy League and the men and women of the sea services!

Kemp M. Ellis, President
Phoenix Council
Navy League of the United States

Mark Your Calendar ...

16-18 May 2016 - Sea-Air-Space Exposition - Arlington, VA - Bringing the U.S. defense industrial base, private-sector U.S. companies and key military decision makers together for an annual innovative, educational, professional and maritime based event.

14-19 Jun 2016 - Navy League National Convention - Charleston, SC - Information forthcoming

17-21 Oct 2016 - EuroNaval - Paris, France - The largest naval and Maritime Exposition in Europe is ready for another amazing edition in 2016.

29 Nov - 2 Dec 2016 - ExpoNaval - Valparaiso, Chile - The most important international naval defense and maritime show in Latin America.

*Event dates and details subject to change without notice.

Captain Bob Turpin in East Valley Veteran's Day Parade

Captain Robert Turpin, USN, Retired, was elected to the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame in October.  Bob is a past president of the Phoenix Council of the Navy League and currently serves on the Board of Directors.  He and his wife Polly were asked to ride in the East Valley Veterans Parade on November 11, 2015, to honor his service and his election into the Hall of Fame. &nbspWe thank Bob for his service to our country and to the Navy League!
(Submitted by Jake McManus)

Naval War College Visit to Arizona in March 2016

For many years, the Naval War College has toured the members of the Naval Command College all over the country, and for at least the last forty years the Phoenix Council of the Navy League has hosted them here in Arizona.  The Naval Command College (NCC) is part of the Naval War College, where senior military officer (mostly O-6, Captain/Colonel-level) from about 55 different countries travel to the United States to participate in this amazing program.

The NCC Class of 2016 consists of 49 Officers from 47 different countries.  The NCC began in 1956 and encompasses a rigorous academic program in National Security and Naval Strategy, including Field Studies visits throughout the United States.  The Field Studies visits are designed to expose them to all aspects of American government, business, healthcare, media, education, culture and much more.

In mid-March of this year, the Naval Command College will be in Cave Creek, Arizona, and we are planning on an event on or about Wednesday, March 16th, 2016, at the Carefree Inn & Resort.  You will have an opportunity to come and engage these accomplished men and women in conversation about their studies and world events and share your perspective on life.  We promise you will find this evening both personally and professionally enriching.

The exact time and place of the event has not been finalized as of this writing.  As soon as we have more information, we will keep you advised.
(Submitted by Captain Robert Turpin - (602) 510-7511)

Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl

The inaugural Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl, was held on December 29th in Tucson, Arizona.  Several Navy League Board members were involved. The entire bowl week was great and we thank all of those who helped to make it a success.  It was awesome that Congresswoman/Colonel Martha McSally, was on hand to sing the national anthem for the game.  She has a powerful voice and did a wonderful job!  Our local Navy League Area Presient, Bill Stevenson, was able to meet with the congresswoman in Washington and personally give her details about the event.  It was wonderful to meet the Sailors of the Quarter from the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), in Tucson.  As always, Bill Stevenson, Ron Fried and Doug Fulton provided a wonderful thank you for these outstanding sailors.  The group was introduced on the field at the game.  Also a special thanks to Phoenix Council board members, Denise and Dean Tomlinson, and crew for bringing the USS Arizona replica to the Arizona Bowl pre game festivities.  We were also able to get the USS Tucson replica.  Both ships were a great attraction for the fans prior to the game.   Ron managed the Colorado State VIP Suite and Bill the Nevada Suite.  Phoenix Council Secretary, Wendy Munn, managed the tickets for the pre-game festivities.  We deeply appreciate all of the help from the Phoenix Council!.
(Submitted by Kemp Ellis)

2015 Sailors of the Year, USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)

Hello Navy Leaguers,
It was an honor to host the Sailors of the Year from the USS Carl Vinson (CVN - 70). The Phoenix Council had made contact though the ship's Command Master Chief Martin Barnholtz while on a friends and family outing last June in San Diego, California.  The Phoenix Council was invited on behalf of the Newport Beach Navy League Council to attend their friends and family day at sea.  While conversing with our hosts and the other councils aboard CVN-70, an opportunity to host the ships Sailors of the Year began to take form.

Recently, several members of the Phoenix Council were just awarded a new NCAA sanctioned bowl game to be played in Tucson, Arizona, on the 29th of December.  With the permission of the Newport Beach and the Palm Springs Councils, who have adopted the USS Carl Vinson, the Phoenix Council made contact with their ship’s CMC Barnholtz and the screws began to turn.   Once all the parties agreed, the Sailors were notified about their pending trip to Tucson.  Below is information on the Sailors of the Year and why these well deserving Sailors were chosen:

Ship's Serviceman First Class Paul Mendoza is stationed onboard the USS Carl Vinson, one of eleven of our nation's nuclear carriers, which recently returned from a 10 month deployment to the Middle East in June.  He hails from the Philippines, immigrating to the US when he was 2 years old.  He was selected as the Ship's Senior Sailor of the Year from among 320 of his peers.  He is currently serving as the Leading Petty Officer of the Sales and Services Division.  He led 68 Sailors in the operation of two ship’s stores, a coffee bar, 20 vending machines, 10 storerooms, a barbershop and a 24-hour laundry operation in direct support of more than 5,200 crew members.  His team generated profits of $960K for Carl Vinson’s Morale Welfare and Recreation Fund.
Hospital Corpsman Second Class Larizza Sibayan hails from Manila, Philippines and is CARL VINSON's Sailor of the Year.  She has served as Immunizations Leading Petty officer leading 10 Corpsmen in more than 8,000 patient encounters, 2,300 Periodic Health Assessments (PHA), and 6,500 immunizations, raising the command's medical readiness from 75% to 90% over the last year.   As the aviation medicine work center supervisor, HM2 led nine Sailors in the execution of 75 flight physicals and 200 flight deck physicals.  Her guidance culminated in the command establishing a 97% physical completion rate.
Hospital Corpsman Third Class Riley Garn hails from West Jordan, Utah and is CARL VINSON's Junior Sailor of the Year.  HM3 is the only Third Class Petty Officer Work Center supervisor within the Medical department, a position that is normally held by more senior service members.  He led 12 Sailors in providing care to 5,300 Sailors and completing 1,026 sick call screenings resulting in a 100% return to full duty rate.  As part of the aviation medicine team, he provided more than 1,500 hours of flight deck medical coverage resulting in 30 MEDEVACS, 200 first responder evolutions, 450 minor care interactions, and five medical emergencies with zero complications during WESTPAC deployment 2014/2015.
Aviation Machinist Mate Third Class Steven N. Smith Jr hails from Brooklyn, NY and is CARL VINSON's Blue Jacket of the Year.  He is assigned to Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Department's Power Plant Division where he was instrumental in the breakdown, troubleshooting, and buildup of 63 Aircraft Engines in support of Carrier Air Wing SEVENTEEN flight operations during CARL VINSON's 2014/15 combat deployment.  His efforts contributed to the Air Wing's 2,400 mission sorties during Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.  Petty Officer Smith is continuing to develop as a stellar Sailor and was advanced to Third Class Petty Officer earlier this month.

The Sailors arrived in Tucson on December 27th and checked in to the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort; a huge thank you to the Management and Staff of the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort.   What you made possible for our Sailors is truly appreciated by all.  Once everyone was checked in, it was time for dinner.  We boarded and were off to Old Tucson Studios in an Arizona Department of Public Safety motor escort to the team dinner.  Once we arrived we were greeted by the staff of Old Tucson to a steak dinner with both teams.   The Colorado State University and Nevada teams and local organizers along with Navy Leaguers were present at this private dinner.  The 28th came early in the morning.   0600 we were on the road to meet with Jane and Doug Fulton and their children for breakfast.  We arrived at 0800 at the Fulton compound and were treated with eggs, bacon and pastries.   Once the pre-check was performed it was off to Sedona for a three hour flight to see the beauty of the Arizona landscape.

1230 back on the road heading for Tucson.  We arrived at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort at 1500 and some of the Sailors chose to take a siesta till we were off to dinner.   1900 we were treated to dinner at one of Tucson’s oldest and most notable restaurants and friend to the Navy, Navy League, and the Nova Home Loan’s Arizona Bowl, El Chorro Restaurant.   Thank you to the Flores family in making our Sailors feel at home.

December 29th, 1300 we were off to the Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl and once we arrived we were escorted to the exclusive VIP pregame party where the sailors met a host of dignitaries and had many photo opportunities.  A special thank you to Raymond Desmond and Jon Volpe for the time and inspiration they gave to the Sailors.

With Jon Volpe, President & CEO, Nova Home Loans, Arizona Bowl Title Sponsor
With Raymond Desmond, Founder of Nova Home Loans
With Alan Young, Executive Director Arizona Bowl
With Arizona Bowl Queen, Tommy Lynn Calhoun
With Bret Gilliland, Mountain West Conference Commissioner

1730 Congresswoman Martha McSally sings the National Anthem with an A10 Warthog fly over for the start of the Inaugural Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl.  The Sailors were treated to the Presidential Suite where Congresswoman McSally spent time with our honored guests.

With Congresswomen Martha McSally

After the band Los Lobos performed at half time, the Sailors were escorted on the field and introduced as the USS Carl Vinson Sailors of the Year.  The Sailors were a huge hit with Tucson and the Stadium was so loud with applause it was a highly emotional moment for all.

0700 December 30th, breakfast with the Sailors was filled with laughter and was our last meal together.

The time spent with the Sailors was an honor and we truly enjoyed their visit.  We received positive feedback from them and all had a great time.  The Navy League Phoenix Council sent the Sailors underway with a blessing of Fair Winds and Following Seas.
(Submitted by Bill Stevenson)

Breakfast with the Fultons

Every few months or so, my family and I have the privilege of hosting the amazing men and women who have earned Sailor of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year.   Our mornings start off bright and early, much like those of the hard working Navy men and women.  With our mother at the helm, she directs each of us kids to different stations, watching over as we excitedly prepare the many components of the "breakfast à la Fulton."  As we set the table and finish last minute preparations, our honored guests begin to arrive.  Enjoying breakfast with the sailors and their families is one the best parts of the day.  I feel very privileged being able to hear their stories, and learn about their work and who they are, and I know the rest of my family feels the same way too.  After breakfast, my father, Doug, takes our guests on a little joy ride at 5,000 feet above sea level.  The helicopter ride is what everyone is the most excited about and with good reason!  Bravo Bravo whips and whizzes through the sky, granting those who are with her a glimpse of the beautiful Arizona landscape.  It’s definitely a once in a lifetime ride and these sailors are more than well deserving of such an experience.  I truly enjoy being a part of this experience and helping create a fun-filled and fantastic weekend for these men and women.   My family and I would like to thank each and every one of them for their service and dedication to this country and to let them know how proud we are of them for what they are doing.
(Submitted by Daniella Ozair-Fulton)

Phoenix Council Fly-In to Washington D.C.

On December 3, 2015, members of the Phoenix Council of the Navy League joined other Navy Leaguers across the country in the Navy League's annual Anchor's Aweigh Fly-In to Washington, D.C., to help contribute to Theodore Roosevelt's mission for the Navy League to educate on the importance of a strong sea service to the United States.  William A. Stevenson, III, Navy League Area President and Executive VP for the Phoenix Council, and Ron Fried, Treasurer, Navy League Phoenix Council teamed up with James Bras, National Chairman, Legislative Affairs, Ed Royce, Congressman and Chairman of Foreign Affairs, and John Gates, Orange County, California, Council President to help relay the message.
(Submitted by Bill Stevenson)

From Left to right:
James Bras, National Chairman Legislative Affairs;
Ron Fried, Treasurer, Phoenix Council;
Ed Royce, Congressman and Chairman of Foreign Affairs;
William A. Stevenson, III, Navy League Area President and Executive VP, Phoenix Council;
and John Gates, Orange County California Council President.
Visit with Congresswoman Martha McSally

Team Arizona - 75

You may not realize that there is a famous battleship which patrols the Phoenix metro area.  It has been seen in places like Flagstaff, Tucson, Sierra Vista, Texas, New Mexico, California and even Hawaii.  Some citizens have reported seeing this Naval Dreadnaught at schools where our kids go to learn or pushing it's way through parades with our National Ensign proudly displayed.  This humble vessel bears the name and resemblance of the infamous BB-39, the USS Arizona, and is the unofficial ambassador and voice for the 1,177 sailors and Marines who served and died with her on December 7, 1941.

The USS Arizona memorial battleship, an accurately scaled replica of the actual battleship, which rests in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii, is owned by Wanda Sartain of New River, Arizona.   Wanda and her late husband, Perry Sartain, both United States Navy veterans, acquired the ship many years ago and with help of friends, their own funds, along with some donations, restored this precious memorial as a way to honor those who gave so much to all Americans.

Sadly, Perry passed away on December 7, 2014 after attending the State of Arizona Peal Harbor Remembrance Walk at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix.  Not lost on those who knew and loved Perry, is the fact that he died on the day that the USS Arizona was lost in Hawaii.

Mrs. Sartain continues to honor her husband Perry and all veterans by taking the USS Arizona memorial battleship to special events to encourage rememberance and education, but like all things, time and weather have left an obvious mark on the once beautiful pride of Pearl.  Mrs. Sartain is part of a group of supporters named "TEAM ARIZONA-75."  The goal of the group is to raise financial support to repair and to apply a fresh coat of paint to the ship’s exterior, along with making repairs to the existing trailer the ship rides on.   TEAM ARIZONA-75 is hoping to find individuals, community groups or organizations to complete the restoration project before February 14, 2016, which is the state of Arizona’s 104th birthday.

TEAM ARIZONA-75’s goal also includes taking the memorial battleship to Pearl Harbor in December 2016.  The ship will be part of the memorial celebration "Operation Pearl Harbor - 75 Years Later."

TEAM ARIZONA-75 needs all hands on deck!  Your participation and financial support will be greatly appreciated and put toward encouraging and supporting the memory of all those who selflessly served their country and especially to those brave men and women who lost their lives that fateful day in 1941.

Your financial donation can be sent to:
    USS Arizona Replica
    c/o Wanda Sartain
    43020 N 3rd Ave
    New River, AZ 85087

Check written to:
    USS Arizona Replica Organization Inc

As a thank you for your support of the project, send us the name, rank and service branch of a U.S. Veteran you know or are related to and we will add that patriot's name to the plaque of Shipmates to be displayed with the USS Arizona memoral battleship in Pearl Harbor during the memorial celebration on December 7, 2016.
(Submitted by Dean and Denise Tomlinson)

Supporting Our Veterans - Available Jobs with American Express

The following Job opportunities are targeted for use by Navy League members and veterans of the United States Armed Services as well as other qualified sources.

Below are links to the job positions that are currently available by American Express.  Some of these roles have multiple positions for a total of 50 vacancies.   The links provided will allow candidates to apply directly.  These roles are good for project managers who want to work directly with our Sales organization and American Express Global Corporate Payment clients.  Thank-you for getting these positions circulated to interested veterans.

Job ID Location Job Posting Link and Title
15019190 Phx Implementation Director
15019192 NY Implementation Director
15019196 Phx Technology Implementation Director
15019198 Phx Technology Implementation Team Leader
15019199 Phx Technology Implementation Specialist
15019205 Phx Implementation Team Leader
15019209 NY Implementation Team Leader
15019210 Phx Implementation Manager
15019211 Phx Implementation Specialist
15019212 NY Implementation Manager
15019213 NY Implementation Specialist
15019347 NY Technology Implementation Manager

American Express made the following annotations:

"This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain confidential or privileged information.  If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use, or distribution of the information included in this message and any attachments is prohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately and permanently delete this message and any attachments. Thank you."

Important Membership Information

Membership Introduction

Since the Navy League’s founding in 1902 with the enthusiastic support of President Theodore Roosevelt, the Navy League of the United States (NLUS) has promoted the need for strength in American sea power.  As Assistant Secretary of the Navy and recipient of both the Nobel Peace Prize and the Congressional Medal of Honor, Roosevelt fully understood that superior sea power: sustains peace, deters war, and protects our economy as well as the freedoms essential to the American way of life.  Today, in light of violent threats posed by ISIS and the uncertainty of funding, adequate support for our troops, as well as federal interests in not replacing our sea bound aging fleet; we are hampered in the background of leading the battle effort.

Two thousand and sixteen (2016) brings with it a significant change to the National Navy League in terms of new Leadership, Board of Directors and Staff Support.   Significant to these progressive moves was launching the widespread support by the Board for the Americas Strength initiative with Congressional representatives in December during our winter meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.  Members of the Board were bused to Washington for scheduled meetings, which were very successful.

Our Members....
Are non-active-duty members, but are both prior-military and passionately interested civilians, that are the nation’s watchdogs for the sea services.   They track issues regarding military preparedness, modernization, and all other matters relative to maintaining U.S. Strength at sea.

Members of the Navy League are recognized for their integrity, patriotism and community service, especially on the America’s waterfronts.  Additionally, we conduct educational programs promoting a second-to-none sea service and support for the people who serve and their families.  Although current active-duty personnel cannot become members, their spouses, family members, and inactive reservists are indeed invited to join.

The Navy League Supports the Sea Services by:

  • Educating government officials and American citizens about the importance of strong sea services and important naval issues.
  • Sponsoring the Sea-Air-Space Exposition, the largest maritime exhibition of its kind, as well as other forums addressing sea service issues, bringing together key individuals who can discuss technical issues, planning and insight to problem areas that require solutions.
  • Communicating defense issues with more than 70,000 military personnel and civilians through our award winning magazine, “Seapower”.
  • Hosting national awards programs to recognize the exceptional service of active duty and reserve personnel.  Contributing more than $600,000 annually to our nation's youth through support of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet’s Corps.

The Navy League of the United States offers the following two types of membership:

  • Individual
  • Corporate

If there was ever a time when the U.S. Sea Services need a strong voice – it’s now.  We know that a strong national defense is essential to realizing a lasting peace, at home and around the world.  The Navy League is an exempt organization, duly qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, contributions to which are tax deductible in accordance with Federal law.

Two Thousand Sixteen (2016) brings with it, a significant change to the National Office of the Navy League of the United States in terms of new leadership, Board of Directors and staff.  Come aboard and help us take on these new challenges in 2016 and the follow on periods.

Individual Membership

Whether you ever served in uniform or not, we invite you to join us today.  “Citizens in Support of the Sea Services,” reflects both our commitment and our broad appeal to support our men and women in uniform.  Every day, more than 40,000 members in over 240 Councils around the world continue to carry our message to the public and support the men and women of our Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, U.S. flag Merchant Marine, and their families.

The Navy League depends on passionate individuals like you to carry our education and support mission forward.  Local councils adopt ships and shore commands, reward and honor enlisted personnel, host dinners and celebrations for military personnel, and support family members left behind when spouses and parents are deployed.  In addition, many councils have participated in spectacular ceremonies connected with the commissioning of new Navy and Coast Guard ships as well as the dedication of new military shore facilities.

Your Navy League membership pays for itself!  Join today and take advantage of the savings you’ll receive through special pricing on multi-year memberships.   We include a subscription to our award-winning SEAPOWER magazine – a $58 value – with every membership.  As a bonus, you’ll receive the popular SEAPOWER Almanac every January and discounts to selected merchants.  It’s our “thank you” for supporting our men and women in the sea services and their families.

Who is eligible for membership?  Any citizen interested in sea power or supporting the U.S. sea services (US Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Merchant Marine) is eligible for membership.  Active duty military are not eligible for membership, but their spouses and families are eligible.

For more information on the new rates, download the Membership Brochure when released. (The brochure is currently being updated.)

Individual Membership Options:

*With the exception of E- Memberships, all other memberships include SEAPOWER Magazine and Almanac.

Regular/International Membership (One-Year) - $55
Two-Year Membership - $100
Three-Year Membership - $130
Four-Year Membership - $180
Five-Year Membership - $225
*E-Membership - $25
Life membership (to age 55) - $1,000
Life membership (age 56 - 75) - $750
Life membership (age 76 +) - $500

Corporate Membership Options:

Business Associate Application - $2,000.00
Corporate Application - $5,000.00
Corporate Gold Application - $15,000.00
International Organization Application - $1,000.00
Non-profit NGO Application - $1,000.00

Corporate Membership Department Contacts:
Staff Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Membership: Kevin Traver
Director, Corporate Relations: Leticia Click

Membership Benefits

Individual Membership Benefits.  We are pleased to present your expanded member benefits.  Our partners are selected because they provide you with value-added or discounted merchandise & services not available to the general public.

Seapower magazine - Our monthly journal publishes a diverse range of authoritative and informative articles to educate the American people, their elected representatives, and industry on the need for robust naval and maritime forces.  Feature interviews and articles – authored by respected experts in their fields and senior uniformed and civilian officials – document key developments on major ship, aircraft, weapons, and doctrinal programs.  Monthly feature columns also convey current news relating to major naval policy and political developments, the sea services, the U.S. industrial base, and international developments.

Almanac of Seapower - (published in January) is the official almanac of the Navy League of the United States.  NLUS members, procurement decision-makers in the defense market, senior officials of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine, members of Congress, and the Departments of Defense and Transportation read and keep this informative publication.

Sea-Air-Space Exposition - the annual spring three-day event that brings together key military decision makers, the major players in the defense industry and Navy Leaguers for a look at the latest maritime technology.

Online Community - accessible from our website, this members-only area features council homepages, news, a calendar of events, the membership directory, a "My profile" page, and reports (for qualified users).  Registration is free and available only to current members.

Navy League Merchandise - Navy League Ship's Store is the official provider of Navy League logo merchandise.

Navy League Business Cards - official Navy League business cards are available through the Navy League Ship's Store.

PenFed - Navy League members and employees are eligible to join PenFed and apply for any of PenFed's financial products.  PenFed is one of the strongest and financially secure financial institutions in the world today with over a million members, and more than $15 billion in assets.  They are a member focused organization that strives to offer the most innovative and competitively priced products and interest rates available.  When you become a member of PenFed, you will have instant access to an impressive selection of financial and mortgage services.  PenFed is proud to serve the Navy League as their financial services provider for credit cards, auto loans and mortgages. To learn more about PenFed's products and rates, click here, or call 800 247-5626.

USAA - USAA provides world-class insurance and financial services, including banking, investments and retirement products to members of the U.S. Military, veterans, and their families.  Eligible NLUS members can benefit from USAA’s highly competitive rates, outstanding customer service and dedication to supporting the military community.  To learn more about USAA call 866-936-6587 or visit

Alamo - car rental discounts of up to 15% for members.  For additional free discount coupons contact the Member Service Center.   To reserve online, click here or call toll-free (800) 354-2322 and mention ID #194678. Terms & Conditions Apply.

AmazonSmile – An easy and automatic way for you to support Navy League every time you shop at Amazon.  Start shopping at AmazonSmile, where you will find the exact same low prices, selection and convenience of Amazon with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the Navy League.  Millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donation.  You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages.
Bookmark this page: to ensure you start each Amazon shopping experience at AmazonSmile.  Or you can simply type "" in your web browser and select Navy League as your charitable organization each time you shop.

Budget Rent A Car System, Inc. - car rental discounts of up to 25% for members.  To reserve online click here and enter your coupon code or call toll-free (800) 455-2848 and mention ID# X793100. Terms and conditions apply.

Budget Truck Rental - truck rental discounts of up to 10% for members.  To reserve call toll-free (888) 868-5339 and mention ID BART # 56000031441.  Terms and conditions apply.

Donations and Planned Giving

Donations and Planned Giving are the life blood of any 501(c.3) non-profit Organization to assist them in carry on their organizational mission.  The Navy League, also a 5.01(c.3) and is no different!  In fact, our mission has grown much larger since the terrorists have brought their threats to America.  In fact, our support for the military mission supporting the United States Navy and Marine Corps, including the world-wide Sea Services Merchant Marine.

Included in our Community Outreach programs are the Navy League’s Youth Programs, which includes 17 High schools in the Phoenix Area as well youth Development of our Navy Leaguers and Sea Cadets.  Youth development programs are key to our Nation’s future.

Other Donation Tools
Stocks: Transfer of Stock from your portfolio to the Navy League Foundation, allowing you to deduct the value of the stock on the day of transfer from your taxes.
Planned Giving: You can create a personal legacy by ensuring the educational needs of future Sea Service sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, by making a bequest through your estate, naming the Navy League Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account, or establishing a charitable annuity.

For any help or information please contact:
    Stacy McFarland
    Staff Vice President
    Navy League Foundation

Quick Links ...