Our showcased machine today comes to us from the Italy-based PND company. Founded in 2000, PND has taken the global fruit processing market by storm. Case in point: the sleek, freshly arrived PND machine featured above, the model PL6M mango/kiwi peeler.
With its adjustable peel thickness, production speed, and fruit rotation settings, the PND mango and kiwi peeler can process fruit at any stage of ripening. Even maintenance is quick and easy. Check out PND's video of the peeler in operation here. Technical specs? Yes, we can point you to those too! --> PND model PL6M specs. And then we welcome you to head over to our PND peeler's product page for a closer look and to request a quote (or hit the button below).
After checking out today's highlighted inventory below, we invite you to visit our website's inventory listings to see even more. Whether you're looking to purchase a machine or sell your own surplus, we're here to serve you.