
As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming Paths of Purpose Dinner on April 11, we at CrossWalk Center are privileged to share another inspiring story of transformation that underscores the impact of your support. Today, we spotlight the journey of Troy Rask, whose life story is a testament to the power of faith, community, and change.
From Shadows to Light: The Early Years of Struggle
Raised in a single-parent home, Troy and his brother navigated their childhood with little guidance, a situation that led Troy to drug use at the tender age of 13. This early experimentation with marijuana quickly devolved into a relentless cycle of addiction, arrests, and homelessness, ensnaring him in a life of despair. This destructive journey not only deeply affected Troy but also wrought significant strain on his family relationships, especially with his sons, robbing them of precious moments and the presence of their father.
The Turning Point: A Cry for Change
In a moment of despair, Troy reached a pivotal turning point. Overwhelmed by days of substance abuse, he found clarity and prayed for a way out of his 36-year battle with addiction. This prayer led to an arrest that shifted his path toward renewal. In prison, Troy turned to the scriptures for comfort, finding inspiration in Ephesians 5:18, which encouraged him to seek spiritual fulfillment over substance intoxication.
CrossWalk Center: A Path to Hope
After his release, Troy found refuge in CrossWalk Center's Men’s Discipleship Program, where he was warmly welcomed and given an opportunity to reconstruct his life. He became part of a nurturing community that fostered both his spiritual and personal development. Through the program's focus on life recovery, discipleship, and the pursuit of a meaningful relationship with God, Troy began to see a future filled with hope and purpose.
Paths of Purpose Dinner: Celebrating Transformations

The Paths of Purpose Dinner is more than an event; it's a celebration of life, recovery, and the miracles that unfold when we come together to support those on their journey to renewal. Troy's story, like many others, highlights the incredible work being done at CrossWalk Center and the real, positive changes happening every day.

We invite you to join us on April 11th to celebrate these stories of transformation. Your participation and generosity fuel our mission and enable us to continue providing a sanctuary for healing and growth. Together, let's celebrate the power of community, faith, and the journeys that bring us closer to our true purpose.
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I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
I was in prison and you came to me.
-Matthew 25:35-36