2016 - January Edition
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP 
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC
Welcome to the January edition of our monthly e-Newsletter.
On behalf of the AAP-CA2 Board of Directors, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year, and thank you for being a loyal member of our Chapter during 2015. As a valuable member of our organization, you play an integral role in our success. 2015 was an excellent year for AAP-CA2. We look forward to doing even more in 2016.
January 26 represents Kawasaki Disease (KD) Awareness Day. On that day in 1961, Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki of Japan had his 'aha' moment when he saw his second patient with the signs and symptoms of the disease that would later be named in his honor.  Our feature article on KD is by one of our past presidents, Bill Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP.
Our latest member spotlight video recognizes Steve Feig, MD, FAAP receiving the 2015 Job Lewis Smith award at the AAP NCE in Washington, DC last October. Please, visit our new Member Spotlight page for more videos featuring our members.  
Our vice president, Ed Curry, MD, FAAP, met with First 5 LA to initiate discussions for upcoming programs. Please see below for highlights from that meeting.
Cori Cross, MD, FAAP hosted a Town Hall meeting in Santa Monica which featured Dr. Offenberger who spoke on "Identifying and Managing Patients at risk for Life Threatening Allergic Reactions."
Please see the photos below from this informative event.
Please see below for a recap of the accomplishments of the last year, written by our executive director, Dr. Tomás Torices.
Our next TownHall will be held in Woodland Hills on February 24, hosted by Ken Saul, MD, FAAP.
Please mark your calendars for our 27th Annual Southern California Postgraduate Conference: Advances In Pediatrics 2016, which will once again be held at the Universal Sheraton on April 16, 2016.  Dr. Moise Danielpour of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, will be one of our featured speakers.
As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. 

Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC

Please visit us on the web:  aapca2.org

Feature Article
Kawasaki Disease: Still an Enigma, But We Know So Much More 
Wilbert H. Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Wilbert H. Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Kawasaki Disease (KD) is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children in the developed world. It is more common than rheumatic fever, viral myocarditis and endocarditis of native heart valves combined. We have come to understand the pathology, pathogenesis, epidemiology of KD and we have effective ways of treating the disease and preventing the most serious consequences, coronary artery aneurysms. We now appreciate that genetics play an important role in the acquisition of KD and the occurrence of the cardiac consequences but we still do not know the etiology of the disease and do not have a diagnostic "gold standard" for KD. The following is a brief summary of KD as we understand it today.     Read more       Bio


Steven A. Feig, MD, FAAP
Recipient, 2015 Job Lewis Smith Award

AAP-CA2 would like to congratulate Steven A. Feig, MD, FAAP, for being the recipient of the 2015 Job Lewis Smith Award, a recognition for lifelong career achievement presented to him by the Council on Community Pediatrics Chair, Benjamin Gitterman, MD, FAAP, during an awards ceremony in Washington DC during the past NCE. Please click the image below to view the short video.

The Year in Review

Tomás Torices, MD AAP-CA2 Executive Director
Reflecting On a Wonderful Year
Tomás Torices, MD
AAP-CA2 Executive Director

As we embark on a new year, I would like to reflect on the wonderful accomplishments that marked our successes of 2015, one of which was being named the recipient of the AAP Chapter Excellence Award.
AAP-CA2 started 2015 with a brand new website, a Facebook page, and a Chapter video that gained recognition at the AAP Annual Leadership Forum. We established a Donor wall on our website as well as the creation of the S. Michael Marcy Memorial Fund.  This fund enables us to recruit a nationally known infectious disease expert as our S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture speaker at our annual Advances in Pediatrics conference. Thus far, sixteen donors have contributed a total of $56,000 benefiting our three charitable causes: S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture Fund, the Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarship Program, and the Committee on Service, Education and Mentoring (CSEM) Annual Research Awards. 
February marked the beginning of the Chapter Quality Network Asthma Phase 4 (CQN4 Asthma) project. Partially funded by National AAP, eleven practices joined the collaborative whose goal focused on improving the management and delivery of care to pediatric patients with a diagnosis of asthma. The collaborative aimed at improving the delivery of Optimal Asthma Care, as per the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Guidelines. As a group, practices started with an average 29% of patients receiving Optimal Asthma Care and ended in November with 68%, which represented a substantial improvement. 
We thank our chapter leaders for their contributions (Allan S. Lieberthal, MD, FAAP and Chris Landon, MD, FAAP as Co-Leaders; Chris Harris, MD, FAAP as Asthma Expert). We thank the national AAP team for their support, and most importantly,  the AAP-CA2  practices that participated in this yearlong quality improvement project.
The annual pediatric conference was brought back to Los Angeles, to be centrally located in relation to the seven counties we serve. With over 100 pediatricians in attendance, our event was a success. Participants had the opportunity to obtain both CME and MOC part 2 credit, all while enjoying the beautiful Starlight Room at the Sheraton Universal Hotel.
2015 was a banner year for AAP-CA Chapter advocacy!  Elimination of personal belief exemptions for vaccines (SB 277), a new rear-facing car seat requirement for children up to age two (AB 53), extension of statutory protection for California Children's Services, which is a critically-important program that serves over 170,000 children with special health care needs (AB 187), as well as the first-ever bills for CA-funded coverage for comprehensive access to care for undocumented children. Plus, there were about a dozen other priority AAP-CA supported bills signed into law.  Several chapter representatives traveled to Sacramento and Washington DC, and hundreds of AAP-CA2 members joined forces by writing and calling legislators, all of us working as a team, making things better for the children we all care for and love.
In terms of community involvement, t here were seven member-at-large Town Hall meetings with over 300 attendees and five area representative Town Hall meetings in three different counties with over 100 attendees.  We initiated collaborative partnerships with First 5 San Bernardino (implementing Reach Out And Read), the American Lung Association, and the California Family Health Council (providing HPV training to our members with CME at no cost), and initiated discussion for collaboration in the very near future with First 5 Los Angeles, First 5 Riverside, and the Pasadena Unified School District.
December 2015 marked the half-way point of the second fiscal year for the 2014-2016 board of directors. The current officers, members-at-large, and area representative's two-year term will conclude in June 2016. We thank them, as well as past presidents and committee members who regularly attend our meetings, for their time, passion, and wisdom.

2015 was an excellent year for AAP-CA2, filled with learning and networking opportunities, purpose-driven advocacy resulting in Statewide legislative accomplishments, and national recognition for the chapter and for several of our members.  We thank all of you for your continuing support, as we begin a new year ahead.

In The Community
December 2, 2015 - Town Hall/Dinner Meeting - Santa Monica

AAP-CA2 pediatricians met for a Town Hall meeting on December 2nd. hosted by Member At Large, Cori Cross, MD, FAAP.  
Guest speaker Jacob Offenberger, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI,  presented on the management of patients at risk for life-threatening allergic reactions, while entertaining the audience with interesting stories of cultural and historic interest.  This event took place at Valentino, in Santa Monica.   We thank Steffi Ewing of Mylan for sponsoring this event.

December 15, 2015 - AAP-CA2 Leadership Met With First 5 LA

AAP-CA2 leadership met with leadership from First 5 Los Angeles (First 5 LA) on December 15th. to initiate the discussion of future collaboration in the areas of various programs, especially "Help Me Grow" (developmental screening) and "Reach Out And Read" (early literacy). AAP-CA2 Vice President, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, has been meeting with First 5 representatives in different counties in an effort to join forces and provide pediatricians with the vast array of existing resources. The first of these partnerships materialized on November 5th at the First 5 San Bernardino (First 5 SB) headquarters, where AAP-CA2 members were presented with the opportunity to implement Reach Out And Read (ROAR), with free books for their practice. Twelve practices are currently implementing this program with the invaluable support of First 5 SB. 
If you are still considering any of the programs offered through First 5 San Bernardino,  Click Here  for more information.

Dr. Curry is scheduled to meet with First 5 Riverside, in February.
(From left) Ruel Nolledo, Health Outcome Team Member    |    Kim Belshé, First 5 LA Executive Director   |   Reena John, Senior Program Officer        Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, AAP-CA2 Vice President    |   and Tomás Torices, MD, Executive Director, AAP-CA2.

December 16, 2015 - AAP-CA2 Board of Directors Meeting - Los Angeles

Members of the AAP-CA2 Board of Directors and special guests attended the quarterly meeting held this past December. During this event, AAP-CA2 recognized outgoing State Government Affairs Committee Chairs, Steve Feig, MD, FAAP, and Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP.  Taking their position will be Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP, and Mona Patel, MD, FAAP.  Also during the meeting, AAP-CA2 Treasurer, Alice Kuo, MD, PhD, Med, FAAP, announced the release of her book, Child Health: A Population Perspective.

Survey - UCLA Needs Your Input
UCLA - Department of Pediatric Dentistry (SURVEY)

Dear AAP California Pediatrician,

Austin G. Nunez, DDS, Principal Investigator, Donald E. Morisky, Sc. D., MSPH, ScM, Co-Principal Investigator, Nini Chichanasakul, DDS, PhD, Co-investigator, Donna Kritz-Silverstein, PhD, Co-investigator from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) are conducting a research study.

You are invited to take just 5-10 minutes of your time to participate in this very important, 24 question statewide survey of AAP members to assess previous oral health education and current office practices.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the UCLA Institutional Review Board.  All responses are confidential and de-identified, and the results will be used for research purposes only, with a publication expected.

Your time and input are greatly appreciated.      BEGIN SURVEY

Save the Dates!
February 24, 2016 - Town Hall Meeting with host Ken Saul, MD, FAAP

Topic:  Microarray Genetic Testing in Developmental Delays
Speaker:  TBA
Location:  Maggiano's - Woodland Hills
Time:  6:30 PM
RSVP : Please email Dr. Saul to save your seat.

March 29, 2016 -  33
rd Annual Conference on High Frequency Ventilation and Critical Care of Infants, Children & Adults

Location:  Snowbird, Utah
When:  March 29 - April 2, 2016
Registration details: click to view page
AAP-CA2 Contact: Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP

Visit the Perinatal Advisory Council on Facebook
April 16, 2016  - The 27th Annual Southern California Postgraduate Pediatric Conference
Advances in Pediatrics 2016

The 2016 Advances in Pediatrics conference will take place again at the Sheraton Universal Hotel. Please see the full speaker line-up, their topics, and respective biographies. Save the date!

Infectious Diseases
The 2016 S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture speaker  will feature Larry K. Pickering, MD. FAAP from the CDC.  
Carlo Reyes, MD, MS, Esq., FACEP, emergency medicine physician,  pediatrician , and lawyer, will speak regarding Healthcare Risk Management Read Bio
Pediatric Urology
Andrew L. Freedman, MD, FAAP, Director of Pediatric Urology at Cedars Sinai, will speak on pediatric urologic emergencies .         Read Bio. 


Alice Kuo, MD, PhD, FAAP, is Chief of Medicine-Pediatrics and Director of the Medicine-Pediatrics Comprehensive Care Center at UCLA.  Dr. Kuo will speak on autism, and the social determinants of health.  
Pediatric Sports Medicine
William M. Hohl, MD, of Cedars Sinai Medical Center, will speak on common
pediatric sport related injuries.
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Moise Danielpour, MD, Director of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Program at
Cedars-Sinai's Department of Neurosurgery, will speak on neurosurgical topics of interest.
Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news that you would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.

If you are interested in advertising, please email the Chapter.


Charitable Donations
AAP-CA2 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please consider a tax-deductible charitable donation to one of our many programs
  • The Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to exceptional high school students each year.
  • The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring, which awards scholarships to pediatric residents for outstanding research projects. 
  • The S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, which helps sponsor a portion of our annual Advances in Pediatrics Conference in his honor.

AAP-CA2 Video: We Are The AAP-CA Chapter 2

We Are The AAP California Chapter 2
We Are The AAP California Chapter 2

Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at  http://aapca2.org/