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Prayer Joys and Concerns
About Stephen Ministry

This Sunday, May 19, is Pentecost. 

Don’t forget to wear red as a symbol of the

Holy Spirit! And yes, that could be

Wildcat, Hurricane, Liverpool, Redwing or Nationals jerseys.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. Peter Henry is preaching his sermon, "Rattle and Hum" based on Ezekiel 37: 1-14 and Acts 2:41-47.  


All of our Sunday services are live-streamed to Facebook and You Tube. Recordings will be played on WDAV. Free childcare is provided for all services.


Adult Sunday School Classes

*Pines Class – 9:00 a.m. in the Davidson Room, Pines Campus. 

*Maloney Class – 9:00 a.m. in the Watson building, #140. 

This Sunday's Bulletin
This Sunday's Fellowship Pad
Scan the QR code or click here to support this special offering.

This Sunday, May 19th, is our spring stewardship Sunday. Each local household should have received an inventory of ways to support the ministries of God through DCPC with hearts, hands and voices. Please fill out a form for each person in your house and bring them to worship on Sunday. If you didn't get one, or want to do an electronic version, here is the pdf and here is the Google form.

Grief Group

The Spring/Summer Grief Group will meet on Mondays from 6-7 pm in the Congregation House in Room Y, which is on the lower level. You can park behind and come in the French doors. We begin on June 3.

This weekly, 8-session group is for members and friends who have experienced a more recent loss. If you are interested in an ongoing, monthly luncheon, contact Peter Henry (phenry@dcpc.org) for more information about that opportunity to journey with others who have lost loved ones.

DCPC Preschool celebrates

DCPC member, Lee Kiley. 

Mrs. Kiley, the remarkable teacher and dedicated servant of God, devoted 15 years to our DCPC TK Program- who has not only imparted knowledge but also nurtured the hearts and minds of countless students over the years!

Lee's dedication to teaching has been a living testament to the verse from Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." Lee has always given her best, working as if each lesson and each moment were in service to God, and in doing so, she has made a profound impact on the lives of those she has taught.

Lee's light will continue to shine for the children around the world as she will be the DCPC Weekday Preschool's Global Mission Partner.

Everything with JOY. We Cherish Lee A. Kiley

The DCPC Legacy Endowment Fund:

our Spring 2024 Newsletter is here!

May is Planned Giving month for many organizations.

Our Endowment Committee invites all members and friends to make a planned gift to DCPC and become part of our DCPC Legacy Endowment Fund.

Click on the endowment newsletter image for our spring 2024 updates.

Learn more about the legacy giving at our website and thank you to everyone who wants to keep DCPC strong into the future.

Confirmation Project

Hi! My name is Finn Watson and I was recently confirmed into the church. For my confirmation project, I will be collecting socks! Yes, socks! Socks are among the top items most requested at homeless shelters. 

SOCKS WANTED: clean, single, paired, outgrown, unwanted, gently used & new, all sizes.

Join us in spreading warmth and comfort to those less fortunate by donating socks to our sock drive in partnership with The Odd Sock! Your generosity will make a real difference in the lives of those in need. Donation boxes are located at the entrance of the church. Let's step up and make a positive impact together!

Collection will take place now through June 15th. Boxes are in the entrance to the Sanctuary.


Click here to sign up to help with lunch items.
Click  here to make a financial contribution.

The Session has called a Corporation/Congregation meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary following the 10:00 a.m. worship service for the purpose of electing Elders (Trustees) and Deacons to begin their service in January 2025 (classes of 2027). 

Let’s sing our favorite hymns and songs this summer. Fill out the form with this QR code or email David Brinson (dbrinson@dcpc.org) or call the church office.

We are excited that DCPC has a regular monthly date to serve at Angels and Sparrows Community Table! We are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. We are responsible for providing seven volunteers. Please see the date, jobs, and time slots by clicking here, and sign up for what works for you. If you have questions, please contact Holly Frisbie at (336) 918-6351 or hyfrisbie@gmail.com.

Non-Perishable Food Item Drop-Off

During the renovation, we will continue to place two grocery carts on Sunday morning in front of the Sanctuary for you to donate canned goods and other non-perishable food items for our local Food Pantry. We will also have a cart Monday-Friday from 8 - 3:30 in front of the Congregation House. If you would like an up to date list of needed items visit: https://nourishup.org/donatefood/. 

You will notice that Loaves and Fishes/Friendship Trays has re-branded to Nourish Up. That is the new name of the Food Pantry at the Ada Jenkins Center. FYI. If you would like to be one of our monthly food delivery volunteers please reach out to Robert Alexander (ralexander@dcpc.org) for more information. Thank you.

Caregiver Support Group

Caregivers are invited to our new support group on either or both the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. and/or the fourth Tuesday at 2 p.m. Both meetings each month will take place in the Youth Lounge. Contact Deborah Conner with questions: dconner@dcpc.org or (704) 892 5641.

The next meeting is Monday, May 27 at 2:00 p.m. Join us as you are able and know that your ministry of care is in our prayers.

If you would like to make a secure, online gift, click here.