November 20, 2014


YOU make a difference
in the lives of pets and people!

Peter and Buster have the special bond that many of us have experienced with our beloved pets. Thankfully, most of us have not had to endure hardships like they have. Their story is an example of the strong human-animal bond and shows why YOUR support of Faithful Friends is so critical to improve the lives of pets and people.

Peter moved in with his mother to care for her while she was sick. His loyal dog, Buster, provided Peter's mother with comfort and support especially when Peter was away at work. Peter cared for his mother for 9 years until she passed away. During this time he lost his job.


Peter moved to Delaware to find work, but it proved harder than expected and he ended up in a situation he had never imagined he'd be in - he was homeless. He resorted to living in a tent with his loyal canine companion behind an abandoned house.


Some days Peter would feed Buster even if he could not feed himself.


He heard about Faithful Friends and used a public phone to call the shelter and see if they could help. Peter needed a safe place - a no kill shelter - for his best friend. So, he left messages at Faithful Friends. With no way for us to return his calls, the Dog Department Manager went to find Peter. The situation sounded desperate, but he was surprised to find them living in a tent. He brought along dog food for Buster and a meal for Peter.


We made room at the shelter for Buster. 


We knew Peter's goal to get back on his feet and be reunited with Buster. We also knew Buster's time at the shelter would be tough. Buster was an elderly dog, had severe arthritis and did not understand why he was being separated from his owner, so we encouraged Peter to visit Buster whenever he could.


With Buster safe in the care of Faithful Friends, Peter now goes to the Sunday Breakfast Mission for shelter, hot showers and meals but he has not forgotten about Buster. He comes to Faithful Friends everyday to walk Buster. Buster is always so happy to see his best friend. Since Peter was making daily trips to the shelter, he began to walk other dogs while he was there and helping out in other ways.


Recently, Peter was hired as a maintenance staff member at Faithful Friends.

We're happy to have another compassionate and dedicated staff member. All of us at Faithful Friends hope this is just the next step in a happy, healthy future for this special duo.

Thanks to YOU...
 We were able to make room for Buster and keep him safe and loved. 


Thanks to YOU...

Buster continues to get medical care for his arthritis and 2-3 walks a day. 


Thanks to YOU... 

Faithful Friends is more than just an animal shelter.  

It is a place of healing and hope.


Look for Peter and Buster's story in The News Journal this Sunday!
 Faithful Friends Animal Society
A privately funded, nonprofit animal welfare organization with a No Kill shelter.
12 Germay Drive, Wilmington, DE 19804
(302) 427-8514

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Faithful Friends Animal Society is a 501(c)(3) organization. 
All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.