Peace for NOLA East, Not the Violence of Abortion
First it was Planned Parenthood. Now it is Dr. Rashonda Dean.

In a city struggling to replace violence with peace, these actors are looking to sell an inherently violent procedure that intentionally ends the life of a living baby. And because of the unjust laws of our land, Dr. Dean will profit monetarily off her business, which will sell abortion and nothing else. In an area of New Orleans still recovering from Katrina, an abortion business in New Orleans East is not the way to help the community.

We must change the laws of our land, but we also need to change the perspective to equate the violence of abortion with violence outside the womb. As Alex Seghers, a member of our team, says on this Fox 8 New Orleans interview, "Abortion takes a human life." We cannot tire of sharing this basic truth with the citizens of our state and nation until every baby is protected.

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. Remember, if it wasn't for Louisiana Right to Life, this abortionist could go unopposed in New Orleans East. Become a member of our team and support our effort to defend life!
Take Action Now : New Abortion Facility Trying to Open in New Orleans East
Longtime abortionist Dr. Rashonda Dean, who has performed well over 15,000 abortions in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, is trying to open an abortion business, Deanz Health Care for Women, on Crowder Boulevard in New Orleans East. She has applied to the Louisiana Department of Health for an outpatient abortion facility license. Citizens must stand up and make their voices heard: No Abortion in New Orleans East!

NW La. Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast This Month
Have you registered yet for this month's first Northwest Louisiana Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast Aug. 23 at Broadmoor Baptist Church in Shreveport? If not, do so soon! The event is sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life. All proceeds will be used to expand our pro-life outreach in the Shreveport-Bosser region, especially the Louisiana Life March North.

S tudents from across the state are invited to the first Louisiana Right to Life PULSE Coffeehouse event Thursday, Aug. 2, at the LARTL state headquarters, 200 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans. The event is from 6-9:30 p.m. It will be a great time to reunite with old friends and make new ones!
The next edition of The Luminary will be hitting mailboxes this month. Are you a Luminary member? If not, please join our team today and help us defend life across Louisiana in classrooms, in the Legislature, and on the streets. You can help us in our fight to end abortion for as little as $25 a year!
St. Tammany Right to Life, along with Louisiana Right to Life, will host a Pro-Life Persuasion Crash Course on Saturday, Sept. 8 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Lakeshore Church in Covington. Attend and learn how to become a compassionate and compelling pro-life advocate from Ben Clapper, Louisiana Right to Life executive director.
New Orleans Pastor Jonathan Burton was guest speaker at Saturday's New Orleans East Dinner for Life, sponsored by Louisiana Black Advocates for Life and New Orleans Right to Life. A nice crowd attended to hear from pro-life leaders and learn more about the abortion facility, Deanz Health Care for Women, trying to open in New Orleans East.
40 Days for Life New Orleans will host a pre-campaign party on Thursday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m. at St. Angela Merici Church in Metairie. Dinner will be provided on a first come, first served basis. Guest speakers include Archbishop Alfred Hughes and the Rev. Kathy Baker of Metro Church. You don't want to miss this time of fun and fellowship in preparation of this year's 40 Days for Life campaign!
Louisiana Right to Life has produced 10 new "Life Minutes" audio tracks aimed at educating the public about pro-life issues. The ads will be played on area Catholic radio stations and will soon be available on LARTL social media platforms, including SoundCloud, and on the LARTL website. The second "Life Minute" has been released. Please listen and feel free to share it!
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1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife