NASA Harvest News
On the final day of the Pecora 2022 meeting in Denver, Colorado, NASA Harvest Deputy Director, Dr. Alyssa Whitcraft, delivered a NASA Hyperwall talk on the consortium’s current progress in cropland and crop type mapping, yield forecasting, and regenerative agriculture, as well as where Harvest intends to expand in the future.
The "lean season" in southern Madagascar - sometimes called the kere, or hunger - is the time of year when cattle thefts and conflict increase and food shortages intensify. The kere comes to the poorest parts of the Grand Sud every year, but food aid groups warn that the 2022 kere is poised to be particularly perilous. Harvest Early Warning Lead, Christina Justice, explains "there are still significant soil moisture deficits from the consecutive below-average seasons that will still need to be overcome. The high prices of fertilizer, seed, and gas could also cause problems for farmers.”
Multiple members of the NASA Harvest team spent the last week of October in Denver, Colorado attending the 2022 Pecora Meeting. The conference saw a number of Harvest consortium members on various panels, technical sessions, and NASA hyperwall talks. Additionally, in celebration of the NASA Landsat mission’s 50th birthday, Harvest organized a session highlighting how the Landsat mission has revolutionized agricultural monitoring over the half century.
Chris Justice, co-chair of the GEO Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative (GEOGLAM) and Chief Scientist of the NASA Harvest Consortium, was invited to the German Embassy to give a keynote address, kicking off a panel discussion on how developments in agricultural technologies are being used to monitor and improve global agricultural productivity and food security.
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NASA Harvest and the Farmers Business Network are hosting a joint symposium at this year's Farmer2Farmer event, with a focus on climate impacts on agriculture. As severe weather events continue to increase and agricultural decision-making becomes even more complex, we will highlight satellite data applications for bolstering resilient farming systems into the future.
The American Geophysical Union's (AGU) annual fall meeting will be held in Chicago this year. As always, the meeting serves as an opportunity for scientists, policymakers, students, and organizations to connect and discuss leading research in the field of Earth science. NASA Harvest will be in attendance and information on our poster and oral sessions will be made available in advance. Looking forward to meeting you there!