Performance Ratings
SY 19-20
A pril 20, 2020

Hello Unit IV Employee,

As a result of school closures related to COVID-19, this email contains important information regarding the Negotiated Agreement, specifically Performance Ratings for SY 19-20.

A email (from AACPS) went out earlier today but we feel more information/detail is warranted. It you didn't receive the email from AACPS, click here .

Current language in the Negotiated Agreement between SAAAAC and AACPS requires Performance Ratings (including a private conference) be completed PRIOR to May 15. Under the current circumstances, this may be impossible difficult. Thus SAAAAC and AACPS have agreed to the following:

  • Performance Ratings (for SY 19-20) will ONLY be conducted for those Unit IV employees who REQUEST such from their immediate supervisor /principal). If you chose not to make a request, there is no "penalty or harm". You simply will not have a Rating in your Personnel File for the 2019-20 School Year.
  • Those who make the REQUEST, will have the private conference (which is required by the Negotiated Agreement) conducted via phone or video conference.

As we continue to make our way through this unprecedented time period, it is the goal of SAAAAC, in conjunction with AACPS, to ensure the safety of all employees and ensure a minimal financial impact during this stressful time period.

cc: SAAAAC President
SAAAAC Executive Board
UniServ Director