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Calendar and Save the Dates
2020 Clergy Sabbath
SAVE THE DATE - January 21-23, 2020
Annual Meeting 2020
SAVE THE DATE - June 12 and 13, 2020
General Synod - Kansas City
SAVE THE DATE - July 16 - 20, 2021
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 Clergy News |
Clergy, Please Help Us Stay in Contact with Our Treasurers! - NEW
We are building a database of treasurer's email addresse
s so that we can give the
a "heads up" as to special offerings, best ways to get their donations to us, and also give them easy access to ask US questions they may have. Please sign up here.
If you do not have a treasurer's
email, we recommend that you set up an email address for your treasurer using your church's email. (For example:
) T
hat way, when there is change in the treasurer position - the email still gets to the church to a treasurer's attention, and the church office can easily internally be sure that email gets forwarded to the proper/current treasurer.
Installations, Ecclesiastical Councils and Ordinations
June 30
- Installation of Pastor Diane Kinley, St. John's, Bellefonte - 3:00 PM
July 20 - Ordination of Rev. Scott Siciliano at Colonial Park UCC, Harrisburg - 3:00 PM
September 22
- Installation of Rev. Tony Fields at Christ Church UCC, Annville - 3:00 PM
 Hartman Center |
Craft Building Donations - NEW
Thanks to all our volunteers!. We finished a new roof and the beginnings of some planned interior upgrades for the Craft Shop, one of the most beloved sites at Hartman Center. Here's to another fifty years of creativity and fellowship within its walls.
You can donate to the Craft Building Project
Open Positions |
Minister of Music - St. Peter's Lischey's UCC, Spring Grove, is seeking an individual to lead an inspired music ministry. The position would require an organist/choir director for our vibrant music ministry with our adult choirs, children's choir and chime choir. This individual would be responsible for rehearsing with these groups, as well as providing the music for our one-hour Sunday Worship Service. Minimal special services and events during the year would also be an expectation. Qualifications include an individual excited to share Christ's mission through uplifting music in our worship service. Interested individuals should contact the church office (717-225-3935) and complete an application by July 31, 2019.
Youth Leader
to minister to the youth at Colonial Park UCC. Organize, facilitate and encourage youth activities, teach Sunday School and attend Worship. We are looking for someone to be a Christ-like example for the youth, help them explore and grow in their faith, and communicate God's message in a way that makes it relevant for them. Position is 10 hours per week for a salary of $4,800. Send resumes to by June 17, 2019.
Church Choir Accompanist
for the Colonial Park UCC Sanctuary Choir. Candidate must demonstrate proficiency playing traditional and contemporary sacred music on both the piano and pipe organ and have experience accompanying a church choir. Bachelor's degree in Music desired. Responsible for all choir rehearsals, Sunday Worship and special church holidays (evenings on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday). Position is approximately 6 hours per week for salary of $4,560 per year. Sanctuary Choir season is 9.5 months. Send resumes to by July 22, 2019.
Full Time Organist/Pianist - Shiloh UCC, Danville is currently looking for a full time organist/pianist. Applicants should send a resume to the church at: 512 Bloom Street, Danville, PA 178231. Shiloh is an open and affirming congregation.
Penbrook United Church of Christ (PUCC) is currently seeking to fill part-time positions leading our church's music program starting immediately. The openings for a Choral Director and an Organist may be combined or filled separately.
The Choral Director is responsible for the choral music program at the PUCC, preparing and presenting a choral anthem as Special Music for each Sunday Morning worship service from the first Sunday in September through the second Sunday in June, except when the bell choir performs. The Choral Director the PUCC Chancel Choir, Men's Chorus, and the Women's Chorus. The Choral Director does not direct the bell choirs. The position is part-time, approximately 6 hours per week.
The Organist provides liturgically-appropriate music for all PUCC church services, including Sunday morning worship, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Week (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday), Easter, and any additional worship services held on an ad hoc basis, cooperating with the Pastor, PUCC Choral Director, PUCC Spirituality and Worship Committee and Bell Choir Director in planning worship music. Music for all such services includes Prelude, Offertory, and Postlude, as well as accompaniment to congregational hymns and choral responses. Organ accompaniment is preferred for congregational hymns and responses. Organist also plays for weddings and funeral services as needed, with compensation determined between the Organist and those who wish to secure his/her services. The Organist also serves as accompanist to the PUCC Chancel Choir, Women's Chorus, and Men's Chorus, both at rehearsals and performances. The position is part-time, approximately 14 hours per week.
PUCC is a small, open and affirming congregation located within the borough of Penbrook at 56 Banks Street. Send communications, including letter of interest and résumé to:
Prayers for Penn Central Conference |
Ephesians 6:18 (NLT):
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...
- Dreisbach UCC, Lewisburg
- Saint John's UCC, Lewisburg
- Trinity UCC, Lewistown
- Trinity UCC, Lititz
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