Vol. 38: No. 11 ~ March 13, 2023
Ministries Updates
Office of Safe Environment Program

Healing Mass for Survivors of Abuse
Once again, a Mass of Healing will be held for those who seek spiritual healing from abuse in all forms, including sexual, physical, or emotional, and for those who wish to pray
for victims/survivors of abuse, their family and friends. The Mass will be held on Saturday, April 29, 11:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Avenue North, St. Petersburg. The community is invited to participate.

During the Mass, those harmed by abuse are invited to call upon Jesus, the Good Shepherd, for comfort, peace and healing. Also, April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, where greater awareness of the prevention of all forms of child abuse is promoted through various educational and spiritual activities Opportunities for prayer with a priest or conversation with our Victim Assistance Coordinator, John Lambert, L.M.H.C., will be available following the Mass.

The Mass of Healing for Survivors of Abuse will be livestreamed at these links: dosp.org/livestreamYoutube.com/DioceseofStPete, and Facebook.com/DioStPete.
Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy

2022/23 Rice Bowl Mini Grants Recipients
The Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy is pleased to announce the following recipients
of the 2022/23 Rice Bowl Mini Grants, made possible by 25% of local Rice Bowl contributions retained for local use.

Congratulations to the following parishes and organizations: Nativity Catholic Church – Pastoral Care Ministries; Resurrection Catholic Church, St. Anthony’s Food Pantry – Filling the Gap; St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church – Table of Plenty; St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, St. Vincent de Paul Society – Pack a Sack Food 4 Kids; Catholic Charities Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center; Catholic Charities Food Pantry, Pasco County; Catholic Charities – Knights Women’s Center; St. Jerome Catholic Church Homeless Ministry – Eggcellent Devils; Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, St. Vincent de Paul – Pack a Sack Program.
Office of Vocations
For the Faithful Departed
Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers:

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
by the mercy of God, rest in peace!
Bulletin Announcements
View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
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Important Links
Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Morris
Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg