The Church Bell

Vol. 8, No. 3

Season of Pentecost 2024

Day of Pentecost / Whitsunday

May 19: Day of Pentecost / Whitsunday

On the 50th Day of Eastertide, the church throughout the world remembers the coming of the Holy Spirit and her empowerment to carry the holy gospel into the world.

This is the Day of Pentecost, also known as Whitsunday.

On May 19th St. Agnes' will hold a festival Day of Pentecost service at the 11 o'clock hour.

We encourage you to wear something red to symbolize the "tongues as of fire" mentioned in scripture.

Whitsunday / The Day of Pentecost is a great occasion to invite a friend or neighbor to church - so keep that in mind as well!

May 26th: Holy Trinity Sunday

The Sunday that follows Pentecost / Whitsunday is the church's formal celebration of the Holy Trinity .

We will hold a service at the usual 11 o'clock hour on that day, May 26th. 

We also invite you to attend a 10 o'clock reading and discussion on The Creed of St. Athanasius in the parish hall.

The Athanasian Creed is an ancient document proclaiming and verifying the nature of the Incarnation and of God as the Holy Trinity.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God: O come let us adore him.

Classes on the Catechism

St. Agnes' will offer a summer class and Bible study using the Catechism, also known as "An Outline of the Faith".

The classes will meet during the Sunday school hour, 10 a.m., from June 2nd through July 28th, in the parish hall.

This particular course will be especially helpful for anyone thinking about Baptism or Confirmation.

The course is also helpful for anyone who simply wants a refresh on the fundamentals of Holy Scripture and the Christian faith.

Change for Life campaign

On Father's Day, June 16th, St. Agnes' will support the "Change for Life" campaign for the Life Choices pregnancy support center.

Life Choices is a dynamic life-nurturing ministry with offices in Coffee, Franklin, and Grundy County.

To participate you can take home and fill up a baby bottle coin jar.

Christie James Grissett is a resource person at Life Choices. For information about the center please reach out to Christie or log on to

Thank you Fr. Sam!

We are ever so grateful for our time with The Rev'd Samuel Ponniah!

Fr. Sam was especially glad to be part of our working relationship with the Cowan Ministerial Association and with our dynamic ministry in the greater Sewanee area.

We were thankful to have Sam's ministry of presence when two of our parishioners passed into glory - Steve Pearson and Duncan Weddington.

Sam also celebrated a service of Holy Baptism on April 14th and invited a large group of visitors to worship with us on May 12th.

We know that he is glad to be home with his family in Sri Lanka and we pray that he will continue a fruitful ministry in the Church of Ceylon.

On April 14th, St. Agnes' hosted the Jansen family of Houston, Texas for the baptism of Skylar Viviana Jansen.

We welcomed her into the household of God.

May she grow to confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share in his eternal priesthood.

In remembrance

With sadness in our hearts, but with the certain hope of the Resurrection, our extended church family blessed and commemorated three of our precious loved ones.

Gloria Stuart passed into glory on March 30th.

Steve Pearson passed into glory on April 4th.

Duncan Weddington passed into glory on April 11th.

Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Updates from our extended church family

Kathleen Black is pleased to announce that her health is improving a little each day. Jarod stopped by to visit Kathleen, Gene, and Alice and to join them in prayer. We are hopeful that her strength and her immune system will fully recover!

Wynona Gibson is back home and recovering from shoulder surgery. She mentioned in a recent post that she is planning to do some small-scale gardening this summer. We hope to see her soon!

Nancy Glenn is improving and gaining strength. Bless the Lord! And she is enjoying her new living arrangement in Florida.

The Rev'd Scott James visited recently and enjoyed being with his friends at St. Agnes'! He really enjoys visiting his neighbors in the care facility where he lives now. We hope to see him again soon!

Carla's granddaughter, Kristina Scruggs, had a successful recovery from her recent heart surgery and is planning to play volleyball again!

Jarod visited Frances Weddington, had prayer with her, and delivered a card signed by the congregation. Please keep Frances in your prayers in light of Duncan's recent passing.

Get Ahead on Recent Sermons
Take full advantage of our online presence, especially if you are unable to attend services in person.

Here are some of our recent Video Sermons:
"Truth and Unity" from May 12th
"The summary of it all is love" from May 5th
"We have a Vineyard Keeper" from April 28th
"God in our midst and the Good Shepherd" from April 21st
"Recognizing the Risen Christ in our midst" from April 14th
"Homily from the burial service for Steve Pearson" from April 8th
"The first evangelists" from March 31st

Late Spring / Early Summer Birthdays

May 2 - Ella Grissett

May 9 - Carla Wilson Money

May 14 - Derek Lofing

May 20 - Dianne Ansley

May 28 - John Ng'oma

May 31 - Kathleen Black

June 6 - Brian Judd

June 6 - Kathy Owens

June 7 - Linda Milligan

June 9 - Gene Black


"Watch over thy children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand, comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and their hearts may thy peace, which passeth understanding abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

We Uphold in Prayer

Teresa Peacock, Gene and Kathleen Black, Nancy Glenn, Scott James, Mike Cunningham, Tony Newmann, Leanna Morris, Shane O'Dear, Heather Martin, Rose Pearson, Scott James, Wynona Gibson, Gene Black, Marty Judd, Iris Ellidge, Mary McDonald, Roy Tankersley, and Linda Milligan.

We pray continually for Christians around the world in grave danger.

We pray especially over the crisis and conflict in Israel, Gaza, The Ukraine, the Southern Border, and other areas in distress.

We pray for the recent storm victims in Tennessee and in the Midwestern states.

We bless and commemorate Josh Tenpenny, Gloria Stuart, Steve Pearson, Duncan Weddington, and Nathaniel Coker. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.


"O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayer, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sicknesses may be turned into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Sunday Service ....................................11:00 a.m.
Sunday School .....................................10:00 a.m.

Location/Address: 105 England Street E., PO Box 356, Cowan, TN 37318
Telephone: (931) 636-6313
E-mail the church

The Rt. Rev'd John C. Bauerschmidt..................Bishop of Tennessee

The Rev'd John Ng'oma.....................................Visiting Priest

L. Jarod Pearson.................................................Lay Reader