Climate Collaborative Opposes Most Significant Assault on Cape Cod's Forested Land that Almost No One is Talking About
170+ acres of protected forest above the Upper Cape Water Supply to be clear-cut...for a gun range?
Did you know that a multi-purpose machine gun range (MPMG) is proposed to be located at Camp Edwards on Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC) on The Upper Cape Water Supply, to which the JBCC's own website refers as the "largest piece of protected, undeveloped land on Cape Cod?"
The project calls for 199 acres of land disturbance including the clear-cutting of 170+ acres of forested land to accommodate the gun range, "surface danger zones" where fired projectiles would land, and ancillary site elements such as roadways.
In a public comment letter to the project proponent, the Climate Collaborate has registered its unalloyed opposition to the project and the Environmental Assessment's (EA) premature and unsubstantiated findings of "No Adverse Environmental Impacts." While countless environmental issues and impacts were inadequately treated in the project's EA, the Climate Collaborative's position statement, aligned with its mission, focuses primarily on the inadequacies of the EA's treatment of climate change impacts, stating:
"....the Environmental Assessment and resulting Finding of No Significant Impact are fatally deficient. The proposed MPMG project will have significant climate change impacts, which while ignored in the (reports), must be identified, quantified and thoroughly analyzed with input from the affected public as required by the National Environmental Act (NEPA). Specifically, the EA: (1) fails to account for or quantify the obvious and foreseeable impacts stemming from the loss of carbon sequestration capacity in clear-cut forest areas; (2) lacks a cumulative impacts analysis; (3) avoids the robust alternatives analysis and mitigation assessment that would be required under an EIS; and (4) fails to involve the affected public in the process, ignoring the past environmental history of pollution at Camp Edwards where remediation is still ongoing."
Read more here for the Climate Collaborative's full comment letter and then, write your own! There's no time to waste.
Act Now
Write to Keith Driscoll at: to register your opposition to this massive deforestation proposal by Monday, September 7.