2017 - November Edition
Edward Curry, MD, FAAP   President, AAP-CA2
Earlier this week we had National CHIP Advocacy Day - 31 days after Congress let the funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program expire. This was the day to once again ask Congress to extend CHIP. Thank you to everyone who took the time to call your legislators.
Also on this Day of Action, The Children's Movement organized a Thunderclap Campaign (A synchronized, mass social media posting of a specific message) that reached 304,636 users via social media (Facebook and Twitter) with the intent of raising awareness on this essential need. On October 31, the AAP issued a Statement on House CHIP Legislation signed by President Fernando Stein, MD, FAAP. Despite all efforts, the Bill as voted on Friday reveals an extension of CHIP that leaves Prevention and Public Health gaps that still need to be addressed, as stated in Dr. Stein's Statement.   As we continue our advocacy efforts we can only hope for the best. Thank you for what you do, and keep up the fantastic work.
We've had a very busy month. AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large Ken Saul, MD, FAAP had a Town Hall on October 11 on Vitamin D, plus several guest speakers on other topics. Please see the details with specific links to resources in that section below.  
The second Town Hall on "Best Practices in Developmental Screening" was held in Palmdale on October 19. I personally attended that event and was very excited to see pediatricians and therapists coming together to discuss screening and intervention. We are extremely thankful for First 5 LA for sponsoring this series of events in LA County. We still have spaces for the November 30 event at Maggiano's. Please register in the "Upcoming Events" section below.  
We closed October with the CQN Immunizations in-person Quality Improvement Learning Session in Pasadena. This project utilizes Quality Improvement tools to help reduce immunization missed opportunities and develop a reminder/recall system. Congratulations to all the practices for their dedication and accomplishments.
We have a Town Hall on Tuesday, November 7, at Loma Linda University Medical Center. A AP-CA2 San Bernardino Area Representative Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP is Hosting this event on "Nutritional Considerations for Infants". Please see the speaker line-up and registration link in the "Upcoming Events" section. 
Congratulations to Kyle Yasuda, MD, FAAP, new AAP President-Elect. Dr. Yasuda will take over as President on Jan. 1, 2019, following Colleen A. Kraft, MD, FAAP. You may read about Dr. Yasuda, here
Lastly, November 15 is the deadline to submit Resolutions for the 2018 Annual Leadership Forum. Please look in that section below if you have an idea that you would like to submit. 
That's it for now. Thank you for everything that you do for children, and for your ongoing support of the Chapter. 
Please feel free to get involved locally by contacting our Chapter 2 Executive Director.
As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.
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In The Community
Town Hall in Woodland Hills
October 11, 2017 - Maggiano's
Pediatricians gathered at a Town Hall Meeting, hosted by AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large Ken Saul, MD, FAAP, on October 11, 2017 at Maggiano's in Woodland Hills. Guest speaker  Carol Wagner, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina  presented "It's "D" Day! - The Truth About Vitamin D and the New Norms". 
As usual with this topic, the presentation was very well received (did I mention that we had the large room at Maggiano's and that after everyone sat down there were literally people standing in the back?). Following his traditional baseball trivia, Dr. Saul invited a few guests to speak. Dr. Paul Rehder, MD, FAAP, FAAD provided a four page document of dermatologic pearls, and went through a number of them with the audience.   Jeff Mongelli, CEO of Acentec presented an overview of encrypted and HIPAA compliant Texting for doctor/patient communication (a service offered by his company). Next, Michael T. Parra, MD and Medical Director for Pediatric Allergy Solutions, introduced their innovative Next Generation Allergy Test and Treatment. In short, a single finger prick eliminates the scratch test, they mail the blood kits to your office for free... you test and bill. The test identifies 137 allergens and a report is provided. Furthermore, they have a unique treatment program in the form of a toothpaste. Look at the link above for more details. The third guest was Renee Nicole Noy, Esq., employment consultant/mediator and co-owner of Workwise LawAmong their services, I would like to highlight the implementation of an early conflict resolution process to mitigate a potential lawsuit.
Finally, Dr. Saul engaged the audience with topics of controversy, and difficult cases seen in the clinic.
If you have never attended one of his events, go to the next one - they are both educational and entertaining.

Town Hall in Palmdale
Oct 19, 2017 - Antelope Valley Country Club
The second Town Hall in its series, Best Practices in Developmental Screening - An Inside Look, was held in Palmdale at the Antelope Valley Country Club. In attendance were primary care pediatricians and speech language pathologists from both Lancaster and Palmdale. Carlo DeAntonio, MD, FAAP and Margaret Swaine, MD, both clinicians at the North Los Angeles Regional Center, discussed best practices in developmental screening and early detection of autism. Also, guest speaker Christine Park, MD, FAAP and Chief Medical Officer of Northeast Valley Health Corporation ( NEVHC) shared the "First Connections Developmental Screening Initiative", the highly efficient screening and referral process implemented in her clinic.   
The November 15 event is booked (Wait list only). Please sign up to attend the November 30th event at Maggiano's, in Woodland Hills. See agenda on right. You may RSVP HERE 
QI Project - Immunizations
Nine Practices Implement QI Measures in Childhood Immunizations
Nine practices continue participating in the AAP Chapter Quality Network (CQN) U.S. Immunizations Project. Seven months into the project, reports show improvement with a considerable reduction in missed opportunities. The project aim is to improve vaccination rates for children up to two years of age. Practices document immunization rates, missed opportunities, and patient recall data.
From 58 to 28%
The image below shows data representing the nine practices as a group. As a group, a total of 603 patient encounters were documented utilizing the California Immunization Registry 2 (CAIR2). Upon project start, (taking into account three months of baseline data) Missed Opportunities were as high as 52% according to baseline data, and 58% during the first month of data collection. Currently, that measure has dropped to 28%. Congratulations to all practices for successfully implementing the QI principles and strategies presented during the in-person learning sessions and monthly webinars.
The Patient Recall phase started in August and is already showing improvement.  
Congratulations to the following practices:


CQN All Immunizations Learning Session 3 in Pasadena
Oct 28, 2017 - The Shakespeare Club of Pasadena
Participating practices met in Pasadena at the Shakespeare Club for the In-Person Learning Session 3 on Saturday, October 28. Training was provided by the National AAP QI Team: Suzanne Emmer, Director, Division of Chapter QI Initiatives; Jennifer Powell, MPH, MBA, Quality Improvement Consultant; Ken Hempstead, MD, FAAP; and Kristie Marcelle, MSW, CQN US Immunizations Project Manager.
AAP-CA2 President Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, and AAP-CA2 QI Team Subject Matter Expert Priyanka Fernandes, MBBS, FAAP, facilitated groups during hands-on exercises.  
IMAGE BELOW - Top Row Only, from left:  AAP-CA2 President Edward Curry, MD, FAAP; Priyanka Fernandes, MBBS, FAAP; and Suzanne Emmer.   


IMAGE BELOW. Top Left, Quality Improvement Consultant Jennifer Powell, MPH, MBA, engaged the audience with a variety of QI topics, including Data Review, Tips for Improving Performance, and Protocols and Standing Orders (as part of creating a sustainable immunization system). On right, Dr. Ken Hempstead, MD, FAAP, provided a compelling new approach to discussing immunizations with parents: Effective Communication Without Confrontation - a program created by The Permanente Medical Group.
The day ended with practices breaking up into groups to brainstorm and re-design clinic workflows to improve immunizations and patient recall.
District IX Chapter Forum Management Committee
Resolutions for the 2018 Annual Leadership Forum (ALF)
Paula Whiteman
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP 
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC  
Immediate Past President, AAP-CA2 
Last Chance. Submission Deadline: November 15.

If you are passionate about a particular idea or topic that you feel should be a priority for the National AAP, then please consider writing a resolution. Here's how!!!
For Instructions, Please Click here to view the full report, including Submission Deadline, Sponsorship, and Late Resolutions.
UPCOMING EVENTS -  Save The Dates!
November 7, 2017 at  Loma Linda University Medical Center Town Hall/Dinner 
This Tuesday!
Please join AAP-CA2 San Bernarino Area Representative Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP as he hosts an evening of professional development. 
Topic: Nutritional Considerations for Infants
CME Accreditation: 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Creditsâ„¢. 
  • Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP
  • Munaf M. Kadri, MD
  • Elba Simon-Fayard, MD, FAAP
Date:  November 7, 2017 at  6:30 PM. 
LOCATION: Loma Linda University Medical Center -
Wong Kerlee Int'l Conference Center - Jesse Room 
Sponsored by Abbott Nutrition.  
Nov. 11  The Children's Orthopaedic Center Sports Medicine Conference
The conference is quickly approaching, register today space is limited!


Saturday, November 11, 2017
8:25 AM - 2:30 PM
StubHub Center
American Express Stadium Club
18400 S. Avalon Blvd.
Carson, CA 90746

 This conference has been approved for the following CEU's.
5 CME's, 5.8 CEU's for the Nurses and 0.58 (5.8 hours) by the CAPTA.


For questions, contact Dawnie Nishijima at  sportsmedicine@chla.usc.edu               or (213) 435-3103

Multiple Events in Los Angeles County 
Best Practices in Developmental Screening - Town Halls  
An inside look, from the systematic approach of Regional Center clinicians and therapists, to strategies used by local pediatricians. Funded by First 5 LA. 
This series of events in Los Angeles County are an opportunity for pediatricians to connect face to face with clinicians and staff from each of the six Regional Centers. In a multidisciplinary approach, attendees will learn best practices in developmental screening and early detection of autism spectrum disorders, and engage with Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists. 
Representatives from Los Angeles Unified School District will address the services provided once a child enters the public school system. 

On the schedule are events covering the San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center, North Los Angeles Regional Center (Both San Fernando and Antelope Valleys), and Westside Regional Center. Events to include Eastern LA, Lanterman, Harbor and South Central LA Regional Centers will begin in January.   
CME Accreditation: 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Creditsâ„¢.

November 15 at 6:30 PM In Marina Del Rey

We have reached maximum capacity for this event
Please RSVP to be added to the waiting List.
LOCATION: Café Del REY - 4451 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. This event will be lead by Westside Regional Center clinical staff, Alicia Bazzano, MD, PhD, MPH  and Ari Zeldin , MD, FAAP, FAAN. Topics will be best practices in developmental screening and early detection of autism, Intellectual Disabilities, and the services provided  by the Achievable Foundation.  
Also expected to attend are PT/OT/SLP and LAUSD representatives. 
Click to Register (Wait List Only)

November 30 at 6:30 PM In WOODLAND HILLS
LOCATION: Maggiano's  - 6100 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Guest Speakers: Carlo DeAntonio, MD, FAAP and Margaret Swaine, MD
This event will take place at Maggiano's Little Italy, in Woodland Hills, just six miles South of the Regional Center offices in Chatsworth.  Carlo DeAntonio, MD, FAAP and Margaret Swaine, MD, both clinicians at the North Los Angeles Regional Center, will discuss best practices in developmental screening and early detection of autism. Also, guest speaker Christine Park, MD, FAAP of Northeast Valley Health Center will share the highly efficient screening and referral process implemented in her clinic. Also expected to attend are PT/OT/SLP and LAUSD representatives. 
In December
December 13, 2017 in Sherman Oaks -  Town Hall / Dinner 
Daniel Bruckner, MD
AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large

Please join AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large Daniel Bruckner, MD for an evening of professional development. 
Topic: TBA, presented by the CHLA Department of Surgery

Speakers:  TBA

Date: December 13, 2017 at  6:30 PM. 
LOCATION: Panzanella Ristorante in Sherman Oaks.
RSVPSave the date for now. RSVP link will be provided soon.

The 29th Annual AAP-CA2 Pediatric Symposium
Saturday, April 28, 2018
at the Sheraton Universal Hotel

Advertisement  Pediatrician Needed
Pediatrician needed  part time for busy "PPO only" practice in Thousand Oaks.

Some Saturday mornings, as well as some hospital well newborns. 
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ken Saul at docksaul@aol.com  

Survey -  Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Dear Pediatric Colleague, CHLA logo
Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is conducting a study to determine what education and training is being provided to pediatricians about slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE).  We will ask if you can complete an anonymous survey in RedCap which should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.  Participation is voluntary.
If you are willing to participate please click on the link below.
Thank you in advance for your assistance,
Melissa Bent, MD
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Children's Orthopaedic Center
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Training Opportunity
Mass Casualty Triage Training

Dear AAP-CA2 member:
  1. Do your practitioners know what to do in a Mass Casualty situation?
  2. Do they know how to rapidly Triage patients?
  3. Do they know the difference between START and JumpSTART?
If the answer to any of these questions is "NO", your facility needs our Mass Casualty Triage PPT and Tabletop Exercise presentation!
Please contact Dr. Millicent Wilson at (562) 347-1648 or milwilson@dhs.lacounty.gov if you would like for us to present at your healthcare facility. 

Statewide  Advocacy
Please visit the AAP-CA website for more information on the most current Advocacy Priorities and High Priority Bills list for the 2017-2018 Session.

AAP-CA2 Video: We Are The AAP-CA Chapter 2 -  2017

CDC Updates & LAHAN Alerts
Join the CDC Listserv
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is happy to offer a free email subscription service, which allows CDC.gov users to receive alerts by e-mail when new information is available. With a subscription profile, you get the updated information on the items of interest to you automatically without having to return to the Web site and check for changes. Click to Subscribe 

Join the LAHAN Listserv  
To receive communications from the Health Alert Network, Sign-up here.
It takes less than two minutes to sign up.  
Visit the LAHAN website.

Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news that you would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.


Advertise in Our Newsletter

AAP-CA2 invites you to advertise in our newsletter
AAP-CA2 publishes its electronic newsletter, Peds@CA2, which is emailed to its 1,700+ members on the first weekend every month. Chapter members and non-profit organizations receive a 50% discount. Please follow the link below for more information.

For advertisement rates and guidelines, please   click here.
If you are interested in advertising, please  email the Chapter.
Please Donate
AAP-CA2 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please consider a tax-deductible charitable donation to one of our many programs
  • The Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to exceptional high school students each year.
  • The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring, which awards scholarships to pediatric residents for outstanding research projects. 
  • The S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, which helps sponsor a portion of our annual Advances in Pediatrics Conference in his honor.

Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at  http://aapca2.org/