February 2020 Newsletter
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Welcome to February!
February is the month filled with holidays that focus on love and the heart. Some days to note are Valentine's Day, Send a Card to a Friend Day and Random Acts of Kindness Day. It is also Heart Month which is an important time to focus on your heart health. This February is extra special because it is a leap year.

42 million Americans listen to podcasts weekly, 
about 15% of the total US population

You receive:
  • An expert team with over 80 years of combined experience
  • Content development guidance, coaching - before, during and after the session
  • Monitor recording session and production and podcast completion
  • Uploading to a podcast network (Spreaker.com, Stitcher.com, iheartradio.com, and iTunes.com)
  • An MP3 podcast of the series for your website.
This package includes coaching, production, and delivery to iTunes and other podcast networks
Have your own podcast series description see here:

Podcast produced by Raskin Resources listen here:

Video testimonials from podcasters watch here:
Patricia Raskin Positive Living Show on VoiceAmerica.com in it's 18th year!
The program that helps you find answers to tough questions, turn obstacles into opportunities, and challenges into solutions. 
Listen Live, Online and On Demand:
Mondays 2:00 PMET - 3:00 PMET

Saturdays 3:00 PMET - 4:00 PMET

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Voice America Talk Radio, The Variety Channel

Mondays 2:00 PMET - 3:00 PMET
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Monday, February 3
voiceamerica.com - Variety Channel
2:00--3:00/PMET 11:00-12:00PMPT
Dr. Dudley Danoff
Ways Men Can Make 2020 
Their Healthiest, Sexiest Year Yet!

Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD is a urologist, author and graduate of Princeton University and Yale University Medical School. He is the urologist to many Hollywood stars and the recipient of national and international honors. With a new year comes a new opportunity to improve yourself, whether that means cultivating a stronger body, enhancing your skills as a lover, or both. Dr. Dudley Danoff will offer tips for staying in good health so you can be your best wherever you are. More about Dr. Danoff more about Dr. Danoff
Monday, February 10
 voiceamerica.com - Variety Channel
Suzanne Muller
Getting the Most from Love

Suzanne Muller is the owner of  Loveablize . She is a Speaker, Coach and Author of the book  Loveable,  21 Practices for Being in a Loving & Fulfilling Relationship.   She specializes in dating, being lovable from the inside out and healthy relationships. Whether you are single or in a relationship, Suzanne knows how to ensure your relationship is fulfilling, healthy and amazing. She will discuss getting the most from love in February, the month of the heart.  More about Suzanne Muller
Monday, Monday, February 17
voiceamerica.com - Variety Channel
2:00-3:00PMET/11:00-12:00PMP T
Erica Spiegelman
Rewired: New Approach to Addiction and Recovery

Erica Spiegelman is an author, recovery and wellness specialist, and motivational speaker who works with individuals, couples, and families on personal growth and overall wellness Erica is the author of the best-selling books Rewired: A Bold New Approach To Addiction and Recovery and The Rewired Life. She will discuss practical information and tips needed to rewire the brain and change habits for the better. More about Erica
Monday, February 24
voiceamerica.com - Variety Channel
Mary Foley
Woman in Charge, Bodacious! Ventures

Mary Foley is an author, business coach for women entrepreneurs, workshop facilitator, and host of the  P.O.W.E.R. Plug Podcast. Mary Foley revs up women entrepreneurs with the clarity, confidence, consistency and community to generate the revenue they really want. She will discuss what it really takes for entrepreneurs and small business owners to boost their business in 2020. More about Mary Foley
Positively Speaking
Working Through Love's Losses

For many Valentine's Day will be a day of flowers, beautiful cards, romantic gifts, and special words. For others, this is a day that doesn’t have those things because they have lost true love in their lives due to death, separation, divorce or other circumstances. Valentine’s Day can still be a special day for them. 
There were treasured moments in the good times and sometimes even in the challenging times. Love doesn’t disappear because the relationship is no longer active. Love remains in our hearts and minds. As the saying goes, “Love makes the world go ‘round.” Love can heal, love can bring joy, love can motivate, and love can also cause pain and grief. But love as well as pain is a great equalizer.   It knows no gender, status, or race. Love is part of the human condition and it makes life worth living.
Here are some positive things to do to work through love's. Make a list of what you loved in the relationship and a list of what you miss most about not having that person in your life.  Then review the list and think about each thing so that it becomes implanted in your mind. This can serve as part of your blueprint or wish list for the things that you know you want in a future relationship.  Next make a list of the things that did not serve you in the relationship, even if you were happy with the person. Note that those are the things that you would not choose again. Doing this gives you a fresh start into what you really want and really don’t in a relationship. You do not have to make any compromises here because you are creating it the way you want it before it happens.
I truly believe in love. Love brings you hope and with hope whatever you feel as a loss today can be a gain tomorrow. A quote by Thoreau sums it up, “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” Wish yourself and your former loved ones a Happy Valentine’s Day. Then toast to a positive future and buy yourself some roses!
Check out both of her Facebook pages:
@PatriciaRaskin   and  @PatriciaRaskinRaskinResources
Check out Patricia's videos on her website and on YouTube

View her podcasts of clients  Timothy Sweet,   Michelle Girasole, Kimberli Lewis, Jane McAuliffe, and Hilary Potts  on the iTunes App on RI Free Radio