June 9 Post-Legislative Workshop
Don't miss out! Time is almost out to register for our Post-Legislative Workshop on Wednesday, June 9, in Dallas. You can register via the link below to attend and also find more info. There is also a second link below if you want to join us virtually.
Wed, Jun 9, 2021 10:00 AM CST
Post-Legislative Workshop 2021
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Dallas - Love Field, Dallas
If you are not able to join us in person, but still want to participate, please click on the button below to register and attend virtually via Zoom.
Remote Learning bill fails to pass
Revised per-district runs have been produced by our friends at the Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) based on changes to state aid and recapture under HB 1525. These estimates are based on standard inputs including February 2021 estimated student counts and state property value growth assumptions, similar to what TEA will use for LPE funding next year. The results for each district may vary from your local data if student counts and property values are different from that state data set. 

These estimates are intended to be just that--estimates, and we hope they are a helpful tool as your district makes plans. Keep in mind that these estimates reflect changes to the Foundation School Program (FSP) and do not include federal funds distributions or any of the other non-FSP grants, reimbursements, or allotments that were newly introduced to law outside the school district funding formulas.

Click on the blue button below to access the folder and find your district's name.
In case you need them, you can access our:

You may also note a change to your Maximum Compressed Rate (MCR) for district Tier 1 tax rates in this model. A provision in the General Appropriations Act reduced the maximum MCR for next year. The range of MCRs will now be $0.9134 as the maximum rate and $0.8220 as the floor. You can see an updated MCR TEA template on their website here.

Even if you are a July 1 fiscal year district, we do not recommend that you adopt your tax rate until after you have completed your TEA local property value survey based on your certified property value.
Allotment for no/low ESSER districts
If you are a district that did not receive ESSER III dollars, or if your district received a comparatively lower amount in ESSER funding, then this section is for you.

A provision was included in HB 1525 that provides a special allotment intended to drive some funding to those who didn't receive much in terms of federal funding. This is outside the FSP, so not included in the per-district estimates. We also don't yet have all the necessary information to provide you with a solid estimate of your funding at this time (as the state has not given us the information regarding the dispersement of ESSER II funding), but we can give you the 6 step method you can use to estimate what, if any, funding your district might receive under that provision based on our current understanding.
  1. FY 22 Enrollment * $208.35
  2. $1,290 * (FY 21 Enrollment * (% of students failing an assessment in 2019 *1.4))  
  3. FY 23 Enrollment * $208.35
  4. $1,290 * (FY 21 Enrollment * (% of students failing an assessment in 2019 *1.2))
  5. Sum answers from steps 1 through 4
  6. Deduct ESSER II and III Allocations
We do not yet know what if any spending restrictions will be associated with those dollars. Be aware that TEA is still working through all of the changes that passed just a few days ago, so we will monitor and let you know if our understanding changes.
Thank you to our annual sponsors!
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746