Chamber Update
In the NEWS:
Economic Recovery Grant; Phase 2:

Governor Mills Announces Phase 2 of Maine Economic Recovery Grant Program Funding for Expanded Pool of Maine Businesses & Non-Profits. Click here for more info.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: October 23, 2020

What is different in Phase Two from Phase One?
Eligibility in Phase Two has expanded to include businesses less than a year old and/or with up to 250 full time equivalent employees or contractors. Additional technical assistance resources have also been identified. However, the expanded grant will still only apply to business losses through June 2020.

Want to learn more?
The DECD will be hosting
two informational webinars about this program
Wednesday September 23 @ 9 am
Thursday September 24 @ 11 am
"An Act Authorizing Earned Employee Leave" (26 MRS §637) goes into effect on January 1, 2021. The Earned Paid Leave Law applies to employers with more than 10 workers in Maine for 120 days or more in a calendar year, except for seasonal industries as defined in the statute. Employers covered by the law must provide employees with one hour of paid leave for every 40 hours they work, up to a maximum of 40 hours of paid leave per year.
Need more info? Click HERE.
FYI: Minimum Wage Increasing to $12.15 on January 1, 2021
The Maine Department of Labor announced today that Maine's minimum wage will increase by $0.15 on January 1, 2021 based on an increase in the consumer price index. 
Testing News:
Mills Administration Broadens Standing Order to Allow Anyone in Maine To Get Tested for COVID-19. For more info, click here.

Maine CDC

Maine DECD
The department has updated their site to provide easy access to information including prevention checklists, updates from the Commissioner and travel/testing info

COVID/CHECKLIST UPDATES with DECD Commissioner Johnson (last update was 9/2)
Northern Light Health: Safe Return to Business Series
September 24th @ 11 am
- Latest on testing, screening, and trends
- Tips about safe travel or working in the field
- How to have group meetings when technology isn’t an option
CDC info for business owners
Helpful Covid-19 resources for business owners from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, from workplace safety to wage, hours & leave, unemployment and much more.

Click HERE.
How does winter weather affect our outdoor recreational industry in Maine? Click here for an upcoming webinar hosted by the BDN.
Guidance for out-of-state visitors can be found HERE, including the certificate of compliance for visitors (outside of NY, NJ, CT NH and VT, exempt).
To register for weekly Q & A with DECD Commissioner Heather Johnson, click HERE.
COVID-19 UPDATES are ALWAYS available
on the Chamber's new WEBSITE HERE:
Email us HERE. Call us at 207-564-7533.
All updates posted on our FACEBOOK page.