2016 - June Edition
Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP 
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC
Welcome to the June 2016 edition of our monthly e-Newsletter.
As my AAP-CA2 presidency comes to a close, I would like to reflect on our 2014-2016 accomplishments and thank you all for your tremendous support.
Where has the time gone? Over a decade ago, I timidly went to my first AAP-CA2 Board of Director's meeting as the co-chair of the Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Then president Elliot Weinstein, MD, FAAP and VP Al Lieberthal, MD, FAAP could not have been more welcoming. My late mother, pediatrician Dr. Shirley Whiteman, was very involved and under her tutelage, so was I. At a Palms Springs meeting, I was embarrassed when she pulled then president Dr. Lieberthal aside to discuss my involvement. I could not have imagined then, where I would be now. I only wish that she had lived to see it. 
I appreciate the mentorship provided by them as well as the other past presidents during my BOD tenure, Dr. Bill Mason, Dr. Mary Doyle, Dr. Laura Mabie, and Dr. Helen DuPlessis.
Over a decade ago, our daughter, Dana, bravely and successfully fought a battle with Wilms Tumor. She has blossomed into a beautiful young lady, who has volunteered at our recent AAP-CA2 CME conferences. Our son, Aaron, is finishing his second year of college at Caltech, in Pasadena. A little bit of trivia, his hair is longer than mine.
This brings us up to the present day.
Back when I took office almost two years ago, we made a commitment to sending out a monthly newsletter featuring articles of interest, highlights of chapter events including our Town Hall meetings, educational events, member highlights, opportunities for CME and/or MOC. The newsletter has blossomed over this time. It has been a lot of fun putting it together for you.
Our executive director, Dr. Tomás Torices was instrumental in updating our chapter's image with a new website, www.aapca2.org , as well as developing our member spotlight page complete with videos. There are links for our various programs as well as health advisory updates.  After a period of dormancy for many years, he was also able to update our chapter Facebook page .
For the last two years, we participated in the AAP chapter video contest. At the yearly AAP Annual Leadership Forum (ALF), both times our video entries were the first highlighted of only three shown. Dr. Torices was also responsible for the design concept and creation of all of our AAP-CA2 videos. Thank you to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine, for allowing us to film the video summation there. At ALF, our chapter presented many outstanding and highly ranked resolutions for consideration, from my 2014 number one resolution, to Dr. Cori Cross' number seven resolution in 2016.
Under the direction of AAP-CA2 past president, Dr. Helen DuPlessis, our Annual Southern California Postgraduate Pediatric Conference, "Advances in Pediatrics" was changed to a one-day local event as opposed to a weekend destination event. This and other changes over the last two years under the guidance of our CME Committee Chair, AAP-CA2 vice president Dr. Ed Curry, led the way to our conference becoming a success, allowing us to continue to make available CME and MOC in this format. We thank the Marcy Family Trust for their generous support and assistance as well as Dr. Bob Adler (1992-1994 AAP-CA2 president) with helping us to bring fantastic pediatric infectious disease experts to speak at our recently developed annual S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture Series during our CME conference.
Thanks to an energetic set of area representatives and members-at-large, the number of AAP-CA2 member networking events has increased spanning several of our counties. Any of you who have participated in any of these meetings know they are both fun and informative.
2015 was a year of tremendous member engagement with the successful implementation of the AAP Chapter Quality Network Phase 4 (CQN4) Asthma project in five Counties. Funded by the National AAP, with the lead of Chris Landon, MD, FCCP, CDM, FAAP, and Allan Lieberthal, MD, FAAP, and Chris Harris MD, FAAP as the asthma expert, eleven practices improved optimal asthma care in their pediatric patients. This project brought together leadership and expertise from Cedars Sinai, Kaiser Permanente, Pediatric Diagnostic Center, and Ventura County Medical Center. Being recipients of a grant offered by the AAP, working with AAP leadership for a year, and serving our Chapter members with an opportunity to implement quality improvement while receiving CME and MOC Part 4 credit for their involvement, was an overwhelming accomplishment.
Other programs include our high school Medicine - Biological Sciences Scholarship awards, in its 19th. year under the leadership of Ed Curry, MD, FAAP, rewarding outstanding students who express an interest in the medical/biological sciences field.
The LA County Pediatric Surge Plan Project, under the auspices of our Disaster Committee Chair, Dr. Millicent Wilson, caught the eye as a model project by the AAP.
We joined the other AAP-CA chapters under the guidance of AAP-CA CEO Kris Calvin, MA combining advocacy efforts and participating in annual AAP-CA legislative days in Sacramento, CA.
For the last two years, we were awarded the Chapter of Excellence Award for a Very Large Chapter by the AAP as well as many of our chapter members receiving Special Achievement Awards, such as Dr. Cori Cross and Dr. Tracy Zaslow for Fit to Play and Learn, a program that they started.
As a result of all these accomplishments, our chapter membership has increased, especially amongst our chapter affiliates and FAAP members. Welcome!!
We are pleased to announce the results of our election and welcome our new slate of officers for the 2016-2018 Executive Board and Members-at large, who will take office following our June Board of Directors meeting after it concludes on June 22, 2016.

We would like to thank the AAP-CA2 Nominating Committee, chair Dr. Helen DuPlessis, Dr. Laura Mabie, and Dr. Mary Doyle for their input and guidance developing the candidate slate for our recent election.

Thank you to our outgoing 2014-2016 Board of Directors, executive officers, area representatives, and members-at-large, for all their contributions and support during the past two years. (click to view the 2014-16 officers)
With that I would like to personally thank the AAP-CA 2 2014-2016 executive board for all their support and hard work, in particular AAP-CA2 VP Dr. Ed Curry, AAP-CA2 secretary Dr. Chris Landon, AAP-CA2 treasurer Dr. Alice Kuo, and AAP-CA2 immediate past president, Dr. Helen DuPlessis as well as the AAP-CA leadership, District Chair Dr. Stu Cohen and DVC Dr. Yasuko Fukado, and AAP-CA CEO Kris Calvin.

Thank you to the 2014-2016 Area Representatives: Kern County, John Digges, MD, FAAP; Riverside County, Tim Watson, MD, FAAP with alternate Faize Mustafa-Infante, MD, FAAP; San Bernardino High Desert Area, Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP, San Bernardino County, Mitchell Goldstein, MD, FAAP; Santa Barbara County, Brian D. Santacrose, MD; Ventura County, Teresa Sheahan, DO FAAP.  The 2016-2018 AAP-CA2 Area Representatives slate will be appointed by the incoming AAP-CA2 president, AAP-CA2 VP Ed Curry, MD, FAAP, after he takes office at the end of the month. That announcement will follow accordingly.  
Congratulations to the newly elected 2016 - 2018 Board of Directors, all of whom will take office at the culmination of our Board of Directors meeting, on June 22, 2016:
Executive Officers: Edward Curry, MD, FAAP as he transitions into the role of AAP-CA2 President; Alice Kuo MD, FAAP as our new AAP-CA2 vice-president; Susan Wu, MD, FAAP as AAP-CA2 secretary; Cori Cross, MD, FAAP as AAP-CA2 treasurer. 
Members-At-Large: All of our candidates were exceptional, resulting in a virtual tie . Without violating our chapter by-laws, congratulations to all of the candidates who will assume the position of member-at-large at the end of the month:
Since our last newsletter, we have had two exciting Town Hall events. Please scroll down to see more about them.

Our feature article is on t he use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease, written by  Ashley Wachsman, MD, and co-authored by Namita Singh, MD and Cindy E. Kallman, MD.
  • June 8 - Town Hall in Santa Barbara, with host, AAP-CA2 Santa Barbara area representative Brian Santacrose, MD.
  • June 15 - Town Hall in Woodland Hills, with host, AAP-CA2 member-at-large Ken Saul, MD, FAAP.
  • June 24 - Clinical Insights in Cystic Fibrosis
  • June 28 - Foster Care and Adoption Committee Meeting.
Steve Feig, MD, FAAP, recipient of the 2015 Community Pediatrics Career Achievement Job Lewis Smith Award and 2002-2004 AAP-CA2 president, is running as our candidate for the AAP-CA National Nominating Committee in the upcoming national AAP election in the fall. Please remember to give him your support.

Please see our link to our donor wall, as well as our Member Spotlight page highlighting some of our members. 
Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your 2014-16 AAP-CA2 Chapter president these past two years. I look forward to transitioning into the role of AAP-CA2 past president and to continue working with AAP-CA in my role as District IX Chapter Forum Management Committee representative.

As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.


Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
President, AAP-CA2
Representative, AAP-District IX CFMC

Please visit us on the web:  aapca2.org

Feature Article
The use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease.
Ashley Wachsman, MD ;  Namita Singh, MD ; Cindy E. Kallman, MD

Ashley Wachsman, MD  

Namita Singh, MD
Cindy E. Kallman, MD
A few years ago, a prominent pediatric gastroenterologist asked me to get involved with a project involving ultrasound of the small bowel in children with Crohn's Disease. Crohn's disease, an autoimmune condition of the gastrointestinal tract, may affect any part of the GI tract, and 80% of pediatric patients have ileal involvement. I was initially a bit pessimistic about the ability of ultrasound to image the small bowel reliably.

Addressing Developmental Delays in LA County

Help Me Grow - New Partnership 

A new partnership between First 5 LA, L.A. Care Health Plan, L.A. County Department of Public Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics - CA Chapter 2, got on its way during a Convening on May 20th. The kick-off event, Improving Developmental Outcomes For Young Children in Los Angeles, was attended by over 100 representatives from health care agencies in Los Angeles County.

In conjunction with our partners, AAP-CA2 has made a commitment to ensuring the best possible developmental outcomes for children by building a Help Me Grow system for Los Angeles that supports families in identifying developmental delays and accessing services as early as possible. Both leadership council and workgroup meetings will begin in the Summer.

(Bottom row, from left) Whit Hayslip, Former Assistant Superintendent, Early Childhood Education, LAUSD; Terri Delgadillo, Formed Director, California Department of Developmental Services; and Edward Curry, MD, FAAP, Vive President, AAP-CA2


ATS 2016 San Francisco

Poster Presented by Dr. Christopher Landon, MD, FCCP, CDM, FAAP

AAP-CA2 Secretary and CQN4 Asthma Physician Lead, Christopher Landon, MD, FCCP, CDM, FAAP,  presented a poster at the 2016 American Thoracic Society (ATS) in San Francisco, on Sunday, May 15th. The poster, presented under the category of  PEDIATRIC ASTHMA: PREDICTORS AND OUTCOMES, depicted the outcomes of the Chapter's yearlong project aimed at improving the percentage of children receiving Optimal Asthma Care within AAP-CA2 practices. Congratulations Dr. Landon!

HPV Quality Improvement Training

Statewide Quality Improvement Project

Do you see adolescents in your practice? AAP-CA2, along with the other three CA Chapters, is in the planning phase of a quality improvement project aimed at improving HPV vaccination rates. This will be an opportunity to obtain MOC Part 4. Please contact the chapter if you are interested. More details will be announced shortly. Please visit our website for up-to-date updates.

(Bottom, from left) AAP-CA (District IX) CEO, Kris Calvin, MA, and District IX Chair, Stu Cohen, MD, FAAP, introduce the new HPV collaborative in which all four California chapters will participate. Quality Improvement consultant, Laura Noonan, MD, FAAP, presented the QI methodology and implementation strategy to all attendees.

California Chapters organized into groups to initiate their respective HPV QI implementation plans. The CA2 QI Team (from left) is made up of Ozlem Equils, MD, FAAP; Gifty-Maria Ntim, MD, MPH, FAAP; Melissa J. Ruiz, MD, MPH, FAAP; Ed Curry, MD, FAAP; Megha Shah, MD, FAAP (not pictured); and Tomas Torices, MD.

Recent Town Halls

May 18, 2016 AAP-CA2 Town Hall in Studio City
CHLA logo
Hosted by AAP-CA2 Members-At-Large Cindy Baker, MD, FAAP, and Daniel Bruckner MD, and sponsored by Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), pediatricians met at Bistro Garden, in Studio City, for an evening focused on  Orthopedics for the General Pediatrician with speakers Rachel Goldstein, MD, MPH  &  Curtis Vandenberg, MD, pediatric orthopedists from CHLA. Also in attendance was Daniella Brown, PT, MPT, who shared information regarding pediatric physical therapy referral services.

(Left) Hosts, Daniel Bruckner, MD, and Cindy Baker, MD, FAAP, presented speakers (Right) Curtis Vandenberg, MD and 
Rachel Goldstein, MD, MPH, both from CHLA.

(Top Left) Pediatric Physical Therapist, Daniella Brown, PT, MPT, presented the primary reasons for which children should be referred to such services. She may be reached at DaniellaBrownPT@gmail.com

June 2, 2016 AAP-CA2 Town Hall in Victorville
Hosted by San Bernardino/High Desert Area Representative, Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP, and sponsored by First 5 San Bernardino, local pediatricians met at Thai Dawn Bistro for an evening of learning and networking.

First 5 San Bernardino representative, Ruth Martinez, presented pediatricians with the opportunity to offer free books for children during every well child visit.  First 5 San Bernardino committed an investment of $250,000 to support San Bernardino County practices in making reading "doctor-recommended". In partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, California Chapter 2,  First 5 San Bernardino  offers physicians the opportunity to implement Reach Out and Read in their practices - distributing "FREE" books to children and valuable information to parents.  This opportunity is still open for all San Bernardino pediatricians. For more information, please contact Ruth Martinez, Staff Analyst II at (909) 252-4264.
(Top left) AAP-CA2 San Bernardino/High Desert Area Representative, Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP, welcomes attendees and introduces the first speaker (Bottom left) Ruth Martinez, from First 5 San Bernardino.

AAP-CA2 Treasurer, Alice Kuo, MD, PhD, Med, FAAP, enlightened the audience with her topic: The Social Determinants of Health, emphasizing that "you cannot address the health issues of a child, without addressing the existing social issues".
(Bottom left) AAP-CA2 Treasurer, Alice Kuo, MD, PhD, Med, FAAP, AAP-CA2 President, Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP, and AAP-CA2 Vice President, Edward Curry, MD, FAAP.

Coming Events - Save the Dates!
June 8, 2016. - Town Hall in Santa Barbara, with host, AAP-CA2 Santa Barbara Area Representative, Brian Santacrose, MD - Sponsored by AbbVie.
Brian Santacrose, MD
Santa Barbara Area Representative

Please join AAP-CA2 Santa Barbara Area Representative, Brian Santacrose, MD, as he hosts an evening of professional development and networking at Bouchon. Dr. Norman Lavin, MD, PhD, FACE, FAAP, will present on the diagnosis and treatment of precocious puberty.
Topic: Central Precocious Puberty
Speaker: Norman Lavin, MD, PhD, FACE, FAAP
Location: Bouchon (Restaurant) -
Time: 6:30 PM
RSVP: Please  email the Chapter to save your seat. 

June 15, 2016. - Town Hall in Woodland Hills, with host, AAP-CA2 Member At Large, Ken Saul, MD, FAAP - Sponsored by Alcon.
Ken Saul, MD, FAAP
Topic:  Treatment of Ophthalmic Allergies and Infection.
Speaker:  Raffi Tachdjian, MD, MPH 
Location: Roy's , on 6363 Topanga Canyon Blvd, in Woodland Hills. 
Please note: This is a  location change from the usual restaurant.
Time:  6:30 PM
RSVP: Please  email Dr. Ken Saul  to save your seat. 
Click to  View/Download Flyer


June 24, 2016. - Clinical Insights in Cystic Fibrosis: Treatment, Adherence and Infection Prevention - in Camarillo

Chris Landon, MD, FCCP, CDM, FAAP 
 Secretary, AAP-CA2

AAP-CA2 Secretary, Dr. Chris Landon, MD, FCCP, CDM, FAAP, invites you to attend an interactive CME accredited activity designed for the entire CF treatment team. The 
activity features a live interview with a CF patient (or parent), case studies and open discussion. The activity is designed to address evidence-based treatment approaches for minimizing and managing pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis. Family and patient counseling strategies as well as issues related to transitioning into adulthood will be explored with the goal of improving patient adherence as well as individual health outcomes.

Faculty:  Preston W. Arndt, MD - Associate Director Adult CF Clinic - Pediatric Diagnostic Center - Ventura County Medical Center


June 28, 2016. - Foster Care and Adoption Committee Meeting , with host, Janet Arnold-Clark, MD, FAAP

"The local chapter of the Council on Foster Care, Adoption & Kinship Care invites you to dinner and a facilitated discussion on identification and response to Commercially Sexually Exploited Children on Wednesday, June 29 at 6:30pm at La Serenata de Garbaldi (1842 E. 1 st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033). Dr. Susie Baldwin will join us to lead the discussion. Dr. Baldwin is the Associate Medical Director of the Los Angeles County of Public Health Division of HIV and STD Programs, and the President of the Board of  HEAL Trafficking . In addition, she ran a Trafficking Survivor Clinic in Los Angeles County for over seven years. Join us for an evening of good food and interesting conversation.
The cost of dinner will be shared between the attendees, with partial funding by AAP Chapter 2. Valet parking is available behind the restaurant (accessed through the alley just south of 1st Street) for a small fee. Please RSVP to Janet Arnold-Clark by phone (626) 862-1940 or email (jarnoldclark@gmail.com)."

April 22, 2017                                
Save The Date!


Training Opportunities
Sexual and Reproductive Health
California Family Health Council  
CFHC offers Sexual and Reproductive Health training opportunities. 
AAP-CA2 members can use the code AAP2016 when registering for any of the online courses or live webinars to receive 25% off. The code does not apply to in-person trainings or on demand webinars (which are only $10). The code is good until 12/31/2016. 

Please see below, or visit their website, CFHCLearning.org 

Featured Trainings
June 23
LIVE Webinar
More Perfect, Less Typical: Increasing the Effectiveness of Second Tier Contraception
This webinar will discuss how to help patients who choose second tier birth control methods (pill, patch, ring, shot) become more perfect users by fully discussing common mistakes and assisting them in making realistic and effective back-up plans. Register Now!

July 25 + 26
Los Angeles

Sept 19 + 20
Los Angeles

Family Planning Health Worker
Certification Training
2-day certification training for health care staff and educators who want to provide high-quality contraceptive counseling or education

"This is a very complete and interactive program. I highly recommend it to anyone who counsels others or teaches about birth control, STDs and sexual health."

Register for a course near you or book a private training for a group

New Online
Best Practices in Pregnancy Options Education*
Review interactive teaching techniques for pregnancy options education that school and community health educators can implement. Includes a comprehensive Educator's Toolkit with FREE lesson plans and resources plus free CEUs. Register Now!

Encouraging Family Communication About Healthy Sexuality*
On-going communication between parents and youth allows for more open and honest discussions about harm-reduction topics of STD, abuse and pregnancy prevention and a broader range of sexuality and relationship topics. This online course covers strategies for how educators can encourage family conversations about healthy sexuality. Includes free CEUs. Register Now!

*See other trainings in our new Course Catalog:
Recommended Courses for Sexuality + Health Educators and Teachers

Gender-Based Violence + STIs: Intersections and Implications for Providing Quality Clinical Care
This FREE on-demand webinar outlines the intersection of gender-based violence and STI/HIV transmission and describes how providers can respond to violence and support the safety of their patients through the use of evidence-based educational resources and harm reduction strategies. Watch Now!

LARCs and More: A Comprehensive Contraceptive Update
This on-demand webinar reviews the latest developments in contraceptive practice, including a description of FDA-approved methods and emergency contraception. It covers how to utilize a tiered effectiveness counseling approach when introducing patients to all of their contraceptive options in a time-sensitive manner. Watch Now!

CDC Updates & LAHAN Alerts
Join the CDC Listserv
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is happy to offer a free email subscription service, which allows CDC.gov users to receive alerts by e-mail when new information is available. With a subscription profile, you get the updated information on the items of interest to you automatically without having to return to the Web site and check for changes. Click to Subscribe 

Join the LAHAN Listserv  
To receive communications from the Health Alert Network, Sign-up here.
It takes less than two minutes to sign up.  
Visit the LAHAN website.

Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news that you would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.

If you are interested in advertising, please email the Chapter.


Charitable Donations
AAP-CA2 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please consider a tax-deductible charitable donation to one of our many programs
  • The Medicine-Biological Sciences Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to exceptional high school students each year.
  • The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring, which awards scholarships to pediatric residents for outstanding research projects. 
  • The S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, which helps sponsor a portion of our annual Advances in Pediatrics Conference in his honor.

New AAP-CA2 Video: We Are The AAP-CA Chapter 2 -  2016

Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at  http://aapca2.org/