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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Pastoral letter from Fr Joseph: Judgment, Mercy & Reparation.


Beginning of our Precious Blood Rosary of Reparation at 6:30pm (except on Wednesdays which will be at 7pm). Fr Joseph will be leading this with some parishioners and friends of St Antoninus. Via Gotomeeting conference call. See below.
7Pm Holy Mass in lower church
In-person & via YouTube Live Stream
Go to YouTube and search: Saint Antoninus. Or click here for link.

8:15pm - Scripture Study
(Follow same Gotomeeting link above)


7pm - Precious Blood Rosary of Reparation
(Follow same Gotomeeting link above)

8:15pm- Charismatic Prayer Meeting (Youtube live-streamed_
See links below.

Last weekend of October
Oct 30 (FRI), Oct 31 (SAT) - Nov 1 (SUN), 2020
15th annual Real Love Ministries weekend conference: "Save your Family – Building Block of the Church (Act 16:31). More information below.

November 22, 2020
We will celebrate our Annual Thanksgiving Harvest on November 22, 2020 - in-person and online . More details below. 

  • Please consider making a sacrificial offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Links below. Thank you and God bless you.
  • You may pick up your Offertory Envelopes in the church entrance

Revised Schedule of Liturgies & Events (at the very bottom

Below: Fr Joseph's Pastoral Letter:
October 13, 2020


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:                                            
I send this pastoral letter out to you on the anniversary of the final apparition of Our Blessed Mother in Fatima. The content of the first part of this letter should not be shared with children.

It is with a heavy heart that I write the first part of this letter. I have outrage and also deep sadness over a blasphemous satanic act of pagan worship which recently took place on the main altar of a Catholic Church in Louisiana. This diabolical act involved a Catholic priest and two women prostitutes. There are no further details necessary, except to say that the bishop’s response was swift and thorough, and included the removal of any future ministry of the mentally deranged and demon “possessed” priest . The bishop’s response also included the actual burning a of the altar and its immediate replacement and subsequent consecration of the altar and the church which had been desecrated . May the Lord help the new administrator and the people of that parish to press on in the Lord.

This grave offense against God is one of many attempts of the evil one to mock the true sacrifice of Jesus Christ in Holy Mass and also to cause dishonor to the holy priesthood of Christ. This is also an attempt of the enemy of our souls to silence the teaching and preaching role of the Church in society. Truly, as Pope St Paul VI once said: “The smoke of Satan has entered the Church.” These are serious times requiring serious measures.

There are two words that the Spirit is stirring in my heart. As your parish priest I wish to share them with you.

The first is that we must do reparation. I’ll explain this in a moment.

Secondly, this latest scandal is part of a wave of revelations of sin which are a kind of peeling away of layers of filth that have seeped into the Church. The exposure of this evil is a painfully necessary part of the Lord’s purification of His Bride, to be ready for His coming.

 As Holy Scriptures say: “The time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)

We are also seeing a temporary loosening of the chains of the lawless one, as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved….
But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore we will continue to see a further revelations of sin and increased manifestations of the lawless one in society- until there will be what is sometimes called an illumination of hearts or consciences that we pray every person in the whole world will have before our individual judgement and/or before the Lord comes in glory (whichever comes first).

To know our sins (Come Holy Spirit!) and have the grace to repent of them is always a cause for rejoicing because of the abundance of God’s mercy for the sinner.

For this reason, this is not a time to delay repentance and conversion. For any sin that has not been repented of and confessed in the Sacrament will one day be revealed for all to see. This is a time of mercy, an opportunity for conversion before the time of judgment. This is where reparation comes into the picture.

What is reparation? Why do we need to even think about this if Jesus has already won salvation for us? How do we make reparation?

Reparation is love. An act of reparation is a prayer, devotion or sacrifice with the intention to repair and to “make up” for the sins of others and to bring consolation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Jesus certainly accomplished the work of our salvation on the Cross, but He chose to leave something yet to be completed in His sufferings by us, that is, through his Body the Church. As St Paul proclaimed: “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I fill up in my physical body–for the sake of His body, the church– what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ” (Col 1:24).

Jesus does not need us to add to His merits, but He wills to make use of us that He may increase our participation in his redemptive offering on the cross. “It is the duty of every Christian to make REPARATION because our Lord has willed it so” (Pope St John Paul II).

Reparation is an act of love for God to console the Heart of Jesus, that is so wounded by our sins. What we do is akin to what the angels did for the Lord in the garden of Gethsemane, and what his mother, the Beloved Disciple and Mary Magdalen did for Him (and John & Magdalen did for his mother) at the foot of his cross.

Reparation is an act of love for poor sinners, including our own family members, who are lost in their sins and cannot find their way out. When the Mother of God appeared in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 to three small children with a plea for prayer and penance, part of her message included the following warning:

“Pray, pray very much, make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell because there is no one to offer prayers and sacrifices for them.”

What Our Lady is asking for in this plea is reparation on behalf of sinners. She is asking that we do for them what her Son did for us. Our Blessed Lord took upon His shoulders the burden of our sins, and paid the price for them. We are not able to shoulder the whole burden, pay the whole price for the sins of others; but what little we can do we place in the hands of Our Blessed Mother. She can accomplish much towards lessening their debt of punishment, and opening their hearts to the healing and strengthening grace of God.

It is true that these souls have rejected the graces and inspirations offered them by God (perhaps we have done so as well), but Our Lady implies that many of them can be saved by the prayers and sacrifices of others, if among her children some are generous enough to put themselves out for this purpose. (Our Blessed Mother on Reparation, By Father Paul A. Duffner .)


The Angel of Fatima came to the three children of Fatima and taught them to make acts of Adoration and Reparation. He taught them by word and example to prostrate themselves before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to pray in this manner:
“O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for all the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the Infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of You the conversion of poor sinners.”

He then taught them to console their God by receiving Holy Communion as an act of Reparation. “Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly insulted by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.”. More

In light of both the brazen works of the devil and the grave and blasphemous sins of man, especially in recent times, as well as the prophetic words of Our Lady and recent popes, here at St Antoninus we will be doing the following:

1. Instituting a nightly conference call, Precious Blood Rosary of Reparation at 6:30pm (7pm on Wednesdays). See next section below,

2. Urging every person to make a weekly Holy Hour in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel or in the lower church. For now just call (except on Mondays) to enter either location or simply stay after a daily Mass. More details on hours will be available soon.

3. Take advantage of more times for Sacramental Confession:
-  Fridays & Saturdays: 11am-12noon & 3:30-4:30 in lower church
- Sundays in Main Church: 9am- 9:40am- in main church
 During all Confession times, there will also be EucharisticAdoration.

4. First Friday Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – 12
Noon & 7:30pm . This is followed by Alliance of Two Hearts Eucharistic Vigil (Communion of Reparation)- starts at 9pm.

5.  First Saturday Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: 12 Noon in lower church 
- First Saturday Reparation Prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 2pm

During this month of the Holy Rosary, please sign up to help lead one of the nightly rosaries or simply renew a habit of praying a daily rosary with your family. Come by yourself or with the entire family to Adoration & confession.

Jesus is and always will seated on his throne. He will sanctify his Bride, the Church. We are called to holiness and to intimacy with Him. We are also called to be his missionary disciples to bring His salvation to others. Let’s pray for one another that that Jesus may have his way in us and through us. May God bless you and your family, and may God bless St Antoninus Church.

In Jesus thru Mary
Fr Joseph A Meagher
Tonight @ 6:30 PM
Starting today, October 13!
The Precious Blood Rosary of Reparation

We just completed our 54 Day Novena Rosary last Wednesday. Fr Joseph would like to continue with our daily Rosary line (same time, same station). In response to our Lord's call for reparation prayers and in celebration of the Oct 13 last apparition of our Lady of Fatima, we are praying the Precious Blood Rosary of Reparation.

How to join conference call:
Enter thru link on your phone or computer:
Access Code: 151-245-877

Or use call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877
( The first one is the better way as you will see videos and graphics)

The Rosary is every night at 6:30 (except Wednesday’s which is at 7pm)
Tonight @ 7:00 PM

in the Lower Church Hall
In-person gathering & live-streamed on YouTube

NOTE: All our daily Masses are at 12 Noon, except on Tuesdays which is at 7pm.

For live streaming on YouTube, go to 
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church ( click on magnifying glass icon) or click below.
NOTE: After the Mass, exit YouTube and come back to same Rosary Conference Call for the Scripture Study.
Tonight @ 8:15 PM


Our Scripture Study is based on the readings for the upcoming Sunday Mass.

Our readings for tonight are for this Sunday's Mass readings: October 18, 2020, Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary time.

   Click here for the readings.

To join the conference call, use the same link as the Rosary link in previous section.
Tomorrow WED night

Precious Blood Rosary of Reparation at 7pm (conference call)

Followed by Charismatic Prayer Meeting - see below:
Join us tomorrow !
Charismatic Praise & Worship before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament

Every Wednesday night @ 8:15 PM
(Following Rosary & Litanies)

In-person gathering & via Youtube

St Antoninus Church (Lower Church Hall)
Enter on parking lot entrance

Music Ministry: Ken Julien
For YouTube live-streaming:
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church (Click on magnifying glass)

Or click on YouTube link:
Please subscribe to our channel. Thank you.
It is not too late to join! Every day until October 21, 2020

Prayers, worship & talks by anointed ministers of WORD: Rev. Joseph Meagher, Rev. Peter Okafor, Prof. Regina Ajemba, Bro Victor Newman, Bro John Paul Nwodo

Conference call details: 

OPTION 1: Call in
- Dial-in number (US): 7277313230 (No access code needed)

OPTION 2: Join via mobile app: 
- Step 1: Download app here:
- Step 2: Open the mobile app. You DO NOT need to create an account
- Step 3: Tap “Join” and/or “New”
- Step 4: Enter Meeting ID: divineadoration

OPTION 3: Join via computer browser:
Mark your calendar!
Saturday, October 31- Sunday, November 1
Last weekend of October!
Real Love Ministries invites all to the
15th annual Real Love Ministries conference

"Save your Family –
Building Block of the Church"
(Act 16:31)

Oct 30 (FRI)- 6pm- 10pm
Oct 31 (SAT) -12 Noon to 8pm
Nov 1 (SUN)- 12 Noon Holy Mass

Fr Boniface Anusiem, phD
Fr Bill Halbing
Bro. Uwakwe C. Chukwu, PhD

This will be an in-person gathering in the main church.
It will also be live-streamed on YouTube and on Zoom.

On Saturday, October 31, there will be an inauguration of the RLM board members.

All state and local Covid-19 precautions will be observed.

RSVP- call 9736096884

Please refer to the posted flyer above for more details.
Heads up, Saint Antoninus!
Our annual Thanksgiving Harvest is on Sunday, November 22!
We will give you more information in the coming days. At this time, we need volunteers to serve in the Harvest Committee.
Please contact Jude Anemelu at 973-735-8442
Please consider making a sacrificial offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!
3 simple steps for online giving!
Easy & Secure.
No need to go to the post office to mail.
P lease call 973-623-0258 (leave a message) if you. would like someone to walk you through.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103

Or you may also contribute thru the Archdiocesan initiative of GoFundMe:
Thank you and God bless you!
Our offertory envelopes are available for pickup anytime in the church entrances, and can be used for any Sunday or Holy Day.

However, if you prefer to have a set of dated envelopes for the year, please let the office know so we can give you the version with specific dates. Call the office at 973-623-0258 for more information.

Schedule of
Liturgies & Events
SUMMARY of our daily & weekly events
10 AM

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to 
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church ( click on magnifying glass icon)

Before Sunday Holy Mass, join us for Holy Hour:
Sunday Holy Hour
(Eucharistic Adoration)   
 9 AM

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church (click on magnifying glass icon)
DAILY MASS & Benediction
TUES at 7pm
WED, THU, FRI, SAT at 12 Noon

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass icon)
Note: NO in-person or live-streaming of Mass on Mondays
First Friday Mass-
in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
every First Friday of the month

Two Masses:
12 Noon & 7:30pm
Family consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 7:30 Mass.
Join us in-person or live-streamed

Following our First Friday Mass, we will have our Alliance of Two Hearts Eucharistic Vigil (Communion of Reparation). This will be from 9pm-12 Midnight and will be shared via conference call.
every First Saturday of the month at 3pm.

Come at 2pm for the First Saturday Reparation Prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At 3pm, Divine Mercy Chaplet, followed by the Healing Mass.
For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass icon)
Sunday: 9:00am - 9:45am
(Upper church)

Friday: 11am- 11:45am
(Lower church)

Saturday: 11am- 11:45am
3:30pm- 4:030pm
(Lower church)

or by appointment

Click here for preparation for Confession: EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE
Reparation prayers:
every night at 6:30 pm,
except on Wednesdays when it is at 7pm.

Conference call
To join the conference call, enter thru link on your phone or computer: 
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877
Tuesdays at 8:15 PM
Scripture Study wt Fr Joseph 

Please note! Before the Scripture Study, join us at our Rosary at 6:30pm (see previous )

We will be using the same conference call link as follows:

Conference call
To join the conference call, enter thru link on your phone or computer: 
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877
Wednesdays at 7 PM
Eucharistic Adoration with
Holy Rosary , plus Litanies

Conference call

To join the conference call, enter thru link on our phone or computer:  
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412 / Access Code: 151-245-877

This is followed by our Wednesday night Prayer Meeting . Exit the conference call and go to YouTube. See links, following:
Prayer Meeting - Adoration and Praise & Worship
on Wednesday 8:15 PM (following the Rosary Line)

In-person as well as live-streamed
For live streaming, go to    
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church ( click on magnifying glass icon
Divine Adoration PrayerMeeting  
Saturdays 3pm- 5pm
in church hall

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass )

- Midweek Prayer Meeting: Tuesdays at 6:30- 8pm
Dial-in number (US): (978) 990-540 .Access code: 169025#
Or: Enter Meeting ID: divineadoration
 Real Love Ministries  
Last Saturdays
at 5 pm

Meeting ID: 291 928 2319
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,2919282319# US (New York)
+13017158592,,2919282319# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
       +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
       +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 291 928 2319
Find your local number:
Men's Fellowship  
Every 3rd Friday of the month
7pm- 9pm

Adoration, Praise & Worship, Faith-sharing, Fellowship.

In-person gathering in the lower church

Call 973-623-0258 for more information."
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)