Basic Boundary Training - June 9, Susquehanna University
Board of Directors Meeting - June 9, Susquehanna University
Conference Annual Meeting - June 9-10, Susquehanna University
Transitional Ministers Gathering - June 14
Mystery Visitor Training - June 14
Personnel Committee - June 15
General Synod Meeting - June 17
Hartman Center Golf Outing - RESCHEDULED for June 17- 1:30 pm
Vitality Workshop: How to Increase Worship Attendance - June 25, St. Johns, Boalsburg
General Synod UCC - June 30 - July 4 in Baltimore
Clergy Breakfast - July 27
Hartman Center
Clergy Convocation -
January 30 - February 1, 2018
Doubletree by Hilton - Willow Valley, Lancaster PA
Mid-Atlantic Regional Youth Event -
July 19-22, 2018
California University of Pennsylvania
NEW - 2016 Was a Great Year for UCC!
"What Unites Us Is Greater Than What Divides Us"
NEW - Board Approved Strategic (Missional) Plan
Penn Central's Strategic Plan for 2017 - 2020
Northern UCC Cluster Pig Roast
June 25, beginning at 5pm, the Northern Cluster of UCC Churches will host a free pig roast and concert at MYO Park in Millersburg.
The Saving Grace Band, a Christian group from Mifflinburg, will share wonderful Southern and Country Gospel Music with us. Bring a covered-dish to share, and a lawn chair.
Flyer for more details!
NEW - Parish Resource Center Summer Workshops
Register for Summer Workshops!
- The Science and Experience of Chanting
- What's Working Well in your Children's Ministry
- Worship Design: Using Visual Arts to Enliven Your Space
- Understanding How the Holy Spirit Uses Emotions in Our Lives
NEW - UCC Disaster Ministries
We are being asked to help the UCC with Disaster Recovery in Volusia County, Florida, and in Naplate and Ottawa, Ill.
Please read the information below and then open the link to each Disaster Recovery site's specific information.
Disaster Ministries
You are encouraged to share this request with your home church, your PCC Association and throughout Penn Central Conference!
NEW - May 31 The Pollinator
- The Dakota Pipeline
- Empowering Youth in Environmental Justice
- Capturing Foundational Truths to Church
- We're Our Own Worst Asteroid
New Mission Planning and Assessment Guide
Now available for easy download - Mission and Assessment
NEW - Unbinding Your Heart Books Needed
Shiloh United Church of Christ will be doing the "Unbinding" program by Martha Grace Reese and are hoping that other churches who have gone through the program might be willing to give / loan / sell your books to us.
We are specifically looking for Unbinding Your Heart, (the purple one, ISBN 978-0-8272-3805-3).
If you have books we might use, please contact Shiloh United Church of Christ, Danville ... Rev. Mary Schmotzer (570-275-1943, mschmotzer@shilohucc.org) or Al Shulski (ajshulski@gmail.com). The church would like to have the books by August 13th.
Grant Opportunities
The NEW grant application for New Spiritual Communities and ReNewing Churches Grant program is now live, after extensive revisions!
For more information and the updated application, please check
The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council is preparing to re-issue several grant Request for Proposals (RFPs) in June 2017.
Two of the coming grants that will specifically target and benefit resource and service development in Pennsylvania rural communities are summarized below:
Rural Responsive Resources
Rural Transportation Cooperatives
Emerging Philanthropist Grant
EPP invites nonprofit organizations serving Harrisburg City and the surrounding geographic areas to apply for a
one-time grant of $5000. These organizations must provide programs that work to assist individuals 18 and older to increase self-sufficiency. Eligible programs may include, but are not limited to,
mentoring, workforce development and career building, financial literacy, and parenting classes.
Join Our List |
Clergy News |
June - July
June 11: Melissa Eicholtz's Last Sunday at St. Jacobs Stone
June 11: Roger Snyder Farewell and 45th Ordination Anniversary Celebration at St. John's Tylersville
June 18: George Martz, 50th anniversary of his ordination on June 18 (50th anniversary of his graduation from LTS was May 19-20)
June 25: Dave Longenecker Installation at Homestead Village 3:00 PM
July 2: Marian Anderson Ordination at St. John's, Lewisburg
- 3:00 PM
July 23: Kenna Meko Korssa Ordination at Wisdom's Table at St. Peter's, Lancaster - 3:00 PM
July 30:
Jeff Kardisco Ordination at Trinity, Waynesboro - 3:00 PM
Focusing on Clergy Mental Health
"You need to do something about this," the pastor pleaded. I was walking back to my room while attending the annual governance meeting of my denomination, the Christian Reformed Church (CRC), when this pastor approached me. He urged, "I won't tell you the details, but you need to do something to address the mental health challenges pastors face."
Read more from Mark Stephenson here.
Community Events |
NEW - "Be Balanced" Women's Retreat
Find balance in your life as a women of faith.
July 28 and 29
See brochure for additional details. |
Hartman Center |
NEW - ONE More Camper Campaign
As of June 7 we have 230 campers registered for summer programs. We need more than 300 (ideally 350) campers for the summer program to operate in the BLACK.
Can your church provide a CHRISTMAS IN JUNE OR JULY for a child/youth in your church or in your community?
If every PCC congregation could send just ONE MORE CAMPER that would make a world of difference to Hartman Center BUT EVEN MORE to those children/youth that get to experience the blessings of a week at summer camp.
The best way to experience camp for the first time is to come with a friend, or a parent, or grandparent. Intergenerational camps are offered each week.
Read more here.
Great Camp Offerings at Hartman Center!
Hartman Center Summer Camp has robust full week and half-week camps running June 18 through July 29. (Plus, we have our Labor Day Intergenerational Camp as well!) Branch Out and Connect to Christ with great programs geared for fishing, pioneer adventure, soccer, music, drama, dance and many more!
Join us this summer to make your own memories!
Hartman Golf Outing
There is still time to register for the Rescheduled Hartman Center Golf Outing!
Hartman Center Golf Outing
in memory of Rev. Lee Lawhead
Saturday, June 17, 2017, 1:30 p.m. start
Fairview Golf Course, Quentin (Lebanon), PA
Come on out for Hole Contests, Prizes, $10,000 Hole-in-One Contest and more!
Have you seen the Hartman Center Video?
SWIMMING POOL FUND - Progress Update!!
Thank you for your support!
Hartman Center "Wish List"
There have been lots of questions on how to best support Hartman Center.
Here is a "wish list" of affordable items or projects that an individual, a group, or a church could adopt as a fun way to support Hartman Center.
The Wish List includes:
- Passenger or Utility Van - $15,000 - 30,000
- Airless Paint Gun - $400
- New Hobart 20-30 Qt. Mixer - $5,000
- New Hobart 10-20 Qt. Mixer - $1,500
- Quilts, comforters, sheets/pillow cases to develop a linen service for Michaux Lodge 32 sets needed x $60-120
- Camp benches - 16 wood or composite
- Pavilion picnic tables
- Shed for program storage
NEW UCC Mission Initiative |
3 Great Loves - Love of Children, Creation and Neighbor
Curator Needed!
"3 Great Loves: Love of Children, Love of Creation, Love of Neighbor" is a UCC-wide mission initiative that will be launched at General Synod 2017 and conclude at General Synod 2019. This initiative invites us to look at our work through the lenses of the 3 Great Loves.
How does our work express a love of children, a love of creation, and/or a love of neighbor?
Every Conference as been invited to participate in this initiative by sharing our Conference stories in written or short video (30 sec) form. We encourage each of our congregations to share their stories of ministry moving us toward a just world.
To curate these stories, we are seeking a volunteer "Just World for All Conference Coordinator" for Penn Central Conference. Please email Wendy at whepler@pccucc.org if you are interested.
Faith Connection Stories |
Read and Share Our Faith Connection Stories!
Quentin UCC - Bringing extra sparkle to
The Sparkle Box with good deeds and donations
Shiloh, Danville - Expanding the welcome and making the church accessible for all
We love to hear stories of Penn Central Conference congregations working within their communities to passionately declare and demonstrate their courageous love of Christ. Share your story today!
Archive |
Have a Story to Share?! |
We would love to hear from you!