With the Catholic Community of

Northern Columbia County

Church of St. Joseph | St. James Church | St. John the Baptist Church

May 19, 2024

Why not wear something red to Mass this weekend to help celebrate Pentecost!

When I was twenty-two years of age in August of 2000, I experienced World Youth Day in Rome. As for many of my generation, the event was life-changing for me. Surrounded by joyful, hope-filled young people from seemingly every nation and tongue, we were gathered around the Pope, sharing a common Faith and love. The Pope spoke to us of our shared family bond in the Church and invited us to give our lives in service to others. Now twenty-four years later, my life as a priest, like that of so many others from those special days, continues on that same path of love and unity — despite my many weaknesses. What makes that continuation possible? 

This week’s feast gives the answer: the Holy Spirit. The gift of God — His very life — the third person of the Trinity, is the Spirit who animates the entire Church and each member of it. He makes us one-in-love in a way that utterly exceeds human capacity. For example, he makes the apostles speak with tongues of fire, and everyone hears them in his own native tongue. The Holy Spirit is the means by which Jesus establishes a new family, one that crosses all possible boundaries of time, space, and culture. The Holy Spirit never tires in enthusing us for mission. 

Aren’t we longing to experience the Holy Spirit in a fresh way? Today we celebrate this untiring flame, once ignited on earth and burning still. So, we humbly cry out: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in us the fire of your love! — Father John Muir ©LPi

Worship With Us Online

Sunday Mass

Please Click here for a livestream of the 4PM Vigil Mass from St. John the Baptist in Valatie. It will be archived and available for viewing after the service as well.

Bishop Scharfenberger will officiate at this special Mass, during which candidates for Confirmation and our RCIA candidates will receive the Sacraments of Initiation.

Click here for readings for the special Vigil Mass

Click here for readings for this Mass (Sunday)

This Week's Bulletin

Click on the image or here to download this week's bulletin, with a full schedule of worship times, ministries, parish and diocesan events, and opportunities to help others in our community.


Tri-Parish Prayer Requests

Please join us in praying for our loved ones. In general, we will keep names on our list for a month before moving them to the book of prayer located at each parish, where they will continue to be prayed for in each community. Please contact the bulletin by e-mail at if names need to be added, moved or deleted.


Please keep these loved ones in your prayers:

Denise Barry, James Brahm, Pauline Callahan, Brenda Carl, Sally Charron, Susan Clarke, Diane Collins, Nicholas Cordero, Jeri Cramer, Gilberto Cruz Cruz, Rosemary Doleski, Chris Esposita, Marietta Friess, Richard Friess III, Nancy Friss, Terry Guntert, John Haley, Sharon Hall, Robert Haynes, Barbara Haywood, Judy Hollister, Murphy Hooper, David Jaffarian, Fran Johnson, Marie Johnson, Stanley Kosik, Malia Ku, S. Laskey, Eva Long, John Luckhurst, Nancy Mahar, Anne McGowan, Diane Morris, Fran Pizza, Joseph Pulice, John Ruchel, Neil Scharpf, Thelma Shurtleff, Paul Strock, Marta Thomas, Jean Marie Urban, Kathleen Walker, Anthony Welcome, Jennifer Wood, Rev. Michael Young

Also, please pray for the souls of the recently deceased:

Sam Gamello, George Grant, Carla Herbert, Eileen McParlan, Fr. Paul Tartaglia, Fr. William Varno


Blessings and Congratulations to all those who received the sacraments of initiation this weekend in the Catholic Community of Northern Columbia County (CCNCC).

Bendiciones y Felicitaciones a todos los que recibieron los sacramentos de iniciación este fin de semana en la Comunidad Católica del Norte del Condado de Columbia (CCNCC).

Congratulations and Ad Multos Annos

to our five newly ordained Priests

and our newly ordained Permanent Deacon.

May each of them be filled with the Holy Spirit

throughout their years of ministry

while preaching and living the Gospel!

Mass Intentions

Saturday, May 18

4PM, St. John the Baptist/Valatie:

  • For the CCNCC community and our confirmation and RCIA candidates receiving their sacraments this weekend

Sunday, May 19

7:15AM, St. John the Baptist/Valatie:

  • For the St. John the Baptist community

9:00AM, St. James Church/Chatham:

  • For Robert Britton by Edgar Acevedo & Muriel Faxon

10:45AM, St. Joseph/Stuyvesant Falls:

  • Francis Dwyer & Daniel Dwyer by Barbara Dwyer
  • James E. Taylor by Ann Snow

12:30PM, St. Joseph/Stuyvesant Falls:

  • La comunidad de San José

Wednesday, May 22

9:30AM, St. Joseph/Stuyvesant Falls:

  • The Deceased Members of the Casey Family by Family & Friends

Sanctuary Candle Offerings

St. Joseph: for the St. Joseph community

St. James: for the St. James community

St. John the Baptist: for the St. John the Baptist community


Please contact your parish office if you would like a Mass intention or have the Sanctuary Candle lit for a loved one. Suggested offerings for Mass intentions are $15, and Sanctuary candles $10

Nuestra Comunidad Hispana

19 de mayo de 2024

Domingo de Pentecostés

 “Reciban el Espíritu Santo” (Juan 20, 22)

Hoy celebramos la gran fiesta de Pentecostés, cuando el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre los discípulos de Jesús con un viento poderoso y lenguas de fuego (Hechos 2, 1-4). Recordamos como el Espíritu derramó fe, valentía y amor generoso en el corazón de hombres y mujeres tímidos y los convirtió en testigos audaces que edificaron la Iglesia. Y nos alegramos en que el mismo Espíritu que transformó a esos discípulos habita en nuestro corazón.


Tu recibiste el Espíritu Santo en tu Bautismo, y fuiste sellado con el Espíritu en la Confirmación. Pero recibir el Espíritu en los sacramentos es solamente el principio. Es como si hubieras recibido de regalo un automóvil último modelo. El regalo en sí mismo es maravilloso, ¿pero para qué sirve el auto si lo dejas estacionado? No estás experimentando todo lo que puedes hacer. Necesitas entrar en el, aprender como funciona y conducirlo.

Desde luego, el Espíritu Santo es una de las Personas divinas de la Trinidad, no un objeto. Pero Dios no quiere que tú lo ignores como si estuvieras dejando ese automóvil nuevo en el parqueo. Nuestro Padre desea que experimentes el Espíritu en toda su plenitud. El Espíritu Santo tiene mucho que enseñarte, muchos dones de sabiduría y valentía para impartir y mucho amor, mucha paz y mucha alegría para derramar en tu corazón. Esa es la razón por la cual, en el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús exhorta a sus discípulos, y también a nosotros, a recibir “el Espíritu Santo” (Juan 20, 22).

Imagina al Señor Jesús diciendo en este momento: ¡Recibe mi Espíritu! Recibe más de mis dones y de mi poder y entendimiento. Quiero darte fe expectante y asegurarte mi amor. Quiero llenarte con mi poder para que puedas escuchar mi voz, caminar por mis sendas y amar a los demás como yo los amo.  Amen.

Family Faith Formation & Youth Ministry

"The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we will finally hear God."

The Vigil for Pentecost is 4 pm on Saturday, May 18, at St. John the Baptist. Fifteen people will receive the Sacrament(s) of Initiation. Please join us to celebrate this joy-filled time in person or on line. Most importantly, please keep each of them in your prayers: Will, Nick, Conner, Solomon, Tyler, Emma, Hunter, Steven, Alejandro, Karina, Jessica, Alexis, Elizabeth, James, and John.

Our younger people will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the 2nd time during the final week of May in preparation for their receiving First Eucharist in June. Please pray for them as they continue their faith journey: Kathryn, Tyler, Ella, Sam, Marcus, Declan, Aleigha, and Jackson.  

Summer Service Mondays:

We are continuing to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy this summer during the month of July. We will gather for service each Monday evening in July, beginning Monday, July 15. These Mondays will include projects for families of all ages. More information will follow!

Children's Offertory: Kans from Kids Kollection

At each Sunday Mass, all children will be invited to bring non-perishable items forward during the Offertory when the other gifts are brought to the altar. The items brought to Mass by children will be donated to the local Ghent, Chatham, and Stuyvesant Falls food pantries. One of the parents from St. James made the suggestion to collect items as another way to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy – this year’s Family Faith Formation theme. We encourage families to talk with their children about ways they can help others facing food insecurity. 

May 26: Spanish Food Fundraiser

Church of St. Joseph 11:30AM—2PM

Come support our beloved parish & enjoy delicious food on Sunday, May 26 from 11:30am—2pm. Tamales, Tortas, Chicharrones, etc. For more information, please call Maria at (518) 229-6270 or Juana (518) 522-1754.

Second Collection May 26 

The Church in Central & Eastern Europe

Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports the Church in more than 25 countries that struggle to recover from former communist rule. It also aids communities throughout the region that are affected by the war in Ukraine. Funds support pastoral care, catechesis, renovations, and seminary formation. Your support restores the Church and builds the future in this region. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the collection next week. You can find more information at #iGiveCatholicTogether ( also accepts funds for this collection if you prefer to donate online.

Save the Date! Sunday, June 2

St. James Church Volunteer Appreciation & Recruitment

Pancake Breakfast

Volunteers are the heartbeat of the community! Join us on Sunday, June 2 for a pancake breakfast following Mass to say thank you for all our volunteers do for the St. James Parish! Interested in getting involved? We will also be hosting a Volunteer Recruitment in the Gathering Space!  

Spring Donation Opportunities

Our website features charitable activities in our parishes and community. Below are a few highlights from the many that are active right now. Visit our Outreach page for a full list of events.


Furniture/Clothing exchange: If you have furniture or clothing items to give away, please Outreach so that we may place your donation into our local network: (518) 929-4369.

Sidewalk Warriors of Troy: Thank you to those Family Faith Formation families who volunteer at Sidewalk Warriors. We are grateful for your sandwiches and help. Remember, we are at 35 State Street in Troy every Thursday at 6pm if you want to join us. And if you are unable to join us, please bring your items to the CCNCC offices at 1025 Kinderhook Street, Valatie. They will be sure everything gets to us. We are currently asking for toilet paper, a real necesity. Contact: Sue Seymour.

On May 19, our sister parishes in the Catholic Community of Northern Columbia County (CCNCC) will be invited to participate as a tri-parish project in the Collection of Non-Foods (i.e., paper goods, hygiene products, laundry detergent, etc.) conducted biannually at St. James. The future may include ideas for other tri-parish OutReach events as we work together to benefit the community.


June 14: Food Pantry at the Church of St. Joseph/Stuyvesant Falls: Friday, June 14 from 1:30-3:30 PM. Please continue to refer those in need to our pantry. Our food pantry is collecting the following items: Spaghettios, ravioli, Beefaroni, tuna & chicken salad packets, crackers, fruit & applesauce cups, juice, iced tea & lemonade mix. Please place any donated items in the red wagon in the gathering space. Thank you for your assistance!

Save the Dates! 


Saturday, June 22 from 5—8PM

St. John the Baptist Feast Day Celebration

And Pot Luck Picnic


Friday, August 2

St. John the Baptist Golf Scramble

Watch here for details!


Have you offered words of comfort to someone who grieved the loss of another? Have you grieved and wondered if your mourning is normal?

Perhaps you'd like to learn more AND become a Facilitator for “Grief Support.”

We are seeking 6 respondents among our CCNCC community who would like to be trained as facilitators.

Mary Fay, an employee with the Albany Diocese, is a Pastoral Care Consultant. She will train all facilitators, provide the materials and always offer guidance.

This Bereavement ministry is greatly needed. It is a profound ministry of compassion while learning to cope with loss. Each facilitator serves as a servant of God, accompanying the grieving through sharing, faith, hope and love. Peace can be found. In prayer, please consider being a partner for those with loss. For further information, call Regina Boyce (518) 784-2410.


Have Questions? Ask Fr. Steve!

If you missed last Thursday’s “Welcome Back” meeting, no worries! Maybe you are wondering:

Can I come to Mass, even if it has been many years?

Does God Love me if I am ...Gay? Divorced? or _____?

Will the priest in the confessional yell at me … it's been 30 (or more) years?

Whether you are returning, interested in learning more about becoming Catholic or just have some questions about the Catholic Faith or about God, please introduce yourself to me after Mass, call the office or email me at with any questions

En la página 2 de nuestra boltin encontrará contactos en nuestra comunidad hispanohablante para obtener más información sobre este programa en español.

Diocesan Appeal

As of early May our Diocesan Appeal offerings have improved greatly! Thank you very much to all who participated recently and over the past year! We are much closer to meeting our assessments. 

It is important to understand our Diocesan Appeal Assessment. Many parishes formerly advertised it as a “goal." It is not a goal, however; it is a requirement to be paid. If parishioners (and visitors) do not donate to the Appeal yearly, it is the responsibility of each parish to pay its fair share. Below are our latest results. If you have not yet donated, please consider doing so before June 30, the end of this year’s appeal.

Lastly, please know that gifts, pledges and donations are restricted to the use you select when donating and CANNOT be used for the settlement of any legal case. If you would like more information or to donate/pledge, please visit: 

As of May 15, 2024 our Diocesan Appeal 2023-2024 stats are:

Please consider E-giving to simplify and direct your weekly offerings. This is a safe, secure way of ensuring ongoing support of your parish whether you are home or away on vacation. It also helps us manage our finances more consistently. Please visit these links to learn more and get started with online giving:

The Church of St. Joseph:

St. James Church:

St. John the Baptist Church:


To our summer visitors: we’re grateful you’ve been able to join us and would appreciate your continued financial support through online giving. Safe travels and we hope to see you again soon!

CCNCC Worship Schedule

Saturday Vigil Mass:

4:00 PM - St. John the Baptist, Valatie (directions)

Sunday Mass:

7:15 AM - St. John the Baptist, Valatie (directions)

9:00 AM - St. James Church, Chatham (directions)

10:45 AM - Church of St. Joseph, Stuyvesant Falls (directions)

12:30 PM - Church of St. Joseph, Stuyvesant Falls (Español) (directions)


9:00 AM - St. James Church, Chatham - Rosary prayer followed by prayer service


9:00 AM - Church of St. Joseph, Stuyvesant Falls - Rosary prayer

9:30 AM - Church of St. Joseph, Stuyvesant Falls - Morning Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration


9:30 AM - St. John the Baptist, Valatie - Morning Mass


9:00 AM - St. James Church, Chatham - Rosary prayer

9:30 AM - St. James Church, Chatham - Morning Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration on First Fridays

7:00 PM - St. Joseph/San José, Stuyvesant Falls:Rosario seguido por Exposición de Santísimo (Español) a las 7-8 PM

For more information about our Pastor, Fr. Steve, enjoy this biographical reflection by clicking here

Please feel free to get in touch by emailing Fr. Steve at or calling the main office at St. John the Baptist in Valatie at (518) 758-9401.