Phoenix Navy League Council
The Phoenix Council Newsletter
April 2015
In this issue:
Mark Your Calendar...
Naval Command College Visits Phoenix
Navy League Legislative Update
America's Strength ~ A Navy League Congressional Campaign
National Navy League, Important Membership Information
Sea Cadet News - Honoring Our Own
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Thanks for your support of the Navy League and the men and women of the sea services!

William S. "Bill" Stevenson, III, President
Phoenix Council
Navy League of the United States

Mark Your Calendar ...

June 16-17, 2015 - Naval War College Current Strategy Forum - Newport, Rhode Island - The dates for the Current Strategy Forum will be June 16-17, 2015, in Newport, Rhode Island, at the Naval War College. If you are interested in attending this two day forum, please contact Bob Turpin at (602) 510-7511, and he will make arrangements for you to receive an invitation to attend. The theme each year changes, but it is a very stimulating environment with senior students, experts from around the country, and interesting discussions with a broad group of individuals.

Summer 2015 - Day Cruise Aboard a US Navy Ship - San Diego, California - We are hoping to arrange a day at sea on board a naval ship in San Diego. We will notify you via email when the opportunity becomes available.

October 10, 2015 - Navy Birthday Ball - Celebrating 240 years of exceptional history and pride, all members are very welcome to attend this festive event and evening. More information will be provided in future newsletters as the information becomes available.

Navy League Legislative Update

Thank you Navy Leaguers for your continued interest and support for the Navy League's legislative programs.

The past month has been very successful for Navy League legislative efforts:

  You Made a Difference: We came very close to a shutdown - active duty and retired Coast Guard would have been working without pay, but the Navy League sprang into action using our Voice to Congress website.  Over 4,000 Navy Leaguers sent almost 12,000 emails urging Congress to fund the Coast Guard.  Congress took notice and the Coast Guard is now funded through the rest of the fiscal year-with a real bill, not a continuing resolution.  We've heard from many people in the Coast Guard and congressional offices thanking you all for your hard work- you made a difference!

  New Campaign: The Voice to Congress website has a new campaign recommending restoring pre-Budget Control Act funding levels of $577 billion for National Defense.  Congress votes within the month on whether to leave sequestration-level funding in place.  Please use Voice to Congress to let your Members know that you support the recommendations to lift sequestration!

  Your Voice is needed: Some of you may have read an op-ed in the New York Times on Monday, March 9th, that argued that the U.S. Navy's size could be safely reduced because no other navy in the world could match it in an open ocean battle.  Many respected individuals such as a Naval War College Professor, a think tank fellow, Congressman J. Randy Forbes, and others have all responded to correct many of the ill-informed ideas.  While it is encouraging that so many were quick to challenge the article, please encourage those you know that may not be as familiar with the Navy to read the rebuttals.  The New York Times obviously has a very wide reach and many may believe the op-ed.  This is why the work you do as a member of the Navy League is so important to our sea services.  (See also two Wall Street Journal op ed pieces - "Why the 'Nuclear Utopians' Are Wrong" by Keith Payne, and "Firmly Committed to Growing the U.S. Fleet" by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus)

  National Maritime Strategy Release: The Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard released their revised Maritime Strategy on March 13th.  The Maritime Policy Committee will be reading it closely to make sure that the Navy League Maritime Policy Statement will be a powerful and relevant tool.  A copy of "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Sea power" for can be found here.

  Thank you Navy League Members for all you do on behalf of the Navy League and our Sea Services!

Naval Command College Visits Phoenix

  Board members of the Phoenix Council of the Navy League attended a reception on March 18th in honor of the class of 2015 of the Naval Command College.  The college is part of the Naval War College, located in Newport, Rhode Island.   Senior officers from around the world are invited to participate in the program, which began in 1956.

  Bill Stevenson, President of the Phoenix Council, presented a check in honor of Jordan to support the College.   As a young man, Bill was roommates with Kais Aburjaber, son of the then Prime Minister of Jordan.   Col. Abdelkader Almarahleh of Jordan in turn presented Bill with a plaque showing the Class of 2015 and the countries they represent.  Bob Turpin, past president of the Phoenix Council and long time supporter of the Naval War College, also sponsored the visit with a generous personal donation.

  The reception was a great opportunity to learn more about the senior officers of our partner nations.   Various officers shared that the relationships they form at the College play an important role in reducing tensions around the world, and that more than once international conflicts have been avoided due to channels of communication being opened up.  The officers were extremely appreciative of the Phoenix Council's interest in the Naval Command College and our continued support.

  The Phoenix Council of the Navy League is pleased to support the NCC in its vision “to foster knowledge, friendship, and cooperation among navies from around the world.  In so doing, NCC not only educates these officers in planning, decision making, strategic analysis, and naval and joint military operations but greatly strengthens understanding and builds trust and confidence between American and international officers.”  (Reading from left to right Navy League Officers: Walt Natzic, Wm. Stevenson III, Col. Abdelkader Almarahleh, Denise Tomlinson and Jake McManis)

Article by Jake McManus

America's Strength ~ A Navy League Congressional Campaign

To All Navy Leaguers:

Sign our "America's Strength" Letter to Congress

The Navy League is proud to announce the launch of a new, intensive, two-year campaign - "America's Strength: Investing in the Navy-Marine Corps Team."

  On Thursday, March 26, we delivered an open letter to Congress asking for increased funding for the Navy-Marine Corps team.   Sign your name to show you support the sea services:   We also encourage you to share this request with family, friends, shipmates and colleagues who support a strong U.S. Navy-Marine Corps team. A PDF copy of the letter can be found on the website.

  The Navy League's "America's Strength" advertising and grassroots campaign will raise awareness of the strain on the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps team and the potentially disastrous consequences for national defense, business and commerce, and on our nation's ability to provide aid to victims of natural disasters, if current budgetary trends continue.

  The Navy League's "America's Strength" campaign is supported by a broad and diverse coalition of individuals and organizations who share the belief that a strong U.S. Navy is vital to the nation's defense, economy and to America's leadership in the world. We hosted a major press conference on March 26 in Washington, D.C., to announce the campaign. The campaign will include think tank reports, advertisements, op-eds, letters to the editor and grassroots engagement with Congress. At the Navy League convention in Tampa, we will run a workshop on the campaign and present your council with a media kit, best practices and other materials for effectively running this campaign at the council level.

  You will find more information on the campaign website.

National Navy League, Important Membership Information

  National Navy League is currently updating its Membership Database and as a result, updates have slowed during this period.  Further, the online membership database which allows Council officers to keep track of new and renewing local Navy League Members has been delayed.

  We haven't been able to update our data on national membership renewals for a while now, and have heard that some members have not received membership renewal notices from National.  If you think your national membership may be nearing renewal, please check your membership card for your expiration date.  You can renew your National Navy League membership here:

  Questions about the status of your national membership can be directed to Membership at 800-356-5760.  Questions about the status of your local membership can be directed to our VP for Membership to

Sea Cadet News ~ Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Patriotic Gala

  Veterans Pride Battalion, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps had the distinct honor of posting and retrieving Colors at the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame 9th Annual Patriotic Gala on Saturday, March 21st.

  The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame recognizes Arizona veterans for significant post-military contributions on a local, State, or National level.  They are veterans who have honorably served their Country through military service and who continue to serve and inspire their fellow man with their deeds and accomplishments.

  The 9th Patriotic Gala was held at the Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale and recognized non-military individuals and private institutions whose actions have contributed significantly to the benefit and well-being of our military, our veterans, their families and their survivors.

  Honored this night were Mr. Jim Click, CEO of Jim Click Automotive Team; The Honorable Sonny Borelli, Arizona House of Representatives (Legislative District 5); The Honorable Greg Stanton, Mayor of Phoenix; The Honorable Jack Hakim, Mayor of Bull Head City; the Pat Tillman Foundation and Rutherford Diversified Industries.

  In attendance was special guest Medal of Honor recipient Major Fred Ferguson, USA (Ret); The Honorable Mr. Doug Ducey, Governor of the Great State if Arizona; The Honorable Mr. Jerry Weiers, Mayor of the City of Glendale, among many others.

  The Color Guard of Veterans Pride was led by acting Cadet Color Guard Commander, PO 2 Jennifer Pierce. PO 2 Pierce is 16 years old, has served in the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps for over 3 years and has proven her abilities and leadership skills on more than one occasion but on this night, in this Honored venue it felt like the whole world was watching this nine Cadet Color Guard.  From Left to Right as they faced the back of the Ball Room at ridged ATTENTION, Cadets Jade Morton, Jennifer Pierce, Jarrod Ogden, Erica Ogden, Nicholas Magel, Alexander Morton, Bradley Adams, Nathaniel Weege and Anthony Cuadra stood reverently still after just executing the most beautiful, straight in line wagon wheel their Commanding Officer had ever seen. The unit of nine kept their military bearing for over 5 minutes while the entire room recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then as our National Anthem was sung.

  The Unit Commanding Officer, LTJG Dean Tomlinson was quoted as saying, “That was best and straightest wagon wheel I have ever seen”.  LTJG Tomlinson quickly thanked his Color Guard and praised them for their disciplined execution and the honor they displayed to our Country and all veterans.

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