Words of Wellness Wisdom
 from Susan Greeley, MS, RDN, National Director, Wellness Services

Spring is a time of renewal and "cleaning our closets." Yet when we find ourselves several months into a global pandemic that has completely changed our daily lives, it's difficult to figure out how to focus on our basic needs of getting enough sleep, healthy foods (and drinks) and daily activity while managing new and changing stressors.

Over the past two months, I hope you have joined our recent SENS Wellness webinars that have covered our wellness pillars of stress management, nutrition and exercise. Now I'm focusing on the absolutely "most important" health factor that impacts every other -- sleep! If you don't get enough, you may find yourself eating more and/or exercising less, and both of those lead to less tolerance for stress. These interconnected pillars of health simply need much more daily TLC now, including self-compassion and taking time each day to think about how to "shut down" or "check out" and get some much-needed rest.

To that end, please join me for next week's webinar on a holistic approach to sleep, and do take advantage of our new exercise Affinity Partners (see below) to help as well. My thoughts have also been centered around how we can all incorporate fresh "feel-good" foods into our diets that support our mental and physical health, including even helping us sleep better! One way to boost nutrition while also relieving stress is to grow some fresh herbs and use a variety of them in your daily cooking. See my recipe below for a way to incorporate chives, mint and parsley with an abundance of other spring vegetables to help give you immune-supporting antioxidants, such as vitamin C and other phytonutrients. These nutrients can boost your mood and possibly even help with sleep from small amounts of choline found in these fabulous, flavorful herbs!

Now more than ever, my goal is to continue to support, inspire and empower you to take care of yourselves and your families during COVID-19 and beyond.

Happy spring to all! -- Susan
Lifestyle Habits Help You Get the Sleep You Need During COVID-19!
Your daily lifestyle habits greatly impact both how long and the quality of how you sleep. Now more than ever, we need to ensure we're getting that much-needed rest for our physical and mental health.

May is National Mental Health Month

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought mental health and behavioral health to the forefront. In our early April SENS webinar on "Ensuring Emotional Wellbeing During Uncertain Times," Dr. Gabriella Farkas discussed the current global health crisis and how individuals can manage the major life upheaval, build resilience and get support.

Clean Eating -- What it is and How it Can Improve Your Health
How we nourish ourselves is a key factor in determining our overall health and wellbeing now and in the long run! COVID-19 has brought diet, nutrition and health to the forefront, and by making small changes to eating healthy whole foods daily, we can all reap some positive health benefits, from immune support and "feeling better" to weight management.

Spring Recipe! by Susan Greeley, MS, RDN
Pearl Couscous Primavera with Herb Pesto

Springtime offers plenty of fresh vegetables, including herbs that can boost your mood and support your immune system, and they may even help you sleep. In any case, the fresh flavors of this dish are sure to help you feel good!

Sleep is critical for our overall health and wellbeing during “normal” times, let aloe now in the time of the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Finkelstein will help us tackle this issue by addressing how to take care of this imperative daily habit that impacts your mind, body and overall health and resilience.

Join us on Wednesday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. for the live webinar, "Sleeping Better:
A Holistic Approach in Challenging Times" 
with Dr. Michael Finkelstein.

The SENS exercise webinar on May 6th with Len Glassman gave Members exercises to do at home in a safe and effective way.

Our recent nutrition event on April 21 was a webinar on "clean eating." Susan Greeley hosted Jennifer Maynard, CEO of Nutrition for Longevity, to give Members an in-depth take on regenerative farming and the importance of eating more whole foods for health.

Our New Affinity Partners:
Harlem Yoga Studio (HYS) is an award-winning New York City Yoga and Pilates studio, known for its excellent and creative classes, welcoming teachers, and emphasis on accessibility, community, and fun! HYS offers multiple classes to suit all levels and preferences: alignment focused, creative vinyasa flow, aerobic HIIT, gentle restorative classes and more.
HYS is offering CCPHP Members a special 10-class card for $120 (Regular price is $140.)
Using this link to set up an account, Members use the code: CCPHP to receive the discount of $20 off the regular price.
For more information about HYS, please visit:  harlemyogastudio.com.

Personal Best Training Center offers a unique and personalized health, nutrition, and fitness experience by incorporating corrective exercise techniques and movement patterns, age and ability appropriate functionality and flexibility training, coupled with mindfulness training. Personal Best constantly strives to improve your total health, fitness well-being and quality of life through on-going support and guidance from top fitness professionals utilizing cutting edge exercise, nutrition and accountability tools and principles.
CCPHP Members receive a complimentary 30-minute Mindful Movement Assessment via remote video or phone consultation with Len Glassman, CPT, CHN and Owner of Personal Best Training Center.
To claim this offer, please email:  info@pb-fitness.com  with ‘CCPHP’ in your email subject line.
For more information, please visit:  www.pb-fitness.com.

As always, we are here to help support Members with individualized remote health coaching. If you'd like to get started, please simply reach out to Susan Greeley at:
*Castle Connolly Private Health Partners (“CCPHP”) is acting on behalf of your physician and your physician’s medical practice, pursuant to a Business Associate Agreement (as defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended (“HIPAA”)), to assist your physician in informing you about exciting health and wellness-related products or services provided or offered by or on behalf of your physician or other information related to your care that is referenced in this newsletter.
The content and opinions expressed herein are to inform CCPHP Membership Practice Members on health and wellness issues. Nothing in the content or opinions herein should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice. This newsletter does not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other profession, healthcare advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always talk to your healthcare provider regarding your specific medical needs. Contact your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions. If you have or believe you may have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified healthcare professional immediately. If you are in the United States and are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
Please note that this email address should only be used for inquiries regarding Membership and the Membership Enhancements offered as part of your physician’s Membership Program. Contact your Physician and your Physician’s practice directly with all medical questions.
Castle Connolly Private Health Partners, LLC | ccphp.net