2015 - November Edition

Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP 
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC
Welcome to the November edition of our monthly e-Newsletter.
Much has happened over this last month!
First of all, I would like to highlight our feature article on "Parental Perception of Severity of Childhood Infections: The Case of Measles" written by our very own, Bill Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP. This is a timely topic as we move forward with the deadlines set by SB277, ending the personal belief exemption for vaccinations in California.
Many from our chapter traveled to Washington, DC, for the AAP National Conference & Exhibition (NCE). Between all the various events, I managed to squeeze in a little CME time. My favorite presentations were those that focused on visual diagnosis. I also enjoyed seeing the poster presentations explaining AAP member research projects and meeting the authors to discuss their important work.
As our district's Chapter Forum Management Committee representative (CFMC), I attended several meetings regarding next year's Annual Leadership Forum (ALF). While at NCE, I had the pleasure of working with the very energetic Section on Medical Students, Residents, & Fellowship Trainees (SOMSRFT) as they discussed and debated their resolutions in a mock-ALF.
At our AAP-CA District Breakfast, the Legislator of the Year Award was given to Senator Richard Pan, MD, FAAP for his work on SB277.
Dr. Steve Feig was honored with the 2015 Job Lewis Smith Award for his outstanding career and commitment to community pediatrics and healthcare justice. 
Dr. Chris Landon presented a new computer based lesson plan being developed into an app as a novel approach to the prevention of childhood obesity. Dr. Landon also presented an innovative video program that focuses on the identification of early behavioral characteristics of autism spectrum disorder. Lastly, Dr. Landon gave a talk on how Telehealth can provide a bridge between developmental-behavioral pediatrics and primary care physicians.
Dr. Mitchell Goldstein presented a poster showing the "freezing" phenomenon which occurs in pulse oximeters in the delivery room.  Dr. Goldstein is also the CME Chair for the Perinatal Advisory Council, which has an upcoming conference in March, 2016. More details on that below.
AAP Pres. Elect Benard Dreyer, MD, FAAP; AAP CPAO Mark Del Monte; AAP ED/CEO Karen Remley, MD, FAAP
On the last day, there was a white coat rally on the steps of the Capitol. Many members of congress highlighted the AAP and discussed their intent to better the lives of our patients. (#everychildneeds
Please see our fabulous photos related to all these events in our NCE section below, so that we can share our AAP-CA2 experience!
This month's newsletter highlights the last chance to submit resolutions, which serve as a way for our members to advise the AAP Board of Directors on areas of vital importance.
Voting has opened for the election for the AAP president-elect through November 23rd. Please see your email from the national AAP on how to cast your vote. We were pleased to have the opportunity to spend more time with the nominees, Lynda  M. Young, MD, FAAP and Fernando Stein, MD, FAAP. Please see link: AAP Elections for more information on these exceptional candidates.
Regarding our State Government Affairs (SGA) committee, we would like to thank our outgoing SGA representatives, Dr. Steve Feig and Dr. Damodara Rajasekhar, for their years of service, and welcome our new SGA representatives, Dr. Mona Patel and Dr. Mitchell Goldstein.
Please mark your calendars for our 27th Annual Southern California Postgraduate Conference: Advances In Pediatrics 2016, which will once again be held at the Universal Sheraton on April 16, 2016
Dr. Alice Kuo will be one of our speakers and discuss the important topics of autism and the social determinants of health.
The Chapter Quality Network Phase 4 Asthma project (CQN4 Asthma) is in its last month of the projected duration period. You may read about its progress below.
Please see below the photos from our recent Town Hall event hosted by Dr. Ken Saul.
AAP-CA2 has partnered with First 5 San Bernardino to deliver the Reach Out And Read (ROAR) program throughout practices in San Bernardino County. On November 5th., all San Bernardino pediatricians are welcome to attend the kick-off event, an informational dinner hosted by AAP-CA2 Vice President, Dr. Edward Curry . Please look for the details below on how to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
On November 3rd, there is a free child development conference in Beverly Hills. On November 18th, Dr. Daniel Bruckner will host a Town Hall in Studio City, and on December 2nd, Dr. Cori Cross will host a Town Hall in Santa Monica.
Our "Save The Date" section now features a link to view the online Events calendar, with the added benefit of a link to download all events to your own calendar ("Export Month's Events" on bottom right of the calendar), as well as individual links while looking at any specific event.
Please see our link to our donor wall, as well as our new Member Spotlight page, highlighting videos of some of our members.
As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. 


Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC

Please visit us on the web:  aapca2.org

Feature Article

Wilbert H. Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Parental Perception of Severity of Childhood Infections: 
The Case of Measles
Wilbert H. Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP

While the rate of immunization in the United States continues to remain high, many parents still decline vaccines for a variety of reasons.¹'²'³ Some are worried about side effects of specific vaccines; others are skeptical of vaccines in general and the government that requires them, the companies that make them and the providers that administer them. Unfortunately, the unimmunized children of these parents tend to cluster geographically so ... Read more     Bio

NCE Highlights
Members of the Section On Medical Students, Residents, and Fellowship Trainees ( SOMSRFT) representing several AAP Districts posed for a photograph with AAP-CA2 President, Dr. Paula Whiteman.
You may visit their Twitter page at   https://twitter.com/AAPSOMSRFT 

Pictured below, top row, from left to right: Sarah Williamson (VIII), Danna Qunibi (III), Paula Whiteman (IX), Shana Godfred-Cato (VII), Natasha Shah (VII).  Middle row: Kelly Fuller (VII)
Bottom row: Capt. Erika Bernardo (VIII), Irina Prelipcean (X), Heather Abraham (V), Anna Weingarten (I) 

Awards and Recognition

On Saturday, October 24th. the AAP Council on Community Pediatrics presented the 2015 Job Lewis Smith Award to Dr. Steven Alan Feig for his outstanding career and commitment to community pediatrics and healthcare justice. His practice of 42 years, which partly serves South Central Los Angeles, has provided health care to diverse underserved populations including children with special needs.
On Sunday, October 25th. the four California chapters met for the District IX breakfast meeting. With over 50 in attendance, Paul Offit, MD, presented Senator Richard Pan with an award on behalf of CHILD, Inc. (Children's Healthcare Is a Legal Duty), a non-profit membership organization founded in 1983 to protect children from harmful  religious and cultural practices (http://childrenshealthcare.org).   During the same ceremony, District IX Chair, Stuart Cohen, MD, FAAP, presented the  Legislator of the Year Award to Senator Richard Pan, MD, FAAP for his work on SB277.

Steve Feig, MD, FAAP - 2015 Job Lewis Smith Award.
Senator Pan (left) with Dist. IX Chair Dr. Cohen.


Watch Senator Richard Pan as he was recognized in Washington, DC for his heroic achievements
Click image to watch video

Innovations in Childhood Obesity, Prevention, Assessment and Treatment Forum
Chris Landon, MD, FCCP, CDM, FAAP, presented My Healthy World , a computer based lesson plan for school teachers. Originally composed of 16 lessons, it is now being developed into a smartphone app which will have four essential lessons accessible to pediatricians.
Cambria Garell, MD, FAAP presented on the use of Telehealth technology to increase access to multidisciplinary obesity clinics in Los Angeles, looking at accessibility, acceptability, and clinical outcomes. Click to view the poster

Medical student Sion Kim, on behalf of Dr. Wendy Slusser of UCLA, presented a case study on the effectiveness of the BMI parent letter, focusing on a target population of children ages 3-5 in child care centers.
Council on Early Childhood Program
Dr. Chris Landon presented an innovative video program which provides Introductory Training on the Early Behavioral Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Young Children. The program has been brought to pediatric practices with great success.
Dr. Mitchel Goldstein presented a poster detailing research on pulse oximetry "Freezing", the inability to respond to changes in heart rate over a period of time. This phenomenon commonly occurs in the delivery room. 

Note:  Videos of these presentations are now available on our website, on the Member Spotlight page.
Dr. Landon, with Dr. Sheila Ponzio of Williston, ND
Dr. Goldstein with his poster on Pulse Oximetry "Freezing".

Medical Student Sion Kim, presenting her poster in DC
Dr. Cambria Garell, and her baby, at NCE

ADVOCACY in Washington, DC: White Coat Rally for Children at the Capitol 

Over 160 pediatricians participated in a rally telling Congress what every child needs ( #everychildneeds).  AAP leaders and Members of Congress presented compelling remarks and discussed the many opportunities our leaders have in Washington to put children first. 

In The Community
Town Hall Meeting

AAP-CA2 pediatricians met for a Town Hall meeting on October 28th. hosted by Member At Large, Ken Saul, MD, FAAP. Guest speaker, Marc L. Masor, PhD, spoke on f eeding guidelines and formula choices from a biochemical perspective.  This event took place at  Maggiano's  in Woodland Hills. 
We thank Frank Mattoon of Abbott Nutrition for sponsoring this event.

Save The Dates!

November 3rd. THINK TANK - Child Development Conference - Ages 0-3 Brain Architecture (no cost).

On behalf of Simms/Mann Institute, AAP-CA2 members are invited to attend the "THINK TANK", a one-of-a-kind experience in which a select group of community leaders engage with cutting-edge researchers on advances in child development. The event takes place on November 3rd, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The event will begin with a continental breakfast, after which guest speakers brought in by Simms/Mann Institute will provide an exciting and engaging learning experience.

Topic: Ages 0 - 3 Brain Architecture
Speakers:  Please see flyer
Location:  Wallis Annenberg Center For The Performing Arts
9390 North Santa Monica Boulevard, in Beverly Hills 
Time:  9 AM - 5 PM
To register,  please email Chanel Wilson, at: chanel@domainmsa.com

November 5 - Reach Out And Read, hosted by Edward Curry, MD, FAAP  (no cost).

Edward Curry, MD, FAAP Vice President, AAP-CA2
Co-Hosted by Karen E. Scott, First 5 San Bernardino Executive Director. 
ROAR , the Reach Out And Read program, integrates children's books and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud into well-child visits. ROAR resources will be available to practices in San Bernardino County. A collaborative effort between First 5 San Bernardino and AAP-CA2, this informational/Introductory dinner will highlight the available resources for practices to implement this valuable childhood literacy program.
  • Get Free books for your patients
  • Get connected to a network of 20,000 doctors, Nurses and other health professionals promoting literacy and school readiness.
  • During the preschool years, children served by Reach Out and Read score three to six months ahead of their non-Reach Out and Read peers on vocabulary tests. 
Who should attend : All San Bernardino County physicians/practice representatives.
Location:  First 5 San Bernardino, 735 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite 150, San Bernardino, CA 92408 
Time:  6:30 PM
RSVP Required: click here to register
Daniel Bruckner MD - AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large
November 18. - Town Hall Meeting with host Daniel Bruckner, MD
(no cost).  

Topic:  Treating Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Optimizing Diagnosis and Management
Speaker:  Jacob Offenberger, MD
Location:  Bistro Garden, in Studio City
Time:  6:30 PM
Cori Cross, MD, FAAP - AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large
December 2nd. - Town Hall Meeting with host Cori Cross, MD, FAAP
(no cost).  

Topic:  Identifying and Managing Patients at Risk for Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions
Speaker:  Jacob Offenberger, MD
Location:  Valentino, in Santa Monica.
Time:  6:30 PM
RSVP:Call Steffi Ewing at (404) 441-5549, or via email to steffi.ewing@mylan.com
March 29. -  33
rd Annual Conference on High Frequency Ventilation and Critical Care of Infants, Children & Adults

Location:  Snowbird, Utah
When:  March 29 - April 2, 2016
Registration details: click to view page
AAP-CA2 Contact: Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP

Visit the Perinatal Advisory Council on Facebook
Advances in Pediatrics 2016
The 27th Annual Southern California Postgraduate Pediatric Conference
Advances in Pediatrics

Infectious Diseases
The 2016 S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture speaker  will feature Larry K. Pickering, MD. FAAP from the CDC.  
Carlo Reyes, MD, MS, Esq., FACEP, emergency medicine physician,  pediatrician , and lawyer, will speak regarding Healthcare Risk Management Read Bio
Pediatric Urology
Andrew L. Freedman, MD, FAAP, Director of Pediatric Urology at Cedars Sinai, will speak on pediatric urologic emergencies .         Read Bio. 

Alice Kuo, MD, PhD, FAAP, is Chief of Medicine-Pediatrics and Director of the Medicine-Pediatrics Comprehensive Care Center at UCLA.  Dr. Kuo will speak on autism, and the social determinants of health.  

 April 16, 2016
At the Sheraton Universal Hotel
CQN4 Asthma QI Project - Update
Eleven practices continue participating in the  AAP-CA2 Chapter Quality Network Asthma Phase 4 Project. 
The project is currently in its third phase (action period 3) with a focus on p atient/family self management support with an emphasis on motivational inte rviewing, spirometry, and s trategies for project sustainability to continue providing optimal asthma care after the project ends in December. 
In the image below, the blue line depicts progress made in providing Optimal Asthma Care by the AAP-CA2 collaborative as a group from February to October 31st. The green line represents the National average which includes CA4 (Orange County), Georgia, and Kentucky., The goal (red horizontal line) is for practices to provide optimal asthma care to at least 90% of patients. 
Monthly totals are averaged and graphed. All data is entered by clinic staff directly into the National Asthma Registry, a service provided by the National AAP at no cost to CQN4 Asthma collaborative members. Accumulative data allows for improved population management. 

Congratulations to the following practices for participating in this project:
Cesar Chavarria, MD, Inc.
Loma Linda University Health Care
Los Angeles Christian Health Center
Mandalay Bay Medical Group
Mission Pediatrics
Pediatric Diagnostic Center
Santa Paula West Pediatric Clinic
Sierra Vista Family Medical Clinic
Santa Barbara Asthma Consortium
Cottage Children's Hospital
Sansum Clinic -  Allergy/Pulmonology
Sansum Clinic - General Pediatrics 

AAP-CA2 would like to thank Providence Tarzana Medical Center for their continued support during CQN4 Asthma Learning Sessions 1 and 3.

General Pediatrics Opportunity
Pediatric Diagnostic Center

Job Type:  Permanent/Full Time
Start Date: Open 
Location:  Ventura, CA
Looking for a Pediatrician who enjoys the challenges of Specialty care along with the joy of 'Bread and Butter' Pediatrics within a clinic who creates a medical home for all of our patients. 
Job Description:  Full time Pediatrician to work 4-5 days a week.  Provide full time General Pediatric care to special needs and healthy children within a multidisciplinary specialty Pediatric Clinic.  The Pediatric Diagnostic Center is an FQHC satellite clinic affiliated with the Ventura County Medical Center.  We currently have 3 General Pediatricians and 1 PNP providing 8,500 primary care visits per year with a growing practice.  Our clinic includes the following Pediatric Specialties:
Pediatric Optometry
Cystic Fibrosis Team
Cleft Lip and Palate Team
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Pediatric Diabetes Team

Clinic team also includes Pediatric Psychiatry, Licensed Family and Marriage Therapists, and Licensed Social Worker.  
About Ventura:  Located along the Beautiful Central Coast.  Has a population of 106,000 people.  30 minutes from Santa Barbara and 1 hour from Downtown Los Angeles, but still has the great feeling of a beach town with great weather.  Rated by Men's Journal as one of the 10 best places to live in the United States.
Contact Information:
Sun Moon Lee -  sun.lee@ventura.org
Kay Urban -  kay.urban@ventura.org

Resolutions Reminder for ALF
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP 
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC

Submitting Resolutions - Process Update
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC

If you are passionate about a particular idea or topic that you feel should be a priority for the National AAP, then please consider submitting a resolution.  
Please see the "Guidelines for Submitting Resolutions" and "Writing and Submitting a Resolution", (a step by step approach document that includes a sample resolution template).
I have included two sample resolutions to assist you. One resolution was my #1 MJ resolution, which was a late resolution and thus has wording reflecting that. The other resolution on tap water went straight to the consent calendar at the Annual Leadership Forum (ALF), which means it was felt to be a well written, concisely worded with clear intent as well as being a topic without controversy presented with adequate supporting background material.
Please feel free to contact me via the chapter, if you would like assistance with the process or have any questions.
Submitted resolutions must have a sponsor, by a chapter, committee, section, or council for consideration at ALF. This sponsorship can occur anytime up to the start of ALF as long as the submission deadline is met.
The resolution submission deadline is midnight CST on Dec. 1, 2015. Please submit your resolution directly to: Hope Hurley (HHurley@aap.org) and cc me (chapter2@aap-ca.org).
Any late resolutions must have an explanation as to why the deadline wasn't met and why the idea cannot wait until the following year's ALF.
Please click the links below to access the corresponding documents:
Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news that you would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.

If you are interested in advertising, please email the Chapter.


AAP-CA2 Video: We Are The AAP-CA Chapter 2

We Are The AAP California Chapter 2
We Are The AAP California Chapter 2

Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at  http://aapca2.org/