2017 - April Edition
Edward Curry, MD, FAAP   President, AAP-CA2
Welcome to the April 2017 edition of our monthly e-Newsletter.

The AAP at the National, State, and Chapter level, along with a coalition of Healthcare organizations, were involved in an All Out Advocacy Campaign against the American Healthcare Act (AHCA). The AHCA would have endangered the healthcare of children. This campaign was Advocacy at its finest.  The AAP would like to thank all those pediatricians who called, email, or tweeted to prevent the passage of the AHCA. The AAP will continue to protect the Healthcare rights of all children. 
On April 4 we had the AAP-CA State Legislative Day in which 36 Pediatricians took to Sacramento to advocate for children. Please see the highlights and pictures below.
On March 25 I was privileged to be a panelist at the Inaugural Primary Care Summit at the UC Riverside Medical School. Alexandra Clark, MD, FAAP and I talked to first and second year medical students about the practice and joys of Pediatrics. The goal of this Summit was to inspire the next generation of physicians to go into primary care.
On April 1, we kicked off our Chapter Quality Network (CQN) Immunizations Project with Learning Session One.  We have 11 practices involved in improving their practice immunization rate of children 19 to 35 months. These Pediatricians will be receiving 50 MOC Part 4 credits at the end of this CQN project. At this CQN learning session we had 4 Pediatricians from the Japanese Pediatric Society who were guest of the AAP.  Japanese Pediatricians wanted to learn how we utilize Quality Improvement Processes to improve medical care.
Finally, in case you haven't heard the news, we have been approved for MOC Part 2 credit for our Advances in Pediatrics Symposium. In addition to 7.5 CME, you also get 7.5 MOC Part 2. I encourage everyone to join us on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Advocacy issues will be discussed, as well as workshops on how Pediatricians can be advocates for children.
Thank you again for supporting our Chapter. 
Edward Curry M.D.  F.A.A.P
President, AAP-CA2

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Member Spotlight
David Schonfeld, MD, FAAP
Zika: Ten Tips for Pediatricians Supporting Families -  Video

Pediatricians are learning more about Zika virus at the same time as their patients may be coming to them with questions. In this video, David Schonfeld, MD, FAAP, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and director of the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement (NCSCB) at the University of Southern California, provides 10 tips for pediatricians to consider when speaking with their patients who may have a child with Zika virus syndrome, or are worried about possible infection in their unborn child.

You may also be interested in Pediatrician Advice for Families.
Annual Leadership Forum (ALF) 2017
District IX Chapter Forum Management Committee Report
Paula Whiteman
Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
Annual Leadership Forum (ALF) 2017
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
CFMC Representative, AAP-District IX  
Immediate Past President, AAP-CA2 

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Annual Leadership Forum (ALF) took place in Schaumburg, Illinois from March 9 to 12, 2017. The voting member attendees included the president and vice president from each of the 66 chapters, as well as the chairperson of each committee, council, and section. The District Chairs, District Vice Chairs, chapter executive director, and members of each district's National Nominating Committee were present, although, as non-voting members. Members of the AAP staff from both the Chicago and Washington, DC, offices attended as well. The voting members are those that vote to either adopt or not adopt a particular resolution and then, at the end of the conference, rank the resolutions for top 10 consideration.  Read Full Article...

Representatives from all four California Chapters

Members in action: Dr. Yasuko Fukuda and Kris Calvin during the District IX breakfast; Dr. Edward Curry casting his vote; Dr. Dean Jacobs discussing with Dr. Stuart Cohen;  Dr. Mitchell Goldstein speaking on behalf of a Resolution

Kris Calvin addresses members of all four California Chapters during the District IX breakfast. Every District met at 7 am before the group sessions. Dr. Alice Kuo and Dr. Edward Curry speak on behalf of a Resolution. AAP President Fernando Stein poses with Dr. Alice Kuo and Dr. Paula Whiteman.
Legislative Day 2017
AAP-CA Legislative Day - Chapter Representatives Met with Legislators in Sacramento

Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
CFMC Representative, AAP-District IX  
Immediate Past President, AAP-CA2 

On Tuesday, April 4, 2017, pediatricians, staff and volunteers from all over the state representing our district's four chapters converged in Sacramento, CA to meet with Assemblymembers and State Senators to discuss the agenda and priorities of the AAP-CA.

(Top) Advocates for Children in Sacramento, representing all four California Chapters. Everyone participated in educational sessions in the morning, followed by appointments with legislators in the afternoon. (Bottom left) Dr. Richard Pan receives the Inaugural AAP-CA Children's Champions Legislators Hall of Fame award, from left: Kris Calvin, AAP-CA CEO, Sen. Richard Pan, MD, FAAP; Jacques Corriveau, MD, FAAP, Chair of the State Government Affairs Committee; Stuart Cohen, MD, MPH, FAAP, District IX Chair; and Yasuko Fukuda, MD, FAAP, District IX Vice Chair. (Bottom right) From left, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, CA2 President; Jacques Corriveau, MD, FAAP, Chair of the State Government Affairs Committee; and Dean Jacobs, MD, FAAP, CA-OC (Orange County Chapter) President.
The day started with basic housekeeping issues, such as discussing the AAP-CA top priorities.
With advocacy, it is important when speaking on behalf of the AAP-CA to be non-partisan, evidence-based, and team-based. Advocacy is about building relationships.
We had various guest speakers give presentations regarding their priorities, who also took questions from our group, including A ssemblymember Dr. Joaquin Arámbula, an emergency physician turned politician representing the Central Valley 31st district; chairs the Budget Subcommittee 1 on Health and Human Services and is Co-chair of the Select Committee on Health Care Delivery System & Universal Coverage, and  Assemblymember Shirley N. Weber, representing the 79th district, who chairs the Budget Subcommittee 5 on Public Safety.

State Senator Richard Pan was presented with the inaugural AAP-CA Children's Champions Legislators Hall of Fame. This honor will be presented based on the legislator's history of authoring at least 10 bills that advance the mission of the AAP-CA.
The top priorities for the AAP-CA include:
  • Universal Access to quality, comprehensive pediatric care in a medical home. This should include access to vaccines and behavioral and mental health treatment; and it should include access for every child in CA.
  • Fighting Childhood Poverty: Make sure that every child in CA grows up with the resources they need to live healthful lives.
  • Reducing Obesity & Food Insecurity: Increase access to healthful food and lifestyle choices for children and youth, in schools and at home, and reduce consumption of sugary drinks like soda.
  • Preventing Violence, Abuse, & Toxic Stress: Protect children from violence, neglect and abuse, bullying, human trafficking, discrimination, and other cause of toxic stress.
  • Marijuana Use: Ensure marijuana regulations are aligned with those of tobacco to prevent children and youth from using or accessing marijuana products.                                 

(Top left) From left,  Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, AAP-CA2 President; Assemblyman Jay Obernolte, 33rd Assembly District; and Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP, AAP-CA2 Area Representative in San Bernardino - High Desert. (Top right) From left, Grant Christman, MD, FAAP, AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large; Colin L. Robinson, MD, MPH, FAAP, AAP-CA2 advocacy representative; and Assemblymember Patrick O'Donnell, District 70. (Bottom Left) Assemblymember Laura Friedman, District 43; (legislative aide not seen), Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP, AAP-CA2 Past President; Grant Christman, MD, FAAP, AAP-CA2 Member-at-Large; Dana Anderson, Advocacy volunteer (Dr. Whiteman's daughter); and Christine Thang, MD, FAAP, District IX Resident Representative. (Bottom right) Senator Anthony J. Portantino, Senate District 25; Tomás Torices, MD, AAP-CA2 Executive Director; and (sitting) Christine Thang, MD, FAAP, District IX Resident Representative.

Quality Improvement - Initiatives That Improve Patient Care - 50 Points MOC Part 4

11 Practices Engage in New Quality Improvement Project.

Thirty providers from eleven practices attended the Chapter Quality Network Learning Session 1 for the Quality Improvement Project aimed at improving all immunizations in children under 2 years of age. The event took place at the Shakespeare Club of Pasadena, under the leadership of the National QI Team. Participating providers wil earn 50 points of MOC Part 4 credit in a yearlong project aimed at improving the rates of Childhood Immunization Status - Combination 3.

Participants practiced the basic principles of Quality improvement by obtaining baseline and subsequent data on the time required to put together a disassembled Mr. Potato Head. Lead by the National Team, practices exercised the Model for Improvement by implementing PDSA Cycles (Plan - Do - Study - Act).
Based on a simplistic problem, these exercises will serve as a strong foundation when dealing with real life QI challenges.

Practices were organized in Teams. Everyone had a role with a goal in mind. All practices shared their findings making the learning session dynamic, interesting, and most importantly fun.

Above, attendees representing eleven practices at the All Immunizations Quality Improvement (QI) Project Learning Session 1 at the Shakespeare Club of Pasadena on April 1, 2017.
Below, QI leadership with representatives from the Japan Medical Society.

In The Community
March 25, UCR School of Medicine - Primary Care Summit
The University of California Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine held the Inaugural Primary Care Summit on March 25, 2017. Students met local physicians and practiced procedures and clinical skills including thoracentesis, suturing, vaccinations, nexplanon implant, IUD placement, and heart sounds.
AAP-CA2 president, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP was invited as a panelist to speak on behalf of pediatricians. Dr. Curry spoke about pediatrics as a career, emphasizing on the impact of State and Federal advocacy on population health.

Participating in the panel, from left: Edward Curry, MD, FAAP; Dr. Roy Kim; Dr. Arnold Gass; and Dr. Alexandra Clark, MD, FAAP.

The University of California, Riverside, School of Medicine is one of six University of California medical schools in the state of California. It enrolled its first class in 2013.

7.5 CME ... 7.5 MOC Part 2

In Just 2 Weeks!

Advances in Pediatrics Symposium 
Saturday, April 22, 2017  at the Sheraton Universal Hotel

MOC Part 2 + Mindfulness + 6 Speakers + 3 Breakout Topics 
2 Resident Presentations + 8 Poster Presentations

Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD
Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD
Lecture:  Atopic Dermatitis.
Breakout:  Challenging Rashes

Dr. Lawrence F. Eichenfield is Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego, Vice Chair of the Department of Dermatology, and Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, was a pediatric resident and Chief Resident at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and completed his dermatology residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. 

Tracy Zaslow, MD, FAAP, CAQSM
Tracy Zaslow, MD, FAAP, CAQSM
Lecture: Keeping Your Head in the Game: Update on Concussion in the Young Athlete.
Breakout: Concussion: Evaluation Pearls for the Pediatric Practitioner.

Tracy Zaslow, MD is the director of the Sports Concussion Program and medical director of the Sports Medicine Program at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. She is Board-Certified in pediatrics, and also fellowship- trained, with board certification in sports medicine. Her clinical interests include a spectrum of orthopaedic and medical cond itions affecting young athletes, including sports-related concussion, overuse injuries and injury prevention.

Dr. Zaslow, a team physician for the L.A. Galaxy soccer team, understands the goals and challenges faced by young athletes because, like her patients, she grew up playing sports and still remains active in tennis, volleyball, running, hiking, yoga, skiing and much more.

Kris Calvin, CEO, AAP-CA

Kris Calvin, CEO, American Academy of Pediatrics, CA. Economist. Political Mystery Author
Lecture: Advocacy for Pediatricians in the Era of Trump.
Breakout: Advocacy 101 for Pediatricians.

Kris Calvin is a past local elected official who knows politics from the inside out. She's been honored for her advocacy on behalf of children by the California State Assembly and the California Governor's Office. Kris' education includes degrees from Stanford and UC Berkeley with training in economics and forensic psychology.  More than a decade of work with state legislators and bureaucrats provides Kris with ample experience advocating for children and the interests of pediatricians. 

S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture Series

Wilbert Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Wilbert Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Lectures:  Kawasaki Disease & Vaccine Hesitancy

Dr. Mason is an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Disease at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. He was Head, Division of Infectious Diseases for 9 years ending in 2011. His research focus has been in Kawasaki disease and, more recently, the implementation of evidence based medicine through the use of clinical practice guidelines in the hospital setting. He has also been active in the study and promotion of medical safety in pediatrics and served as the Chief Medical Quality Officer at CHLA until 2011. He participated in the Child Health Accountability Initiative of the Child Health Corporation of America since its inception in 1997 and was Co-Medical Director in 2001-2003. He is a Past-President of AAP-CA2 and currently serves as co-chair of the State Government Affairs Committee of AAP-CA (District IX). He serves on the California Immunization Coalition Board of Directors and is the Incoming President. Dr. Mason was awarded the Watanakunakorn Clinician Award from the Infectious Disease Society of America, ID Week 2016.

Stephanie Marcy, PhD
Stephanie Marcy, PhD
Psychologist/Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). 
Lecture:  The Forgotten Child

Stephanie Marcy received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Boston University in 1998, where she received extensive training in clinical intervention and assessment with children, adolescents, and adults with mild to severe psychopathology. Upon finishing her degree, she moved back to Los Angeles to pursue a two-year post-doctoral fellowship at CHLA, with a strong emphasis on trauma work - mostly sexual abuse of young children. After completing the fellowship, she joined the faculty at CHLA, and a couple of years later, the faculty of USC Keck School of Medicine, where she has been since. Currently, she works within the General Pediatrics Division and the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), and is a member of the Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics faculty. Dr. Marcy provides individual and family therapy for children with a multitude of presenting clinical and developmental conditions, many with comorbid medical conditions.


Jerome Front, LMFT
Jerome Front, LMFT
" Mornin g Mindfulness "
Please join us for a deeply peaceful, and instructive way to start your day.   Experienced Mindfulness teacher Jerome Front, LMFT, will be guiding us in a down-to-earth, and practical experience of mindfulness.   This guided meditation will provide you with a useful, mind-body process that you can use beginning today for relaxation and to manage stress. This session can also serve as a foundation for your clinical understanding and application.  

Jero me  is a year-round Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University, a faculty position he has held since 1999, where he developed the "Mindfulness & Psychotherapy" Graduate Course. Jerome has taught two weekly meditation classes and maintained a clinical private-practice in Studio City since 1994. In 1995, he established and began facilitating the experiential training method called the "Mindful CEU Retreat Workshop" for helping professionals and educators in Los Angeles.  

Visit the conference page on our Website

Please help by completing this Survey.
Adolescent Sexual Health Survey for Pediatricians

Christopher Prestel, MD, FAAP
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellow, PGY-5
Emory University is conducting research on HIV prevention in adolescents and is looking to recruitpediatric infectious diseases providers and general pediatricians for a brief (5-7 minute) online survey.   Your response will help researchers understand what the current practices are for HIV prevention among high-risk adolescents. 

The short survey is anonymous and closes on June 30th, 2017.  For questions or concerns, please contact co-investigator Christopher Prestel at cpreste@emory.edu

The survey may be found here or by going to the following address: https://redcap.choa.org/redcap/surveys/?s=998NJE7LWX

Save The Dates!
Saturday, May 20, 2017 in Los Angeles

2017 Los Angeles County Disaster Healthcare Volunteers-Surge Unit Conference

A half-day event to be held at Luminarias Restaurant on Saturday, May 20th, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.  Please arrive at 7:00 a.m. to register, enjoy a free breakfast, and meet other Surge Unit volunteers. Free parking is also available.
Registration - Click to Print the Flyer
Registration is required to attend the conference. Please RSVP by Tuesday, May 9th. The first 100 people to register will receive a free LA County Surge Unit shirt! Shirts and jackets are also available for purchase.

Please click on the link to register

If you have any questions or problems registering, please contact the Surge Unit office at (562) 347-1649 or surgeteam@dhs.lacounty.gov

Tuesday, June 13, 2017 in Woodland Hills -  Town Hall / Dinner Meeting
Ken Saul, MD, FAAP Member-At-Large AAP-CA2

Please join AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large Ken Saul MD, FAAP as he hosts an evening of professional development at Maggiano's.

Topic: P revention of SIDS and Post Partum Depression

Speaker: Harvey Karp, MD

Date: June 13, 2017 at  6:30 PM. Please note: This is on a Tuesday.
LOCATION: Maggiano's of Woodland Hills.

RSVP: Please email Dr. Ken Saul  to save your seat.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 in Oxnard -  Town Hall / Dinner Meeting
Melissa Ruiz, MD, MPH, FAAP

Please join District IX Early Career Physician Representative, Melissa Ruiz, MD, MPH, FAAP for a Town Hall on Developmental Screening Resources.

Sponsored by Help Me Grow Ventura County, Dr. Ruiz will be presenting on the evidence for developmental screening, trauma screening and screening for unmet social needs. 

Over 10 community organizations to which providers can refer when they identify something on the screening will be in attendance and be available to answer questions. 

Four of these organizations will speak about how to most effectively refer patients to them.

We were hoping to have this earlier, but given the number of organizations we will be coordinating, we needed to push it back a bit to Wednesday June 21st, 6pm at the Tri-Counties Regional Center Conference Room in Oxnard.

Date: June 21, 2017 at  6:00 PM. 
LOCATION: Tri-Counties Regional Center Conference Room in Oxnard.


CDC Updates & LAHAN Alerts
Join the CDC Listserv
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is happy to offer a free email subscription service, which allows CDC.gov users to receive alerts by e-mail when new information is available. With a subscription profile, you get the updated information on the items of interest to you automatically without having to return to the Web site and check for changes. Click to Subscribe 

Join the LAHAN Listserv  
To receive communications from the Health Alert Network, Sign-up here.
It takes less than two minutes to sign up.  
Visit the LAHAN website.

Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news that you would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.


Advertise in Our Newsletter

AAP-CA2 invites you to advertise in our newsletter
AAP-CA2 publishes its electronic newsletter, Peds@CA2, which is emailed to its 1,700+ members on the first weekend every month. Chapter members and non-profit organizations receive a 50% discount. Please follow the link below for more information.

For advertisement rates and guidelines, please   click here.
If you are interested in advertising, please  email the Chapter.
Charitable Donations
AAP-CA2 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please consider a tax-deductible charitable donation to one of our many programs
  • The Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to exceptional high school students each year.
  • The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring, which awards scholarships to pediatric residents for outstanding research projects. 
  • The S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, which helps sponsor a portion of our annual Advances in Pediatrics Conference in his honor.

AAP-CA2 Video: We Are The AAP-CA Chapter 2 -  2017

Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at  http://aapca2.org/