"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts
but the same Spirit."
~ 1 Corinthians 12:4
Parish Council Installation
At the conclusion of the 5pm and 10:30am Pentecost Masses this weekend we will install the OLBS Parish Council. Thank you to Joe Bush, Glen Villano, Kathy Casterton, Lynn Palac, Don Kauffold and Pete Gennuso for sharing your gifts with Fr. Dan and our parish!
Lord, Send Out Your Spirit
In Sunday’s responsorial psalm the Church sings out: “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” All three readings describe how God has answered that prayer already.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles and in the Gospel passage from John, we read of astonishing events that called cowering disciples to step out of hiding and proclaim news that would condemn them and change the world forever! In the second reading Paul’s words reach out into the future to us: “we were all given to drink of one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).

It is our task to truly pray today’s psalm response. Let us together beg the Holy Spirit to renew the earth by renewing the Church, sending many more men and women to serve in its various ministries.
RSVP for Mass on Sunday
RSVP for liturgies for Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd, are live on Wednesday, May 19th at 7:00pm.

Please note, attendance is limited and registration is required. Schedule follows (if you need assistance making or changing your registration, please call or e-mail parish offices):

SJE Church, 5:00pm

QR Church, 8:00am

SJE Church, 9:15am

QR Church, 10:30am
Follow this link to keep up with Readings for Daily and Sunday liturgies.
The parking lot attendance option remains available at the QR 10:30am Mass for those with underlying conditions. Park in the designated lot and tune to 102.5 FM radio channel to listen to Mass on your car radio, or watch from your phone on our Facebook page or Web page. At Communion, an Extraordinary Minister will distribute the Holy Eucharist to guests in each car.

Important Note: The following safety protocols continue to be enforced at ALL liturgies and in-person gatherings at both churches, parish centers and on parish grounds: face covering worn securely over nose and mouth, hands sanitized upon entry (and again prior to receiving Holy Communion), seating in marked areas only to respect social distancing, temperature checks for all events involving youth or food service and no congregating in church facilities including parking lots.

If in the previous 14 days you have traveled to a state on the watch list, experienced any cold or flu symptoms or have spent time with anyone experiencing symptoms, we ask out of an abundance of caution that you please stay home to help insure the safety of our parish family.

Wondering what to expect? Follow this link to download Parishioner Reopening Guides in Polish, Spanish or English. And take a minute to watch our Welcome Home Video on the home page!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
Trust In the Goodness of the Lord
We want to congratulate Fr. Dan on the 7th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood this past Monday, May 17th and also recognize Fr. Louis' upcoming 10th Anniversary of Ordination on Saturday, June 5th.

We have heard from many parishioners wishing to celebrate this milestone anniversary, and so all are invited to a drive-by/meet 'n greet for Fr. Louis at QR Church at 9am on Saturday, June 5th, following Morning Mass.
The Feast of Corpus Christi
“A great number of people were kneeling out in the streets as we passed with the Blessed Sacrament. It was a truly glorious celebration. Some might think this is simply a throwback, a conservative reversion to traditionalism. Far from it. It shows on the contrary that Christ is truly contemporary and shows our hunger for his Body and Blood…In Holy Communion we are receiving the reality of the Body and Blood of Christ, the totality of Christ…We are receiving not a different Christ but the same Christ. There is only one Christ, the Christ of the womb of Mary, the Christ who walked the hills of Galilee, the Christ who worked the miracles, the Christ who suffered and died, the Christ who gave us himself, the Christ who is the Word of God, the Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This is the meaning of the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Could God have given us a more precious gift than to give us his own Son?” 
John Cardinal O’Connor
Please join OLBS for our Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday, June 6th, following the 10:30am Mass. We will gather at Queen of the Rosary Church and process to St. Julian, following Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to join us as we walk and sing together. You may also choose to drive over and meet at SJE for prayer and Benediction at noon. Pray for good weather as we look forward to the blessed event!
Praying Outside the Church
Save the date to gather in worship and fellowship at OLBS Outdoor Summer Masses:

Sunday, June 13, 2021, 5pm at QR Church
Sunday, July 18, 2021, 5pm at SJE Church
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5pm at QR Church

Everyone is encouraged to bring their own lawn or camp chair to setup in the parking lots. We also recommend bringing an umbrella, which will protect from glare or heat of the sun.

Following Mass, all are invited to stay for fellowship and book discussion of Matthew Kelly's "I Heard God Laugh." 
Please note, these Masses will not be celebrated from our cars, and we are not able to provide outdoor seating.
One Book, One Parish
Most of us have never been taught how to tend our souls. Matthew Kelly’s book “I Heard God Laugh” is a beautiful lesson and soulful directive on how to pray. It’s not what you think. It’s not the standard talk on “how to pray”. It’s so much more. Your soul will be filled. It’s a feeling of gently and warmly holding the hand of God as you talk in comfort and trust. 
As Matthew Kelly says, “Life – it doesn't turn out as we expect it to. That's true for me. That's true for you. That's true for everybody. And sooner or later, we have to decide what we're going to do with the unexpected life that we've been given. In some ways, life exceeds our expectations.” 
Please join OLBS on this journey through “I Heard God Laugh” as we explore how to pray and discover how to tend our soul, together. Books will be available following all Masses the weekend of Sunday, June 13th.
May Is the Month of Mary
Our Rosary Group continues to suggest ways we may all grow closer to Christ through Our Blessed Mother during the month of May. Follow our Facebook pages to discover more:

Pope Francis' "marathon" month of prayer continues!

Season for Life
Spring, a season of renewal and hope, is adorned in the natural beauty of new life. God’s great creation bursts forth with the sights, smells and sounds of a world emerging from the slumber of winter. Green grass, flowering trees, chirping birds and gentle rains fill our senses and hearts with a great anticipation of good things to come.

In this spirit of renewal and hope, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Respect Life Ministry invites us all to participate in a Season for Life.
Thank you for helping to promote a culture of life by generously supporting OLBS' Season for Life. We appreciate your donations to the baby bottles in our vestibules. Please note, after Father's Day, we will tally and split the donations from the baby bottles evenly amongst the organizations we have been highlighting.
Provide Answers...and Hope
Supporting the Women's Center can help provide answers...and hope as it has done for more than 63,000 clients over the past 30 years. Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be extremely stressful. Women may experience feelings of panic. Maybe they don’t have anyone to confide in or don’t know where to go for help. The Women’s Center is here for them and cares about the physical and emotional health of each one of its clients. Free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds and free supportive counseling.

Follow this link to see the Women's Centers Wish List (items may be dropped in the collection bins in our church vestibules: OLBS Season for Life.

Enjoy this pre-pandemic Christmas party video to learn more about The Women’s Center and how they help.
You're Not Alone
After more than four decades of legalized abortion, many children’s lives have been ended, and many parents and family members suffer that loss—often in silence. Yet God’s greatest desire is to forgive. No matter how far we have strayed from His side, He says to us, “Don’t be afraid. Draw close to my heart.” Project Rachel offers post-abortion healing and hope.

Follow this link to learn more about A Season for Life.

Follow this link to read Expressions of Healing and Thanks.
School Report
¿Qué tiempo hace? What’s the weather like?

This May, fifth grade students at QR School became Spanish weather forecasters! After watching real Spanish weather forecasters through our online textbook, Voces, students created their own five-day Spanish weather forecasts. Students could pick any city they liked and then present their information digitally (Google Slides or video.) Students reported the weather locally in Elk Grove, Itasca, and Chicago as well as in Florida, Hawaii, England, and various other locations. Students did a wonderful job and you can see some of their project images in Sunday's bulletin.

Follow this link to learn more about QR School.
RE Roundup
OLBS is pleased to welcome 17 new members to our already amazing Altar Server team. Over the last few weeks, current servers have shared their experiences with interested 4th and 5th graders over Zoom and encouraged each to join an upcoming training session in June.  

New members said they look forward to:
  • learning more about the Mass
  • connecting with others their own age about their faith
  • growing closer to God
  • helping the priests out
  • sharing their love for God
  • making new friends
  • embracing new opportunities

All in attendance also had a chance to challenge Fr. Dan on his first ever round of Kahoot. Our topic was "Articles of the Mass!"

If anyone 10 years of age to incoming 12th grade is interested in training as an altar server, please contact the parish office to be added to the email list.
Dear Parishioners
My name is Joseph Alvarado, I have been a dedicated parishioner for the last 15 years at St Julian Eymard including attending 9 years of religious education. I have also been an active member in the altar server and youth ministry programs, as well as volunteering at many parish-wide events such as parish picnics and our Social Outreach ministries. Currently I am working toward my Eagle Scout rank, one of the most highly decorated awards in Scouts BSA. One of the many requirements is to plan, develop, and lead a service project. As we continue to grow as a newly united parish, my project will be to add another sacred space around the St Julian Eymard campus, near the religious education doors. I will be creating an outdoor classroom/prayer garden which will be available to anyone who stops by St. Julian to spend some quiet time in prayer. This will add another sacred space around our churches when they are closed or for those who are still unable to join us inside for worship at this time. I look forward to everyone enjoying the new prayer garden, which I am dedicating to my grandfather. My Papa, Joseph, was a founding member of Queen of the Rosary Church. 

Thank you and God bless you, Joseph Alvarado
Recently we introduced a temporary relocation of staff (while we assess facilities and look at options, everything is on the table right now) to facilitate better collaboration and communication. Also, in our continuing effort to streamline services and better minister to the needs of the parish, OLBS has introduced an Event Coordinator role to help administer the master parish calendar. Our Pastoral Minister, Brian Michalski, whom many of you know from his work in liturgy, ministry and oversight of volunteers, is adding this new role. 

Please begin e-mailing meeting and event reservation requests to Brian at calendar@stjulianeymard.org! (Please note, we are in the process of switching over to our new domain OLBSEGV.org.)

Follow this link to learn more.
Follow the parish bulletin, eNews, pulpit announcements and social channels for updates. And, as always, feel free to contact the parish office with questions, or schedule time to meet with Fr. Dan about the temporary office relocation or other parish news.
Please note, our parish office move is planned for next week. To facilitate this move, our offices will be closed to walk-ins from Monday, May 24th to Friday, May 28th.

If you have business with or need to meet with a member of our staff, please schedule time in advance so we can be sure not to miss you!
Though things are opening up, we recognize that not all are able to join us at this time, so we remind you that we have the following virtual tools available to help us stay connected:

Sunday's Digital Worship Aid. Whether you print out or follow along on your phone, from home or inside our churches, you will find Sunday's Digital Worship Aid on the home page of our church websites: QR (scroll down to the link "Click here for digital worship aid...") and SJE (scroll down to the button "Sunday's Digital Worship Aid").

Daily Prayer. Follow this link to review daily prayer, or signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.

Morning Prayer. No commute, no computer needed...join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer. Learn more.

Weekly Bulletin. Download the weekly parish bulletin when you are unable to attend Mass.

Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.

Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily Mass from both churches: QR and SJE.

Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
Raise Your Hand
At the conclusion of the 5pm (SJE) and 10:30am (QR) Pentecost Masses this weekend we will install the OLBS Parish Council. Thank you to Joe Bush, Glen Villano, Kathy Casterton, Lynn Palac, Don Kauffold and Pete Gennuso for raising your hands and sharing your gifts with Fr. Dan and our parish!

Follow this space for spotlights and updates on the various volunteer opportunities available around the parish. Joining a council or board or volunteering for a ministry requires a short time commitment and shows great stewardship. Please share your gifts and offer your talents to a consultative board or one of the many ministries serving our parish and community. Raise your hand. Make a real difference in the life of our parish, school and religious education programs. OLBS needs YOU!

Want to know more? Please contact the parish office (847) 956-0130.
The Love Thy Neighbor Ministry has set a goal to contact each OLBS parishioner to check in on them and see if there is anything the parish can assist with. To learn more about how Love Thy Neighbor volunteers are sharing God's love and mercy with the parish, please visit the website to read a volunteer testimonial or watch the short video above.

We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!

SJE Campus | 601 Biesterfield Road | (847) 956-0130
QR Campus | 750 W Elk Grove Blvd | (847) 437-0403