2017 - February Edition
   Welcome to the February 2017 edition of our monthly e-Newsletter.
Edward Curry, MD, FAAP President, AAP-CA2

With the new Washington Administration, the AAP at the National, State, and Local level is committed to ensuring all children continue to receive ongoing healthcare.  The AAP understands that keeping families together provides the best social and emotional well being for children. Over the next few weeks, the National AAP has developed a program called "Blueprint for Children" in which AAP leaders and pediatricians will educate Federal Legislators in non-partisan matters relating to the important health care needs of children.  With the legalization of marijuana, AAP District IX will be working closely with State Legislators to protect children from the harmful effects of marijuana. 

Locally, Dr Weinstein and I were speakers at a recent town hall meeting, "The State of Children in San Bernardino County", sponsored by First 5 San Bernardino.  This meeting attracted over 150 attendees from county and state legislators, public health, school administrators, and healthcare providers.  This meeting provided  an excellent opportunity for AAP-CA2 to collaborate with other agencies to help improve the health and well being of children.  

There is a survey link below from our partners at Stanford University School of Medicine. The purpose is to capture current practice patterns for patients with autism. Please participate in the survey as it will help with restructuring these services.

We are offering a great opportunity for practices to engage in QI. We are currently recruiting practices for the Chapter Quality Network US Immunizations Project. Earn 50 points of MOC Part 4 (25 pts. for calendar year 2017, and 25 pts. for 2018).

There has been a lot of community involvement in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and San Bernardino. We have been in contact with several divisions within the Los Angeles County Public Health Department. We are thankful for the leadership in all organizations partnering with us. We have several projects in the works, which we will report on in the next few months.

This month we will reach out to High Schools in Kern County in search for exceptional students to compete for the 21st Annual AAP-CA2  Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarships.

Our colleagues from the Orange County Chapter are hosting a job fair next week. They have extended an invitation to Chapter 2 members who may be interested in a job in Orange County.

I would like to personally invite you to attend our upcoming Town Halls: Ken Saul, MD, FAAP is hosting a lecture on "Jaundice" next week (Wed. the 8th.) in Woodland Hills, and Larry Yin, MD, FAAP is presenting on "Developmental Screening and Early Detection of Autism" the following week (Thursday the 16th.) at AltaMed in Commerce (East LA). Dinner is included at no cost. Join us for these great events.

Most importantly, I would like to invite you to attend our Annual Pediatric Symposium, being held April 22, 2017 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel. Early Bird registration will begin March 1st. Look below for the amazing speaker line-up.

Thank you again for supporting our Chapter. 


Edward Curry M.D.  F.A.A.P
President, AAP-CA2

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Member Spotlight
Diane Cullinane, MD, FAAP
New Book Published
Congratulations to Diane Cullinane, MD, FAAP, on publishing of her new book,  Behavioral Challenges in Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, a Developmental Approach .  Published by Norton Publishers  ( click to see the book).
Dr. Diane Cullinane is co-founder and executive director of Professional Child Development Associates (PCDA), located in Pasadena,  and is available on a limited basis for assessments and consultation.

PCDA is a non-profit multi-disciplinary clinic, founded in 1996, for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. PCDA provides a wide range of therapy services including speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, psychology and counseling, nutritional counseling and music therapy.  A special area of expertise is therapy for children with challenges with feeding. PCDA is also vendored by the regional center to provide early intervention, social skills groups, a Teen Club socialization program, and an in-home intervention program for school-age children, all based on DIRFloortime.  PCDA is located in Pasadena and in-home services are provided over a wide geographic area.  For more information please contact Dr. Cullinane at diane@pcdateam.org  or  (626) 793-7350 

Submitting Late Resolutions
Paula Whiteman
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP  CFMC Representative, AAP-District IX
Immediate Past President, AAP-CA2
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
CFMC Representative, AAP-District IX  
Immediate Past President, AAP-CA2 
While the resolution deadline for the Annual Leadership Forum (ALF) passed on November 15, 2016, there is a process for late resolutions (LR) to be submitted before the opening session at ALF on the evening of Thursday, March 9, 2017.
Resolutions should be submitted using the standard resolution template, which has up to 3-4 WHEREAS statements and no more than 2 RESOLVED. A RESOLVED statement should be able to stand alone in intent, concisely worded in order to fit and be easily read on a single PowerPoint slide. Supplemental information goes in the background section. In addition to that, there are three additional requirements:
A. The reason (s) the LR was not submitted by the deadline date; 
B. The reason(s) that the LR cannot wait until the next ALF and be submitted on time; and 
C. If expenditure of funds is anticipated in the implementation of any LR, a fiscal note is required. 
An example of an unacceptable LR rationale is, "I just thought of this now." However, if an issue has arisen since the Nov. 15th deadline, then that would be an appropriate justification for missing the on-time deadline.
Please click here for the link to my previous CFMC report which contains the links to resolutions examples, helpful hints, and the resolution template. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Resolutions should be emailed to Jonathan Faletti, Manager, Chapter Programs, at  jfaletti@aap.org  and CC me at  pjwhiteman@aap.net
Good luck!!

LAHAN Advisory - January 31

LAC DPH Health Advisory: First mcr-1 Producing Bacteria Identified in an LAC Resident

Key Message
  • An mcr-1 producing bacterial isolate has been identified in a Los Angeles County (LAC) resident, the first reported case in California. The mcr-1 gene confers resistance to the antibiotic colistin, one of few "last resort" antibiotics used to treat infections caused by certain multi-drug resistant organisms.
  • Hospital-based providers should follow LAC Department of Public Health (DPH) recommendations regarding infection control, testing, and reporting for patients with suspected and confirmed mcr-1 organisms

Los Angeles County has identified the first patient in California with an mcr-1 producing bacterial isolate. The E. coli infection was most likely acquired during international travel and no evidence of spread in the local health care community has been identified.  The mcr-1 producing bacteria were first identified in the United States in a Pennsylvania patient in May 2016; since then, the mcr-1 gene has been reported in human specimens from five additional states and in animal specimens from two states.  The appearance of mcr-1 in Los Angeles serves as a reminder of the importance of infection control measures and antibiotic stewardship.    
Click to view the full report

Survey - Please Help Us Reform Policies and Services.
Survey: Autism - Physician Practice Patterns

This is the last opportunity to make your voice count on this issue. Services available for children with developmental delays need serious restructuring, and your input can make a difference. A graduate student at Stanford University School of Medicine is partnering with the AAP-CA2 to conduct a survey about practice patterns of physicians taking care of children and families with autism. The goal is to help us learn how to provide the best care we can.  Please help this effort by taking a 5-minute anonymous survey.

Please Click here to begin

Quality Improvement - Initiatives That Improve Patient Care - 50 Points MOC Part 4

New opportunities for practices to engage in quality improvement,
 and earn 50 points of MOC Part 4 credit.

AAP-CA2 is now recruiting practices to participate in a quality improvement project aimed at improving all immunizations in children under 2 years of age.  The first of two in-person Learning Sessions will take place on  Saturday, April 1, 2017,  in Pasadena.

In The Community
AAP-CA2 Met with LA County Public Health Department

AAP-CA2 is making great connections with several departments within the County of Los Angeles Public Health Department. AAP-CA2 President, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP and AAP-CA2 Executive Director, Tomás Torices, MD, met in late December with Seira Kurian, MD, MPH, Deputy Medical Director - Public Health and Director of the Division of Medical and Dental Affairs, as well as with Ojig Yeretsian, MPH Manager of Medical Community Engagement to discuss ways that the Chapter can partner with existing programs and services to benefit the pediatric community. Since then, we have been in contact with leadership from Children's Medical Services, Injury and Violence Prevention, Oral Health, and Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship, to name a few. We encourage you to visit the new www.ThinkHealthLA.org website to learn about the hundreds of community health indicators tracked and accessible via this robust resource.

(From left) Ojig Yeretsian, MPH - Manager of Medical Community Engagement, LACDPH; Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, AAP-CA2 President; and Seira Kurian, MD, MPH, Deputy Medical Director - Public Health and Director of the Division of Medical and Dental Affairs, LACDPH.

January 6 - The State of Young Children in San Bernardino County

Led by  First 5 San Bernardino Executive Director, Karen E. Scott with a statement that resonated many times over: " The Future of young children in San Bernardino County is promising", T he State of Young Children Town Hall was an overwhelming success. The event was attended by over 200 representatives from State and local agencies, including State Senators, Assemblymembers and County Supervisors.
AAP-CA2 President, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP spoke on the importance of early childhood development screenings,  and how developmental delays and disabilities often go undetected until a child enters elementary school. Dr. Curry also emphasized on how only 29% of US children are receiving developmental screening, while 1 in 68 are at risk of developing autism spectrum disorders.  Dr. Curry concluded by demonstrating that early childhood development is a smart investment, yielding the highest rate of return-to-investment in human capital when screening and interventions are performed between 0 to 3 years of age.
First 5 San Bernardino (F5SB) Commissioner and  Past AAP-CA2 President, Elliot Weinstein, MD, FAAP spoke on the need of a reliable network of resources once a screening that yields a concern has been completed. As a F5SB Commissioner, he shared the Commission's intent to implement  Help Me Grow in San Bernardino County as a resource to connect families to services.

(Top left) Karen Scott - First 5 San Bernardino Executive Director. (Bottom left) Elliot Weinstein, MD, FAAP - First 5 San Bernardino (F5SB) Commissioner and Past AAP-CA2 President. (Bottom right) Edward Curry, MD, FAAP - AAP-CA2 President.

January 17th. Town Hall in Santa Barbara

AAP-CA2 Santa Barbara Area Representative, Brian Santacrose, MD, FAAP, invited local pediatricians to a Town Hall generously hosted by CALM, Child Abuse Listening Mediation, to learn more about their valuable resources and services. With fifteen in attendance,  Speakers Deborah Holmes, LCSW, Andria Ruth, MD, and Miriam Cislo, LMFT talked about the Santa Barbara Resiliency Pilot Project; using the ACE screening tool and embedding behavioral health in a pediatric setting, and Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), a simple but effective intervention for children with externalizing behaviors and parental attachment issues. 

Following the presentations, everyone was invited to a tour of the facility, including a therapy room where parents are watched by a therapist from behind a one-way mirror, and coached via an ear piece while interacting with their child with the goal of improving interpersonal interaction and behaviors. We encourage to visit their website , and don't miss their Facts & Stats page featuring statistics on the types of maltreatment children suffer in the US and in Santa Barbara County.

(From Left) Miriam Cislo, LMFT; Andria Ruth, MD; Deborah Holmes, LCSW and Chief Program Officer; Brian Santacrose, MD, FAAP - AAP-CA2 Santa Barbara Area Representative; Alana Walczak, Chief Executive Officer; and Jessica L. Adams, Ph. D, Director of Prevention and Treatment.

In 1969, Claire Miles, a local nurse, learned that an overworked and emotionally stressed father had, in a moment of desperation, shaken his infant son to death. Claire took immediate action, put a phone in her living room, then took out classified ads in the Santa Barbara News-Press urging parents in need to call for help. The phone rang almost 40 times that first month. She and her friends took turns answering the calls, with the hope of helping stressed parents before they hurt their children.

CALM was founded in 1970 to reach stressed parents before they hurt their children. CALM continues to be the only non-profit agency in Santa Barbara County focusing solely on preventing, assessing, and treating child abuse and family violence through comprehensive, cutting-edge programs. CALM offers children, families, and adults a safe, non-judgmental, caring, and strength-based environment to heal and increase family well-being. For more information about all of CALM's services, please contact  Jessica L. Adams, Ph.D., Director of Treatment and Prevention at  ( 805)965-2376, or visit http://calm4kids.org

January 18, 2017

Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, met with leadership from the Santa Fe Springs Head Start Program

Head Start is currently revising and restructuring their screening and referral processes and will be incorporating the Bright Futures Guidelines into their program. Dr. Edward Curry provided an overview of the guidelines, as well as materials and resources to help with their efforts. A similar session with the entire Santa Fe Springs Head Start Program staff will take place within the next month.

(From left) Maureen Kemp, RN, MPH - Head Start Health Consultant, Los Angeles County Office of Education; Jenifer L. Lipman, MSN, RN, CPNP, Head Start Health Consultant, Los Angeles County Office of Education; and Edward Curry, MD, FAAP - AAP-CA2 President.

Job Fair in Orange County
Looking for a Job in Orange County?
AAP-OC (Orange County Chapter) is hosting their 8th Annual Job Fair and Networking Night  (coordinated by the Young Physicians Committee). 

This invitation os open to any Chapter 2 members who might be looking for a position, and to any practices/medical groups with locations in Orange County who may be looking to hire. There is no cost to attend. Just follow the link to register on the event page and indicate if you are an employer or applicant. Visit the Event Page.

AAP-CA2 Coming Events - Save the Dates!
February 8, 2017 in Woodland Hills -  Town Hall / Dinner Meeting
Ken Saul, MD, FAAP Member-At-Large AAP-CA2

Please join AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large Ken Saul MD, FAAP as he hosts an evening of professional development at Maggiano's.

Topic:  "When It Isn't Just Physiologic Jaundice"

Speaker: CHLA Gastroenterologist, Danny Thomas, MD

Date: February 8, 2017 at  6:30 PM. 
LOCATION: Maggiano's of Woodland Hills.

RSVP: Please email Dr. Ken Saul  to save your seat. View/Download Flyer

February 16, 2017 in City of Industry -  Town Hall / Dinner Meeting
Larry Yin, MD, MSPH, FAAP

Developmental Screening and Early Detection of Autism for General Pediatricians
CME Accreditation: 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Creditsâ„¢.

Please join AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large, Mona Patel, MD, FAAP, and AAP-CA2 President, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, as they host an educational session on the topic of Developmental Screening.  Funded by AltaMed Health Service through First 5 LA.

This event is to promote the use of validated, standardized screening measures to identify children at risk for developmental delay and autism, as well as an overview of community resources to address identified developmental delays. It will be an exciting overview of validated screening measures that can be easily incorporated into the general pediatrics visit.

Presented by Larry Yin, MD, MSPH, FAAP. Dr. Yin studies disparities among the underserved populations, developmental disabilities, screening and intervention at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

Date: February 16, 2017 at 6:00 PM. 
LOCATION: AltaMed Corporate Headquarters, in East Los Angeles.  2040 Camfield Ave.  Los Angeles , CA 90040

February 17, 2017 at Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Fourth Annual Symposium -  "Health Disparities and the Immigrant Child"

The Los Angeles Healthcare Provider Alliance for Children child health policy symposium will be held at Children's Hospital Los Angeles on Friday, February 17, 2017 from 10:00am-3:30pm.  This year's conference will focus on health disparities and the immigrant child.  Please see information about the symposium by clicking the link below. Registration is free of charge. Lunch will be provided.


Advances in Pediatrics Symposium 
Saturday, April 22, 2017  at the Sheraton Universal Hotel
Early Bird Registration Opens March 1, 2017

Meet The Faculty

Tracy Zaslow, MD, FAAP, CAQSM
Tracy Zaslow, MD, FAAP, CAQSM
Lecture: Keeping Your Head in the Game: Update on Concussion in the Young Athlete.
Breakout: Concussion: Evaluation Pearls for the Pediatric Practitioner.

Tracy Zaslow, MD is the director of the Sports Concussion Program and medical director of the Sports Medicine Program at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. She is Board-Certified in pediatrics, and also fellowship- trained, with board certification in sports medicine. Her clinical interests include a spectrum of orthopaedic and medical cond itions affecting young athletes, including sports-related concussion, overuse injuries and injury prevention.

Dr. Zaslow, a team physician for the L.A. Galaxy soccer team, understands the goals and challenges faced by young athletes because, like her patients, she grew up playing sports and still remains active in tennis, volleyball, running, hiking, yoga, skiing and much more.

Kris Calvin, CEO, AAP-CA

Kris Calvin, CEO, American Academy of Pediatrics, CA. Economist. Political Mystery Author
Lecture: Advocacy for Pediatricians in the Era of Trump.
Breakout: Advocacy 101 for Pediatricians.

Kris Calvin is a past local elected official who knows politics from the inside out. She's been honored for her advocacy on behalf of children by the California State Assembly and the California Governor's Office. Kris' education includes degrees from Stanford and UC Berkeley with training in economics and forensic psychology.  More than a decade of work with state legislators and bureaucrats provides Kris with ample experience advocating for children and the interests of pediatricians. 

S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture Series

Wilbert Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Wilbert Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Lectures:  Kawasaki Disease & Vaccine Hesitancy

Dr. Mason is an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Disease at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. He was Head, Division of Infectious Diseases for 9 years ending in 2011. His research focus has been in Kawasaki disease and, more recently, the implementation of evidence based medicine through the use of clinical practice guidelines in the hospital setting. He has also been active in the study and promotion of medical safety in pediatrics and served as the Chief Medical Quality Officer at CHLA until 2011. He participated in the Child Health Accountability Initiative of the Child Health Corporation of America since its inception in 1997 and was Co-Medical Director in 2001-2003. He is a Past-President of AAP-CA2 and currently serves as co-chair of the State Government Affairs Committee of AAP-CA (District IX). He serves on the California Immunization Coalition Board of Directors and is the Incoming President. Dr. Mason was awarded the Watanakunakorn Clinician Award from the Infectious Disease Society of America, ID Week 2016.

Stephanie Marcy, PhD
Stephanie Marcy, PhD
Psychologist/Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). 
Lecture:  The Forgotten Child

Stephanie Marcy received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Boston University in 1998, where she received extensive training in clinical intervention and assessment with children, adolescents, and adults with mild to severe psychopathology. Upon finishing her degree, she moved back to Los Angeles to pursue a two-year post-doctoral fellowship at CHLA, with a strong emphasis on trauma work - mostly sexual abuse of young children. After completing the fellowship, she joined the faculty at CHLA, and a couple of years later, the faculty of USC Keck School of Medicine, where she has been since. Currently, she works within the General Pediatrics Division and the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), and is a member of the Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics faculty. Dr. Marcy provides individual and family therapy for children with a multitude of presenting clinical and developmental conditions, many with comorbid medical conditions.

Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD
Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD
Lecture:  Atopic Dermatitis.
Breakout:  Challenging Rashes

Dr. Lawrence F. Eichenfield is Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego, Vice Chair of the Department of Dermatology, and Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, was a pediatric resident and Chief Resident at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and completed his dermatology residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. 

Jerome Front, LMFT
Jerome Front, LMFT
" Mornin g Mindfulness "
Please join us for a deeply peaceful, and instructive way to start your day.   Experienced Mindfulness teacher Jerome Front, LMFT, will be guiding us in a down-to-earth, and practical experience of mindfulness.   This guided meditation will provide you with a useful, mind-body process that you can use beginning today for relaxation and to manage stress. This session can also serve as a foundation for your clinical understanding and application.  

Jero me  is a year-round Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University, a faculty position he has held since 1999, where he developed the "Mindfulness & Psychotherapy" Graduate Course. Jerome has taught two weekly meditation classes and maintained a clinical private-practice in Studio City since 1994. In 1995, he established and began facilitating the experiential training method called the "Mindful CEU Retreat Workshop" for helping professionals and educators in Los Angeles.  

Visit the conference page on our Website

CDC Updates & LAHAN Alerts
Join the CDC Listserv
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is happy to offer a free email subscription service, which allows CDC.gov users to receive alerts by e-mail when new information is available. With a subscription profile, you get the updated information on the items of interest to you automatically without having to return to the Web site and check for changes. Click to Subscribe 

Join the LAHAN Listserv  
To receive communications from the Health Alert Network, Sign-up here.
It takes less than two minutes to sign up.  
Visit the LAHAN website.

Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news that you would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.


Advertise in Our Newsletter

AAP-CA2 invites you to advertise in our newsletter
AAP-CA2 publishes its electronic newsletter, Peds@CA2, which is emailed to its 1,700+ members on the first weekend every month. Chapter members and non-profit organizations receive a 50% discount. Please follow the link below for more information.

For advertisement rates and guidelines, please   click here.
If you are interested in advertising, please  email the Chapter.
Charitable Donations
AAP-CA2 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please consider a tax-deductible charitable donation to one of our many programs
  • The Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to exceptional high school students each year.
  • The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring, which awards scholarships to pediatric residents for outstanding research projects. 
  • The S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, which helps sponsor a portion of our annual Advances in Pediatrics Conference in his honor.

AAP-CA2 Video: We Are The AAP-CA Chapter 2 -  2016

Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at  http://aapca2.org/